Irish wolfhound: description of the breed, nature and content

The Irish Wolfhound is a very showy looking breed. She can be called a real Gulliver among all other dogs. This majestic dog has the largest growth, but at the same time manages to remain an extremely graceful and attractive creature.

Origin story
Irish Wolfhounds are considered the oldest breed in the world. Nowadays, these dogs have become a symbol of the Irish army and one of the distinctive signs of the country, like bears in Russia.
The name of the breed reflects the historical features of the formation of this species of animals. For the first time in Britain, these dogs were brought by the Celts - it happened as early as 300 BC. BC, respectively, the age of the breed is more than two millennia. The ancestors of these dogs were common in ancient Rome, where they were used to bait animals in circuses. Thanks to exceptional courage, nobility and kindness, these animals for their courage, exceptional kindness and prudence, which are combined in this creature, have many legends about them.
Animals of this species were considered a particularly valuable gift in all the royal houses of the countries of the Old World, as well as in Scandinavia. From Ireland, animals were sent to Spain, Sweden, Denmark, as well as Poland, France and even India.

Dogs have been widely used for a long time to scare away wolves and when hunting foxes, bears and moose. By the middle of the 18th century, all wolves in the country were almost completely exterminated, so the main purpose of animals has lost its strength. During this period, the breed was on the verge of extinction.A new surge in popularity came only in the middle of the 18th century. So, in 1885, the first Irish club of fans of this breed was opened, headed by the famous captain Graham, and a year later its founders established the annual Graham Shield Award, which was awarded to dogs that retained the maximum number of breed characteristics of their ancestors.
It is noteworthy that at the same time, the founder himself, in an attempt to revive the endangered breed, often crossed wolfhounds with deerhounds and Danish mastiffs.
Today, these majestic animals have become a real symbol of the Irish national spirit, reflecting their character and strength.
In England, these animals are used for protection during public performances of military parades and other events of high importance. In Russia, representatives of the breed are very limited, but in other countries the Irish wolfhounds, as in the Middle Ages, are gaining more and more popularity.

Features of the breed
The huge dog bears great resemblance to the deerhound. This giant has an affectionate and friendly character and sincerely expresses his feelings and emotions towards the breeder and all his household. Comfort is not particularly important to the dog, it will be happy, even walking in the downpour and snow - the main thing is that its beloved owner is nearby.

Dogs of this breed have exceptional working features - they are often compared to a lion while hunting and a meek lamb at home. This animal without the slightest hesitation will enter into battle with a dangerous predator and can come out victorious even from a fight with several opponents at the same time.

The description of the Irish breed has a fairly clear standard:
- Torso - powerful, lean and elongated.
- Back - must be straight, no significant difference between the croup and the withers is allowed.
- Neck - elongated, but with developed muscles, rather dry, without pronounced slope and noticeable sagging. The transition to the line from the withers to the neck is clearly visible.
- Head - triangular, slightly elongated.

The muzzle is long and dry. The forehead merges neatly into the muzzle without any differences or angles. Ears are triangular, hanging type. The eyes are rather large, almond-shaped, the iris is black. The lips are also black, pressed quite tightly to the teeth. The bridge of the nose is usually straight, also black.
- The mouth has the usual scissor bite, the canines are quite sharp, so this dog's grip is excellent.
- The sternum is muscular, rather broad, and round.
- The legs are elongated, the hock joints are well developed, during the stance they are parallel.
- Paw pads are fleshy, very large. The claws are powerful, their shade directly depends on the color of the animal. The paws move swiftly while running, but at the same time extremely graceful.
- The tail is straightened, long, does not twist into a ring. When the dog experiences an influx of emotions, it rises upward, at other times it is predominantly lowered.
- The coat is wire-like, coarse with a thick undercoat, the hair is elongated above the eye sockets. A distinctive feature of the Irish wolfhound breed is considered to be a hairy elongated beard.
- The height at the withers in males is at least 79 cm, the growth of bitches starts from 72 cm.
- The body weight of an adult animal varies from 40.5 to 55 kg.
- The color can be light brown, red or wheat. Irish wolfhounds of black color with tan and brindle are a little less common.
Under favorable conditions, dogs live an average of 7 to 10 years. History knows cases when the life expectancy of these dogs was 13-15 years with proper care.

Character and behavior
The Irish wolfhound is a well-mannered and noble animal. His character and behavior has a number of characteristics.
Irish wolfhounds truly love their owner, they sincerely bond with the owner himself, and to the members of his family, and if due to some circumstances they lose them, then they always worry for a long time and strongly. The dog is different attentiveness and obedience, very sensitively reacts to any changes in the mood and emotional manifestations of the owner.

