Beagle dogs: varieties of breeds, especially their content

Beagle dogs are considered the best for hunting. These breeds include some groups of dogs, which have a unique ability to quickly and correctly search for prey. Many species and subspecies of the hound dog have an external resemblance to each other.

The hound is a born hunter with an excellent sense of smell and hunting instinct.... This breed has been considered widespread since medieval times. The animal deserved the demand due to the speed of reactions and assistance to humans in tracking prey.
In Russia, this pet was called "vyzhlets", "vyzhlovka". "Yapkushka" always led the owner on the trail with a loud bark, and only when the goal was achieved it fell silent.

Beagle dogs have the following distinctive appearance characteristics:
- Ears of various lengths that hang freely. The ends of the shells are directed towards the bottom.
- The bridge of the straight type.
- The nose is colored black.
- The lips fit tightly to the jaws.
- The large skull has a junction at the border of the junction with the neck.
- The back is straight.
- The chest is voluminous.
- The paws are characterized by muscularity and strength.
- The coat is even, not long. Fur color can be piebald, black-backed, wolf, marbled or red-yellow.

Animals of this breed are short. Slightly above average height, their body length can reach 0.65 m. The body is characterized by clear outlines, in some dogs the ribs can bulge.
Both males and bitches have long, powerful paws. The animal's tail is not short.
The muzzle of the "vyzhlovka" is elongated, the neck is beautiful. Dogs have eyes set straight, their gaze is characterized by clarity and liveliness.Other signs that are characteristic of all hounds are a high speed of movement, endurance, perseverance, a loud voice.

Hunting dogs are characterized by poise, benevolence, affection, devotion to people, and obedience. With strangers, the pet does not show aggression and behaves with restraint. This dog is a wonderful companion for hunters. Thanks to the developed instinct, "vyzhlovka" is used in the police, during the rescue of people.
According to dog breeders, representatives of this breed behave differently at home and when hunting.
At home, he is a friendly, calm pet, and on the hunt he is reckless and independent. Also, an adult hound, like a puppy, is quite smart, quick-witted, sometimes cunning.

The characteristics of hounds include the following:
- loyalty;
- the ability to search for game for a long time;
- persistence;
- endurance;
- volume;
- flock;
- urgency;
- politeness.

Life span
The life expectancy of a four-legged pet is influenced by the conditions of detention, genetic predisposition, nutrition, and the intensity of physical activity. Each owner of a hound dog can affect the duration of its existence. Representatives of this breed live for about 12 years.
Purebred hounds are characterized by good health and almost complete absence of hereditary diseases. Many animals of this species have hip dysplasia.

It is impossible to predict the development of this ailment, as well as to cure it, for this reason it is recommended to reduce the physical load on these joints for hound puppies.
Parasites and worms are dangerous for the pet, from which the owner must necessarily treat the animal. In order for the life expectancy of the dog to not be reduced, it is required to carry out vaccinations in a timely manner.

The hound family includes about 80 names of breeds, which were bred by the painstaking work of breeders. Purebreds are rare and expensive.
The Estonian hound can be called an excellent hunter with developed mental abilities, the ability to react quickly, and passion. At home with a family, this pet is different kindness and poise. Outwardly, this animal looks like a beagle, but surpasses it in size. The weight of the Estonian hound can be from 15 to 20 kilograms, while the height of the dog is 0.53 meters, and the bitch is 0.5 meters.

A lean and muscular dog has an elongated head and a long muzzle. The pet has a large nose with a brown or black lobe.
The long ears are set low and rounded at the ends. The eyes of the dog are almond-shaped, medium in size with a brown iris. The body, like the neck of the animal, is strong and muscular.
The typical color for the Estonian breed is black-piebald and brown-piebald. There are individuals with black and crimson fur. This animal is devoted to its owner, gets along well with children. A piebald dog is not suitable for the role of a guard and watchman, since, due to his friendliness, he will let a stranger into the house.

The raccoon hound has been classified as a coonhound. Unlike other similar breeds, this dog can be with a wide variety of coat colors. The color of the fur may contain red spots, as well as bluish, tricolor ones. Like other hounds, the English is characterized by a good-natured disposition, sociability.
Young dogs are usually active and playful, they are characterized by willpower and patience for learning. The representative of this breed is an excellent pet that loves human attention. Coonhound is considered not only an excellent hunter, but also an adequate guard and an excellent companion.

