Smooth-haired dog breeds: description and nuances of care

Dogs are one of the earliest and most devoted friends of man from time immemorial to the present day. For many centuries of coexistence next to humans, four-legged assistants have acquired a large number of professions, ranging from the main hunting and guarding to the companion dog, and different species, differing not only in appearance and size, but also in the length of the coat. There are long-haired and short-haired individuals. Most often, the length of the dog's coat does not matter to the owner, because the character of the dog does not depend on it. But for some, it is very important how long the coat is, and what the possibilities for caring for it are.

Many future owners, considering the possibility of keeping a dog in a city apartment, opt for dogs with a short and smooth coat. The reason for this is the opinion that smooth-haired dogs shed less and do not leave so much hair on the upholstery and carpets, so they do not cause allergic reactions.
Unfortunately, this opinion is fundamentally wrong. The length and quality of the animal's coat does not affect the number of molts, so seasonal changes occur in both long-haired and short-haired dogs. The only difference is in the length of the hair that falls out. The density of the undercoat is much more important. Least of all, the hair is left on the things of the dog with a rare fluff or completely without it.
With regard to allergies, the same can be said: the negative reaction of the human body is caused not by the length of the dog's coat, but by the smell emanating from the animal.

What is really worth paying attention to when deciding which dog with what coat length is best to keep in an apartment is the possibility of caring for its fur coat.
Long-haired dog breeds, regardless of size, require more careful grooming., which includes frequent combing, taking a long time. If you are a busy person and don't have a lot of free time, then short-haired dogs are best for you.
There is a large selection of short-coated dog breeds that differ in size, character and purpose.

Small breeds and their description
Small dogs are best suited for living quarters.
The smallest and very brave Chihuahua dog in the world, originally from Mexico. The ancestors of this miniature dog were companions of man, accompanying him not only during life, but also after death. Modern representatives of the breed are also companion dogs and perform decorative functions. Many bohemians carry Chihuahuas with them, since the size of the dog allows it to comfortably fit even in a small handbag.
The weight of an adult Chihuahua ranges from 500 g to 3 kg, and the height at the withers is from 10 to 20 cm. Dogs of this breed have rather large erect ears, set high and wide, and large eyes without protruding. There are two subspecies of Chihuahua: short-haired and long-haired. The color of the dog can be any.
Chihuahuas are very mobile, curious, hardy, friendly to others and do not know what fear is.

The small companion dog, originally from ancient China, has become very popular due to its calm nature and cheerful disposition.
Short, from 28 to 32 cm, weighing from 6 to 8 kg, compact, with a proportional build, the dog has a short, soft and silky coat. Three color options are allowed by breed standards:
- black;
- silvery;
- yellow-fawn.

Light-colored dogs have a dark mask on a square, flattened muzzle with drooping ears and large bulging eyes.
Due to the peculiar shape of the muzzle, pugs have problems with the respiratory system., therefore, they must be protected from hypothermia and not overloaded with physical activity. These calm little dogs are perfect for those who cannot devote much time to long and active walks.
Obesity can be a particular problem for a sedentary dog, as pugs tend to obesity. Therefore, the pet's diet must be closely monitored.

French Bulldog
A strong, compact dog, whose ancestors were fighting dogs, retained from them a strong-willed character and some propensity for aggression. Therefore, if you decide to buy a French Bulldog, then you will need some time to properly raise the dog.
The size of a strong, with excellent reaction, the dog is small. The growth of adults varies from 27 to 35 cm in males, females are 3 cm lower, weight in the range of 8-14 kg.
The appearance of French Bulldogs resembles pugs and ignorant people often confuse them. But, unlike the pug, the bulldog has erect ears on a large head and a characteristic muzzle shape with a forked upper lip and a wide nose.

The coat of the Frenchie is thick, short, stiff, shiny, without down. Acceptable colors:
- reddish with or without tiger stripes and the presence or absence of white spots;
- brindle;
- pale yellow;
- black and brindle;
- white in combination with brindle, fawn or spotted.
By the nature of the bulldog, it is loyal to people, but it can show aggression towards other animals. The dog loves children very much, is easy to train, active and friendly. She is attached with all her heart to the owner and serves faithfully, courageously rushing to the defense, not looking at the size of the danger.
Because of the short coat, in cold weather it is necessary to put on overalls on the dog, but you cannot deprive the dog of walks. He needs daily active walks at any time of the year.
Also, you cannot leave the Frenchman alone for a long time, as he greatly misses the owner.