Young puppies are easy to train - they can be trained very quickly in all basic commands, however, as it grows up, the dog begins to show stubbornness and even toughness, therefore such a breed - not the best choice for beginners in training... From time to time, the Irish wolfhound begins to show its independent character and independence - this is expressed in the fact that the pet begins to run away from its owner during walks, to run after cats and other dogs.

The animal is supportive of the rest of the pets in the house, the only exceptions are birds and rodents - they will certainly become objects of the dog's hunt.
This huge dog can easily be trusted with a small child. You can leave them in the same room without fear - the wolfhound will never offend the baby and in any situation will be extremely careful in relation to him. Dogs stoically tolerate pulling by the tail, they easily allow themselves to be flapped by the beard, squeezed and held in their hands.
Dogs are also friendly to strangers, guests do not cause aggression in them, but if only the dog senses danger, it will immediately rush to protect its owner and his household.

Irish wolfhounds perfectly cannot stand parting with their loved ones and if the separation is prolonged, then they can wither away from experiences and melancholy. This dog, in principle, does not tolerate prolonged loneliness, easily falls into apathy, therefore it is not advised to keep him in an indoor aviary - he should always have the opportunity of contact with humans and other pets.

The breed will not be the best choice if you need an animal as a watchdog, since the Irish wolfhound can scare uninvited guests solely with its size, but otherwise it will not be the first to show cruelty, bark and throw itself.
Keep in mind that the dog requires a place for its maintenance, so the owners of small apartments, as well as people who spend a significant part of the day outside the house, are better off choosing animals of other breeds.

Differences from Deerhound
Deerhounds are one of the varieties of greyhounds. At one time, the breed of wolfhounds in Ireland was almost completely exterminated and deerhounds were used to preserve and restore it, since this dog is as similar to it as possible in appearance. This is why animals have such a strong resemblance that a layman can easily confuse them.
Dogs of both species are distinguished by the presence of a beard and belonging to the category of wire-haired greyhounds, and this is where the similarities end. But the behavioral features of these animals are diametrically opposite.
The Deerhound is a real storm, you can hunt with it, the dog has a really frenzied temperament. They are gambling hunters, athletes, therefore they often pose a danger to cats and small dogs. In general, the deerhound resembles a Russian greyhound in character to a much greater extent than a wolfhound, respectively, a deerhound is best of all to live in those families where the owners lead an active lifestyle, appreciate movement and sports.
Irish wolfhounds in comparison with them are true sybarites, they can never be woken up by cats, mice, birds or rabbits, but they simply will not let the deerhound fall asleep.
Thus, there is no doubt that these breeds have a common origin, but at the same time they have many differences associated with the features of constitution and, most importantly, with the temperament of the dog.

How to choose a puppy?
When choosing a puppy, it should be borne in mind that male wolfhounds are much more straightforward and open than bitches, so if you are purchasing an animal of this breed for the first time, give preference to boys, it will be much easier to negotiate with them. In order to assess the character of the future pet, it is better to choose a grown-up puppy, and not a two-month-old, as is customary for most breeders. The fact is that in very young Irish people, individual behavioral characteristics are poorly expressed, they all, without exception, give the impression of cute and funny animals.
Be sure to get to know the parents of the chosen puppy. This will help you better understand your pet's growth and development prospects.
Be sure to analyze the atmosphere in the nursery. If you notice that there are many apathetic puppies or the breeder refuses to show you other animals, then most likely they save on dogs and perceive them more as a source of income.

An important factor is the age of the mother of the puppy offered to you. If a puppy from a dog over 5 years old is put up for sale, it is highly likely that he will be weak and sick.
Be sure to check the presence of a veterinary passport and make sure that the animal has been given all the necessary vaccinations.

In a good nursery, newborn puppies are necessarily tested for some genetic pathologies, therefore if the results of such a study are in the card, this will be a big plus for the breeder.
Unscrupulous breeders often overestimate the price, citing the rarity of colors - this is a hoax. The value of the Irish wolfhound is in no way related to its color. When buying a grown-up puppy, be sure to ask his seller if the pet knows any commands. Usually, a good breeder of wolfhounds already knows a few basic commands at a very early age and responds well to a leash.

