Hokkaido: breed description and content

Love for exotic animals is a dangerous trend that is gaining rampant proportions in many countries around the world. The interest of wealthy and wealthy people in classic animal breeds, which cannot surprise anyone, has long disappeared. People want to see rare, expensive and unusual breeds near them, often forgetting that exclusive pets need special attention and diet.
One of these rare breeds is the Japanese Hokkaido, which is on the verge of extinction and for the acquisition of a purebred animal will have to go directly to the Land of the Rising Sun.

Hokkaido is a Spitz-like Japanese hunting breed, which is listed in the canine protection register and is one of the most expensive.
In the specialized literature, you can find other names for this breed - Ainu and Ainu-ken. The origins of dogs go back hundreds of years.
Some sources claim that traces of an animal were discovered in the period BC on the Japanese island of Hokkaidowhen dogs helped ancient people to hunt large animals. A distinctive feature of the origin of a unique animal - complete absence of special breeding work to improve the breed.

Fearless, hardy, courageous and loyal dogs were taught by hunters to work in difficult conditions of forest and mountainous terrain. It was thanks to the harsh climatic conditions that the animal acquired a huge number of positive characteristics.
Ainu became a constant companion of the ancient Japanese, who could completely entrust their safety and life to the animal.The dogs were able to protect their master from even the most furious wild animals, which could be several times the size of a pet.
During the period of hostilities, the military successfully used the dog in many security and search operations. For invaluable services to the homeland, the animal was named a symbol of Japan. Due to the ban on the export of this breed from the country, it did not gain wide popularity, and its number began to decline significantly. The breed received official recognition only in 1980, and the risk of its complete extinction remains high today.

Hokkaido is a small dog that has a strong and muscular build, as well as a powerful and proportional bone structure. The maximum height of an adult is 52 cm, and the weight is 35 kg.
The average life span of a dog is 15 years, but in comfortable living conditions and with a balanced diet, the pet will be able to delight a much longer period of time.
The body of the animal is slightly elongated with a wide and straight back, as well as a pronounced chest. The abdomen is flat without sagging fat folds. The high-set, powerful tail has the shape of a fluffy ring. Straight limbs have strong muscles and spaced pads. The claw plates are always colored black or dark brown.

The broad skull has a flat forehead and a straight muzzle that resembles a wedge. The tip of the nose is always tinted black. The jaw has a regular bite, sharp teeth and a strong muscular system. The triangular eyeballs are set wide apart and are also brown in color. The small auricles are triangular in shape and are located almost at the crown. In a calm environment, the ears are tilted slightly forward.

A dog's coat consists of two layers:
- rigid and straight guard fibers;
- dense and soft undercoat.
The longest and thickest coat is located in the tail zone.
The Ainu color scheme is represented by a fairly wide shade palette, which consists of the following colors:
- ginger;
- pale yellow;
- Red;
- White;
- white and cream;
- white and yellow;
- Gray;
- black;
- leopard;
- black and white.

The beautiful and graceful animal has a very controversial character, which has completely become a reflection of the bewitching, dangerous and unpredictable Japanese nature. During the period of rest and communication with the owner, the dog is playful, affectionate and caring, but once you see the danger, the animal instantly becomes aggressive, fearless and deadly, which is ready to give its life for its owner and his family members.
A well-developed intuition, high intellectual abilities and an internal compass allow the animal to find its way unmistakably even in difficult climatic conditions in unfamiliar terrain.
Professional dog handlers recommend, before buying this breed, to objectively assess their ability to curb a fierce and calm animal that will obey only a powerful owner with powerful energy.

In order for the pet to please the owners not only with excellent external data, but also with an agreeable character, the upbringing process must begin from the first days of the puppy's life in the house. Outwardly, a very strong animal is very vulnerable inside. If, during training, the owner allowed himself to shout, rude and incorrect behavior, the pet can not only be offended, but can also run away from home.
Despite his sociability in the family and boundless love for children, from whom the dog can tolerate not always pleasant behavior, the Ainu finds a common language poorly with other inhabitants of the house, and sometimes even can be jealous of their owner.

Due to its high intellectual abilities, the animal is very intelligent, without unnecessary words, it feels the mood of the owner and instantly switches to the same emotional mood.Devotion and love for the owner of the pet comes at an early age and remains with him until the last days of his life.
Professional dog breeders recommend using the unique properties of the animal in the following areas of modern life:
- hunting;
- protection of the territory;
- search work;
- detention of criminals;
- sport riding competitions;
- escorting travelers in difficult terrain.