Miniature pinscher
Dwarf or miniature pinscher - a native of Germany with more than three centuries of history. Small dogs lived in stables, hunting various rodents and guarding property. Over time, small dogs moved into homes and became companion dogs.
The growth of an adult miniature pinscher or miniature pinscher is 25-30 cm, and the weight is from 4 to 6 kg. Six is smooth, shiny and snug against the skin. According to the standard, only two color options are allowed: red and black and tan. Due to the short coat, the dog must be protected from hypothermia.
A peculiarity of the Pinscher is his gait, when the movements of the front paws resemble those of a riding horse.

The overall impression of the Miniature Pinscher is refined elegance. But although the dog looks thin, its muscles are quite strong and do not create a feeling of weakness.
The Miniature Pinscher is quite active, quick-witted and easy to train. With the owner's family, the dog is quite playful, although somewhat restrained. He is wary of strangers, clearly showing his protective qualities.

Jack Russell Terrier
A burrow hunter, originally from England, the Jack Russell Terrier has not lost his hunting skills to this day. This breed was specially bred for hunting a burrowing animal, where the dog climbed entirely to drive out or grab the animal.
Today this small dog with a stiff short coat participates in the hunt not only for foxes and badgers, but also for hares and water rats. Farmers use the dog to keep rodents from damaging supplies and crops.

Small, 25–30 cm tall and 5–6 kg in weight, the dog is not only a wonderful hunter and reliable companion. It is an intelligent, trainable, agile and brave dog. Some use Russells as a guard dog: Jacks hear the slightest noise well and respond to it with a loud bark.
According to the color of the short coat, Jack Russells are white with red or black spots.

The Beagle dog, participating in more than a dozen films, attracted the attention of the audience not only by its appearance, but also by its cheerful, kind disposition, which is characteristic of this breed not only on the screen, but also in life.
The Beagle is a specially bred dog for hunting hares and rabbits. The birthplace of this miniature hound is England. Dogs of this breed have a very delicate sense of smell, so they are often used for drug hunting and surveillance.
Medium-sized smooth-haired dog has short and dense coat typical for hound colors. Height of an adult dog at the withers is from 33 to 40 cm, weight is from 9 to 14 kg.

A distinctive feature of the beagle is:
- the ability to bark loudly, loudly and melodiously;
- long soft hanging ears, the ends of which should reach the tip of a curious nose;
- obligatory white tip of the tail, regardless of the general color of the coat.
By the nature of the Bigley, they are very good-natured, trusting, sociable and energetic. The dog's curiosity leads to the fact that it cannot sit still and is quite capable of getting lost, rushing after the object that interested it. Therefore, you should not let your pet off the leash while walking.

In raising a puppy, it is worth being persistent and making it clear to him that the owner is more important than his desires. If this is not done, then the addicted nature and rather stubborn nature of the dog will lead to the fact that the dog will ignore orders.
A properly raised dog gets along well with children, gets along well with other pets, although occasionally it can show aggression towards strangers.
In keeping and caring for the beagle is unpretentious and very clean.Best of all, he will feel in a private house, where he will have a lot of free space for movement.

Smooth fox terrier
England, with its rich history, is rightfully considered the birthplace of most hunting dogs. Another native of this country is the smooth-haired fox terrier - a burrowing hunting dog designed for catching foxes, badgers, raccoon dogs and hunting rodents. The ancestors of the smooth-haired fox terriers lived in the British Isles as far back as 5 and a half thousand years BC.

Today the smooth fox terrier is used as a burrowing hunter, watchman and companion. A cheerful, agile and inquisitive dog, with the right upbringing, gets along well with people. The most favorite pastime of a healthy dog is playing, which he is ready to indulge in tirelessly all day. The dog is friendly to family friends, but it is quite capable of showing aggression towards people he did not like. Alert, responsible and brave, the fox terrier is aggressive towards other animals. The dog appreciates the respectful attitude of the owner and tries to be aware of what is happening around.
Small in size (height up to 39 cm, weight - from 7 to 8 kg), the dog has a thick, smooth and abundant coat that protects it from adverse conditions. The main color of the fox terrier coat is white with the addition of red, black spots or their combination. Undemanding in leaving.