Maintenance and care
The comfort of a pet directly depends on the efforts and enthusiasm of its owner. Best of all, dogs live in a house, but even in a small apartment, an animal can be comfortable if it has its own bed in the corner, where people will not touch it with their feet.
If the dog is constantly being walked, then the content in the apartment will not pose any inconvenience to the wolfhound. Please be aware that dogs of this variety are contraindicated on hard surfaces, since they have a rather thin layer of subcutaneous fat, and the joints are quite sensitive, so many pets are allowed by hospitable owners to lie on their sofas and armchairs. If you are categorically opposed to such decisions, equip soft and comfortable cushion. Your pet will certainly take such care with great gratitude.
Keeping a wolfhound in an aviary is the most extreme measure, since the animal loneliness very badly tolerates. If, nevertheless, the situation does not allow providing the dog with other conditions of detention, then try not to leave it to winter in such a competition, even if it is insulated - this is not only cruel, but also harmful to the health of the pet.
Landing the animal on a chain is strictly not allowed - in this case, the Irishman begins to wither, which causes the most severe pathological conditions in the dog.

It is very important to pay special attention to hygiene issues... The coarse coat of this dog requires frequent brushing with a brush and comb. Thus, you can comb out all shedding hairs very quickly and painlessly and get rid of small debris that the animal collects during walks.
From the point of view of physiology, the wolfhound does not require a haircut, but nevertheless, many breeders slightly shorten their pets' hair on the paws, as well as under the tail - in those places where it gets dirty quickly and most of all. It is not necessary to cut the hairs on the face, but care for them is necessary.Immediately after feeding, be sure to wipe his mustache and beard with a clean napkin.
The owner of the show wolfhounds is additionally trimmed, but in most cases, not the whole animal is pinched completely, but only its head, and it is correct to do it manually, armed with a special silicone fingertip. Usually, trimming starts from the ears - from the outside of the ear, the hairs are plucked until they become smooth. Also, the procedure is carried out in the area between the eyes in the direction from the forehead to the skull, along the line of the cheeks, as well as the neck. Processing is carried out approximately 1-1.5 months before the competitions.
In this case, the transitions between treated and untouched areas will be less pronounced. Some owners prefer a simplified weekly procedure and remove extremely puffy hairs all over the scalp.

Irish wolfhounds are washed a couple of times a year, or in case of emergency, if the animal is very dirty. Nourishing shampoos for dogs with sensitive skin are suitable for treatments.
Irish people should clean their ears once a week. This procedure is not difficult - you just need to treat the inner surface of the auricle with a special veterinary lotion applied to a piece of cotton wool. The eyes also require regular cleaning. - they should be wiped with a weak solution of furacilin or chamomile infusion about once a week.
Keep in mind that if an animal has ocular inflammation, then you should not try to treat it yourself - a non-professional may make a wrong diagnosis and in this case there is a high risk of starting a dangerous pathology.

Caring for your nails and teeth is simple. Claws must be periodically trimmed with a nail cutter, and teeth must be treated with a cleaning attachment 3-4 times a month in order to remove plaque.
Be sure to inspect your pet's paw pads after a walk - if they look healthy and there are no pronounced injuries on them, then wash them with warm water and simply pat them dry with a soft towel. In winter, the pet's skin sometimes cracks from frost - then after washing, additionally lubricate it with a fat baby cream or vegetable oil.
Dogs of this size must be walked on a leash, preferably a belt one.
Adult animals need two walks a day for an hour, puppies up to 6 months old are "ventilated" every three hours for 15-20 minutes. Keep in mind that although wolfhounds are formidable dogs, they are by no means athletic, so excessive exercise is not suitable for them.

If possible, allow the animals to run freely, but if you are walking near the track or there are stray cats walking in sight, it is better not to let go of the reins. Up to one year old, animals of this breed are strictly prohibited from jumping, therefore, it is advisable to practice various acrobatic numbers only after the musculoskeletal system of your pet is strengthened.
If your walks take place in a forest-park strip, more often or in small forests, then be sure to carry out the treatment for ticks, and when you come home, be sure to inspect the withers, armpits and groin of the Irishman. If an arachnid is found, then it must be removed from the body of the animal and then carefully monitor the condition of the dog for a couple of days. If you notice that the animal is not behaving as usual, then it should become the reason for an immediate visit to the veterinarian.
Irish wolfhounds are truly invincible from the outside, but inside they are rather fragile creatures, predisposed to a variety of diseases of internal organs.

Most often, representatives of this breed suffer from:
- hypothyroidism;
- osteosarcomas;
- Wobbler's syndrome;
- dysplasia of the hip joint;
- purulent lesions of the skin;
- dislocation of the patella;
- cataracts;
- turn of the century;
- cardiomyopathy;
- brachial osteochondrosis;
- intestinal volvulus;
- blood clotting diseases.