Conditions for keeping
Ainu belongs to the unpretentious species that need both minimal care and maximum attention. From the first days of the pet's stay in the house, he needs to clearly explain who is the boss in the house, as well as show his place for sleeping and eating. If the dog feels indecision and excessive gentleness of the owner, after a short period of time it will practically be impossible to control and dictate the rules of behavior.

The recreation area should be equipped with a warm and comfortable bedding, which is best placed in a remote corner away from drafts and extraneous noise. For eating, you need to purchase special stable bowls that the pet cannot turn over. From the first days of life, a dog should understand that She can only eat from her own dishes, and for the stolen food from the master's table, punishment will immediately follow.

The animal does not tolerate confined spaces and life in cramped apartments. The most comfortable conditions for a pet are living on the territory of a private house in a special large-area aviary. But even in such conditions, a strong and active animal needs daily walks without a leash, as well as periodic visits to competitions and hunting events.

Novice dog breeders should take into account that Hokkaido does not tolerate high temperatures well and needs protective structures from the rays of the scorching sun, but the dog reacts positively to frosts, the main thing is not to keep him in small enclosures without active movement. In summer, animals are very fond of visiting reservoirs, the cool water of which will help reduce body temperature.

Failure to comply with the conditions of detention and the rules of care can provoke the development of the following pathologies:
- disruption of the musculoskeletal system;
- bone and joint disease;
- disease of the organs of vision;
- diseases of the oral cavity and teeth;
- violation of reproductive functions;
- allergic itching and rashes.
Timely vaccination, as well as regular treatments against skin parasites and worms can reduce the incidence of animal diseases.
These measures will help to avoid the following diseases:
- rabies;
- plague;
- parvovirus;
- hepatitis.

What to feed?
Before bringing a faithful friend and guard into the house, experienced dog breeders recommend paying special attention to his diet, which is fundamentally different from the menu of most dogs. Since the borders of Japan are washed by the seas, and the traditional food of people is seafood and rice, this fact could not but affect the gastronomic preferences of this breed. The main ingredients of the Ainu diet are the following:
- a fish;
- rice;
- seaweed;
- seafood.

Particular attention should be paid to the constant access of the dog to clean and fresh water, especially during periods of high temperatures. The use of special vitamin supplements will have a positive effect on your pet's health.
It is strictly forbidden to independently rebuild the animal's diet and feed it with meat, vegetables, cereals, confectionery, ready-made feed, as well as fatty, pickled and salty foods. These products can provoke food poisoning, allergic reactions, and sometimes even the death of a pet.
In the absence of an opportunity to feed the dog with the products necessary for it, experts recommend abandoning the acquisition of this breed. Moreover, not all people with average financial income can afford such a diet.

How to care?
Caring for a wayward pet will not cause difficulties even for inexperienced owners, who must daily comb their pet with special combs and brushes, and also carry out water procedures as necessary.
To prevent inflammation, veterinarians recommend constantly examine the eyes, ears and nasal passages, and, if necessary, clean them of mucus and dirt with cotton swabs or cosmetic pads... And also the pet needs in the timely adjustment of the nail plates.

In order for hygiene procedures not to cause aggression and negativity, experts recommend teaching your pet to them from an early age.
You should not scold the animal for refusing to swim or comb your hair, you just need to find the cause of the inconvenience, and then radically change the tactics of the procedure. Often, to solve a problem, it is enough to convincingly talk with an intelligent dog, who will certainly understand his master and go to meet him.

Dogs are intelligent, loyal, affectionate and caring animals that accompany us throughout our lives.... The desire to acquire a furry friend appears in every person in early childhood. But only an adult is able to realize the full share of responsibility that falls on him during the period of buying a cute animal.
Despite the toy appearance and devoted eyes, all dogs always have the features of a hunter and a wild animal, which only a strong and strong-willed owner can cope with.

No less difficulty can be caused by the diet of an animal, especially one who was brought from other countries, and its menu usually contains products that are not typical of another territory. Only after a comprehensive study of all the components of a dog's comfortable life and an objective assessment of your strengths can you make a decision about buying a pet.

In the next video you can watch Hokkaido puppies on a walk.