Boston terrier
A descendant of the English Terrier and Bulldog, the Boston Terrier has been a symbol of the American state of Massachusetts since the late 80s of the last century.
A small, 22–38 cm tall, smooth-haired dog - an ideal companion, getting along well with children, very gentle and loving. The pet's coat is short, adheres tightly to the skin, there is no undercoat. Due to such a poor coat, the dog does not tolerate low temperatures well, requiring additional clothing.

The dog's temper is stubborn, so raising a puppy should be done from an early age. Boston Terriers are very sensitive to negative criticism from the owner, they perceive it rather painfully, so you should not take harsh measures during the training process.
An intelligent and quick-witted dog perfectly understands the limits of what is permitted and does not overstep them. She gets along well with other dogs, including them in her games. He can be alone for a long time, but he prefers the company of a person, accompanying him wherever possible.

Russian toy
In 2017, a new breed of decorative companion dogs called the Russian Toy was officially recognized.
A cheerful, thin-legged, graceful dog with a height of 20-28 cm is ideal for living quarters. Light weight up to 3 kg makes it easy to lift the pet in your arms. Short, dense, without undercoat and bald patches, the coat is not particularly difficult to care for.
The dog easily gets used to the litter box and does not need frequent walks. With such dimensions, the territory of the apartment is quite enough for movement and games.
The dog is very loyal to the owners and gets along easily with others, but communication with noisy children leads to nervous shocks, from which it is better to keep the doggie.

Italian greyhound
The smallest of the group of greyhounds, the greyhound or the little Italian greyhound, has been known for a long time. Representatives of this breed can be seen on canvases depicting European royalty and in paintings by masters of the Renaissance.
Graceful, thin, well-muscled dog, will serve as an ideal companion for an elderly person... With a height of 32–38 cm and weighing up to 5 kg, the Italian greyhound can easily find a place for itself even in a small apartment.
The Italian greyhound is trusting, treats people without fear, but due to the delicate constitution of the body, communication with children should be limited, since the pet is easily injured.

Since the Italian greyhound belongs to greyhounds, it needs to move a lot and walk in the fresh air.
The Italian Greyhound does not have a good sense of smell, but it has excellent eyesight and a highly developed hunting instinct. He is well versed in space, but he can easily get lost in the crowd, chasing the subject he likes. Therefore, you should not let the dog off the leash when walking.
In the car, the Italian greyhound behaves restlessly, cannot sit in one place, so it is better to use a carrying cage for transportation.

Varieties of dogs of medium and large sizes
Small dogs are best suited for keeping in an apartment, but some prefer medium to large breeds.
A primitive dog from the Spitz group that lived in Central Africa 3000 years BC, the Basenji or the Congolese bush dog served even to the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt, where it was considered a talisman.
The first representatives of the oldest breed came to Europe only at the beginning of the last century, presenting themselves to the visitors of the zoo as exotic animals. After a while, already as a pet, the dogs were brought to England, where the breed standards were approved. The African barking dog began its spread throughout the world after the first pair of Congo Terriers were introduced to the United States.

Basenji is the perfect companion for keeping in an apartment. Medium height - males up to 43 cm, females up to 40 cm - the short-haired dog was an excellent hunter at home. Having found a new place of residence, the Basenji retained its instincts, which can take over on the street, so the dog needs to be educated.
The dog is easy to train, has a flexible mind and an affectionate character. Feels great in the spotlight, moves easily and gracefully, quickly picks up speed.
Basenji is suitable for people with allergies, since the dog does not smell. Another distinguishing feature is silence. Basenji does not bark, but makes quiet rumbling sounds, and then only when excited.

An average dog designed for hunting a hare is capable of speeds up to 70 km / h. Everything about her appearance is aimed at speed:
- narrow elongated head;
- strong, long legs;
- short, smooth, tight-fitting coat that does not resist headwinds.
A strong nervous system and easy learning make it possible to obtain a reliable companion from the Whippet.

English bulldog
The appearance of the bulldog is stern, evoking respect for the strength of the dog. But, despite this appearance, the bulldog has a good-natured disposition and is well suited for home keeping. Short dense coat without undercoat does not require special care. The main thing is that folds on the skin must be thoroughly cleaned out, preventing the development of various skin diseases.
Due to his overweight physique, physical activity is contraindicated for the bulldog, therefore he is considered a "dog for lazy people". The dog does not really like to walk, preferring to spend time in his favorite place. Initially a fighting breed, over time it became decorative.
The dog gets along well with children, does not show aggression towards other pets and has an imperturbable character.