When feeding dogs of this breed, it should be understood that most of the menu must be necessarily meat or ready-made premium or super-premium food. That is why it should be clearly understood that the nutrition of such an animal costs its owners a pretty penny, and this fact must be borne in mind before buying a pet, so that later you do not save on food, replacing the meat proteins it needs with vegetable ones.
Beef and veal have the greatest benefits, from time to time you can replace them with chicken meat, but it is not recommended to completely transfer the dog to birds. Of course, instead of meat, you can give fish or offal from time to time. In this case, only lean white fish should be taken, and the by-products should be of the highest quality, preferably liver and heart.
The animal's diet must necessarily include cereals, their share in each dish should be about a third of the total feed. Dogs are shown oats, as well as buckwheat or millet.

It will be useful to include kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, fried and chopped vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower) in the animal's diet. You can add any seasonal greens or sprouted grains to the mash.
Potatoes are acceptable for animal feeding, but rarely and in small quantities. Dogs of this breed are given bones only after they reach three months of age, otherwise they can ruin their teeth. Teens and adult puppies need to be given a piece of beef ridge from time to time to train their jaw grip and get the collagen they need. Bones are not recommended for old and weakened animals - less firm treats from a veterinary store are suitable for them. They have a softer effect on tooth enamel and do not lead to the development of constipation.
It is very important that the dog is able to lie down for at least 15 minutes after any meal. If the pet is eager to play, try to calm it down in any way and lay it on the bed, otherwise the Irishman may develop a stomach twist.

The task of every responsible owner is to teach his pet to rest after a snack from the very first days.
Wolfhound puppies grow up very quickly, so breeders often start to increase the food package for their pet - this is a common mistake of novice dog breeders. A young wolfhound must receive food strictly in accordance with the doses developed by veterinarians, otherwise there is a high risk of overfeeding the animal.
Of course, a well-fed Irishman looks much prettier than his lean relatives, but any extra kilogram creates an increased load on the musculoskeletal system, and the pet's body will react to such an increase in weight in the most unfavorable way.

An indispensable item in the diet should be dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes, especially if the animal eats natural food. Preference should be given to formulations with chondroitin and glucosamine; to improve the quality of wool, you should take a closer look at preparations with omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids.
Dogs aged 1 to 3 months are fed 4-5 times a day, animals from 3 months to six months require three feedings a day with an interval of 4-5 hours. After six months, you can transfer the puppy to two meals a day. If the dog is weakened, it makes sense to continue eating three meals a day until it reaches the age of one year.

Education and training
Wolfhounds from Ireland have a very restrained and friendly disposition, but raising guards or bodyguards from dogs of this breed is an absolutely empty exercise. Leave this role to Caucasian Shepherd Dogs or Rottweilers. All kinds of freebies, ajality and weight-pulling will not bring any pleasure to the animals, but they will certainly lead to joint problems, so you should not enroll your pet in sports and training classes.But you can try racing and coursing, but only if the animal does not have any cardiovascular pathologies.
And yet the animal needs serious education and training. You can take on this responsibility or turn to the services of professionals. It is very important that the dog is motivated to achieve the set goal and goes with the person to contact. Dog training should be based on full mutual respect.
The Irish do not tolerate cruel and rough treatment of themselves, therefore, while training, in no case raise your voice, do not go to a loud cry and certainly do not hit the dog.

It makes no sense to "force" your pet with multiple repetitions of the same exercise. You should do a couple of approaches, after which the dog needs an hour or two of rest. After that, you can repeat the command under study. This technique will give the result faster, weeks of chewing each exercise for many hours.
Starting from a month, the puppy can be taught to a leash, and letting the baby run around the neighborhood is only possible if he has mastered such commands as "to me" and "by his side" well. Better to start with short walks. If you see that the pet is barely following you, then this means that you have overdid it with physical activity and the dog needs to rest home faster.

Young wolfhounds have a well-pronounced biting reflex, therefore it is necessary to practice his grip on special toys and the hands of the breeder... At the same time, it is extremely important to immediately explain to your pet which items you can try to try "by the teeth" and which are strictly prohibited. Do not shake or use any other physical measures in relation to a baby who accidentally bites you. In this case, the only thing that you will achieve is to raise an embittered, nervous dog with a developed complex of distrust of people.
Games in "hugs", which are very fond of Irish kids, is also better to stop. Agree, if the embrace of a small puppy is pleasant, then kissing a large adult dog is a pleasure for an amateur.

Suitable nicknames
For such noble and large animals, appropriate names are usually used. So, suitable nicknames for males are Scout, Walt, Harold, Casper, Chester, Rex, Butler, Rudolph, Zidane, Olwe, Duncan, Luke, Nord, Lifan, Ernie, Olympus, Zeus, Mike.
Females are commonly referred to as Amber, Gerda, Tesa, Warda, Ollie, Alice, Tori, Black, Gretta, Alma, Tiara and other similar names.

For the features of this breed of dog, see the following video.