This variety of hounds was bred to hunt foxes, wild boars and hares. Dogs are characterized by high speed, energy, and loudness of the voice. This persistent animal always pursues the game evenly. The dog has a kind, affable disposition with some independence. A moving creature is rarely seen sitting in one place. Such a pet lends itself well to training and does not need special care.
The Lithuanian hound has strong immunity and rarely gets sick. The height of the dog is average, it can reach about 48-60 centimeters.
Such a pet weighs 20 kilograms. The animal's coat is colored black; there are severely limited tan marks. The hair is shiny, even and hard.

Large hunting dog of this breed has attractive features and excellent performance. The animal is valued for its good instinct, viscosity, activity while hunting for wild boar, fox, roe deer, and hare. The main qualities of a pet also include obedience, mobility, affection and devotion to humans. The Swiss Hound is divided into 4 types, with 3 of them identical in fur color.
This is a strong dog, with medium body size, expressive muzzle and long ears that hang down. A strong and resilient dog has a pronounced sexual demorphism. A dog at the withers can reach 59, and a bitch - 57 centimeters.

The dry and elongated skull has no folds. The narrow muzzle is characterized by a straight and bulging nose. Wide open nostrils are located on the black nose.
The small eyes of a hound are oval in shape and have a dark iris color. The strong body is characterized by a flexible loin, a long croup and a straight back. The belly is tucked up with moderation. The tail is of medium length, saber-shaped and tapers towards the end. On the muscular limbs of dogs, there are rounded paws with hard pads and arched toes.

Laufhund has a solid brown, yellow, red coat color. Some representatives of the breed have a black saddle or with light blotches. In nature, there are dogs with white spots on the chest. The Swiss hound can be considered a real member of the family, as it becomes attached to each of its members and needs constant communication with people. The dog reacts to a stranger in a friendly but wary manner. With the right training, he finds a common language with children.

Foxhound is common in the United States and regions of the country. This dog is poorly trained, but during the hunt it shows good skills and abilities. The animal is temperamental, cheerful, bold and affectionate. Unlike at home, during the hunt, the dog is quite warlike. The breed was bred to hunt foxes and wild boars. The search for her game takes place with special speed and passion. The light and swift animal has a height of 53 to 64 centimeters.

The head of the American Hound is long, the tail is in the shape of a saber, the long ears hang down and can reach the nose. The straight, short coat of a dog can have a wide variety of colors.
Representatives of this breed are animals that are characterized by a graceful body, gracefulness, and a developed scent.
The little blue Gascon hound has Bloodhound blood in its veins. The growth of an animal can reach no more than 0.5 m, while weighing 20 kg. The pet's small size allows it to be as mobile as possible. On the long head is a black nose with open nostrils. The skull is flat and narrow.
A dog's brown eyes have black eyelids. The ears are tapered and thin. The tail is very long and thin, and the coat is stiff and short.
The color of the fur seems to be blue, as it has frequent dark blotches on the white hair base.

This proud, courageous pet always shows tenacity on the hunt. With his family, he behaves affectionately and loyally. The Gascony Hound is the ideal hare hunter. Using it while hunting, you can be sure that the return home will be accompanied by the presence of prey.
This short-haired dog is an ardent hunter who can drive the prey both in a pack and alone. The hound is able to overtake a fox and a wild boar. The Italian hunting dog is ideal for a sociable and positive person who has enough time and patience for it.
The pet has a proportional physique and a medium-sized body. The elongated head tapers towards the nose. The eyes are small, brown. The ears of the dog hang down and snuggle against the neck.

The slender tail is characterized by a narrowing at the hock joint. The coat of the Italian hound breed is short, shiny, outwardly reminiscent of satin.
The color of the fur can be different, some individuals have spots. Representatives of this breed require attention and communication with a person. The pet's attitude to children is calm, non-aggressive. The dog is always ready to defend its owner and his family. This emotional pet requires upbringing and training from an early age.
A rare breed bred in France is the porcelain hound. The animal is used for hunting hares, roe deer, wild boars. In height, the dog reaches from 53 to 58 cm and weighs up to 30 kg. The second name of the breed is considered porcelain, this pet has a proportional physique, long legs. The skull is elongated.
The hound has long pointed ears and a thick, whip-like tail. The dog's coat is white with red spots or splashes. At home, the dog is calm, friendly, but on the hunt - passion and impulsiveness.