Shar Pei
A skin covered with short, coarse hair without an undercoat, which gathers in large folds on a Shar Pei, is enough for two or even three medium-sized dogs. The owner of such a pet will be in the spotlight everywhere. Since in the homeland of Shar-Peis, the dog belonged to the fighting breed, it is necessary to raise puppies from an early age, instilling in them the correct behavioral habits.
A kind, loyal to family, independent dog is distinguished by distrust of strangers and can show aggression towards other dogs.

White with black or brown spots the size of a two-ruble coin, scattered over a short, dense and stiff coat, the dogs will not leave anyone indifferent.
Dalmatians are great hunters, loyal family friends and great actors. Dogs are easy to train, they are happy to perform various tricks.
A large, harmoniously folded fold-eared dog with a calm character is suitable for keeping in an apartment, but it will be better for her in a country house, where there is room for active games.
Like many dogs with thick coats, Dalmatians molt all year round, but they do not smell like a dog.

Tall, strong, with elegant outlines, the dog is considered an aristocrat among dogs. The height at the withers in an adult varies from 59 to 70 cm for males, for a female it is 2–5 cm lower. The permissible weight of a healthy dog is 30–40 kg for a male and 25–35 kg for bitches.
According to accepted standards, there are two subspecies of Weimaraner: shorthaired and longhaired.... The short-haired subspecies has a dense, coarse coat with minimal or no down. The coat is silky, without waviness. For purebred Weimaraners, three variants of coat color are allowed: gray with silver, smoky gray and gray with a copper tint typical for deer.
Weimaraners have a calm disposition, they are easy to learn and are able to make independent decisions. They are loyal, obedient and completely non-aggressive dogs.

German dog
The recognized giant among dogs is the Great Dane. The representative of this breed is registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog in the world. The minimum height of an adult animal is more than 0.8 m in height and about 1 m in length.
The majestic, noble and harmoniously built Great Dane has a surprisingly gentle character. He is obedient, loves children and is very kind. But the dog is wary of strangers.
The only problem is that a dog, not calculating its strength, can easily knock down the owner, which is not aggression at all.

A beautiful large dog with a short, stiff coat is one of the most easily trainable dogs. Despite its impressive size and serious appearance, the Doberman is a kind, obedient and peaceful dog. He loves children very much and with the correct upbringing of the dog, he can be safely left with the kids. Dobermans are excellent trackers and guards.
Male Dobermans are 68–72 cm tall and weigh 40–45 kg, while females are slightly smaller. According to standards, an animal's shiny, dense coat can be black or dark brown. Rusty-red tan markings of clear definite shapes are required.

How to choose?
Having decided to take a puppy to the house, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the breed and the conditions of its maintenance. It is advisable to consult with knowledgeable people and specialists.
To see what an adult dog of the selected breed looks like, you can visit exhibitions and kennels.
If the dog is planned to be kept as a pet, then any individual will do. But if future owners plan to take part in exhibitions or become breeders, then when choosing a pet, you need to take a closer look at how much it meets the standards adopted for the breed.
When making a decision, it is necessary to take into account the area of the apartment where the dog will live. You should not take a puppy from a large breed dog if you have little space in the house. Remember, no matter how cute and small a puppy may look in childhood, an adult large dog will take up a lot of space.

For those who are often absent for a long time, it is better to choose a dog prone to independence and self-sufficiency, which does not require constant attention.
Those who find it difficult to walk often and for a long time and actively move should not take a dog into the house that requires long walks with active games.
When buying a purebred dog, ask the seller for the pedigree, metric and veterinary passport of the pet. A healthy puppy should have all the necessary vaccinations at the time of sale.
If possible, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the pedigree and medical records of the puppy's parents.

General rules for maintenance and care
Any dog living with you in the apartment, requires some care:
- bathing as needed;
- combing at least once a week;
- clipping and brushing teeth;
- walking from twice a day;
- preventive visit to the veterinarian once a year and as needed;
- feeding.

Each dog must have:
- two bowls: separate for water and food;
- towel, hairbrush and toothbrush;
- for dogs that do not tolerate cold, a special jumpsuit for walking is necessary.
For feeding pets, you can use natural products, or super-premium dry food or holistic class, selected in accordance with the breed.

See the following video for the top 10 smooth-haired dog breeds.