How to choose a puppy?
Beagle dogs are hunters, so they always need attention, jogging and training. If you want to have such a pet, it is worth considering all these points. Already at the age of 1.5 months, a puppy of this breed is able to show its hunting qualities. The best option for purchasing such a dog would be a representative of 3 or 4 litters of a bitch.
The future owner should pay attention to the color of the baby's coat. According to the rules, it should be similar to an adult animal. You should not take a puppy with an incorrect bulldog bite, as well as a bridal one.
At one month old, discarded dogs may have a dumped tail, which is located lower than the hock.

A good sign of a purebred hound is brown eye color, but do not forget that at the age of a month, their iris is bluish. Both organs of vision must be identical in color. The color of the dog's nose should not be uniform pink or marble. In order to acquire active, healthy animals, you should choose a strong, bony puppy with thick legs.

How to choose a nickname?
Representatives of hound breeds of dogs are characterized by tirelessness, impetuosity, vociferousness, loyalty, sensitivity and responsibility. An animal's nickname must be unusual, sonorous, and most importantly, the dog must respond to it. When choosing a name, it is worth considering the characteristic features of the dog, for example, a hound with a loud voice can be called Thunder, but the Wind is the one that is difficult to keep up with.
Do not give your pet a ridiculous nickname or call it the name of a family member.

It is strongly discouraged to give the names of the dead animals, as this may affect the fate of the dog. If the hound already had a name, then you shouldn't call it new. If the dog responds to its nickname, then it should be encouraged. A representative of this breed can be called Agatom, Ira, Astik, Bayra, Tempest, Vast, Glan, Gella, Drag, Dune.
Maintenance and care
Beagle dogs can be kept in an apartment, but they will need active walking and field trips. The best option would be to live in a private house with the adjacent territory. This animal needs constant physical activity, otherwise it may get bored, start to spoil the interior items. If the pet is well walked, then he is calm and balanced.

Representatives of hunting breeds should not be released from the leash, the dog should always be near the owner. Since a runaway dog is not easy to catch.
A pet who lives in an apartment can cause discomfort to neighbors due to loud barking. Caring for a hound dog is minimal, the owner should not forget about the following procedures:
- combing wool during shedding;
- daily examination of the eyes and ears, as well as their cleaning;
- trimming claws as needed;
- timely treatment for fleas and worms;
- regular vaccination.

For the health, development and well-being of beagle dogs, a balanced and quality diet is required. An adult representative is given food twice a day. Those representatives who lead an active lifestyle and participate in hunting should have a complete diet. These dogs need a lot of protein. Alternatively, you can use dry food, which contains everything you need for your pet.
When choosing a natural way of eating, it is worth remembering that the basis should be meat and meat products.

The fish should be served boiled or stewed. Dairy products are given in the form of cottage cheese, milk, kefir, cheese. Also, do not forget about cereals and raw bones. The blood of an animal is considered useful for a hunting breed.
Foods that are forbidden to hounds include additives, spices, sugar, cocoa, mustard, vinegar, fatty meats, and food from the human table.

Education and training
Since hound puppies are mischievous and funny creatures, their education should be dealt with from an early age. The first step is to teach the dog to his name, and then move on to developing basic obedience skills. This dog must obey its master, otherwise he may escape.
Also, the hound should be tied to itself, but in such a way that it sees in a person not only a hunter, but also a comrade. When raising a puppy, the use of physical force is strictly prohibited, in extreme cases you can shout at him.

As soon as the puppy appears in the house, it should be weaned from poultry, cattle and pets, as this will be problematic in the future.
A hound dog is a working pet, which is worth getting for its immediate purpose. It cannot be kept locked up, as the animal will become uncontrollable. Before deciding to acquire an active hunting pet, you should evaluate your strengths and capabilities.
For the characteristics of the breed of Russian hounds, see below.