All about Cane Corso

Cane Corso is the pride of Italian dog breeding. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their beautiful appearance and excellent protective qualities. Despite the fact that the Cane Corso look quite menacing, their disposition is actually quite friendly. They are affectionate and kind. Today we will take a closer look at this breed and learn all about its main characteristics.

The ancestors of the Cane Corso are Molossian dogs that live in Ancient Rome. It should be noted that Molossians descended from the Macedonian tetrapods, Etruscan dogs and war dogs. Corso's ancestors carried both guard and military service. They were large and fearless in nature.

The Italians were able to combine many useful abilities and skills in one form. Cane Corso both guarded the property of their owners, and protected them from any dangers, and helped during the hunt for large animals. These pets were truly versatile and irreplaceable. They are often mentioned in various works of Italian culture. They were always treated with respect, since they only benefited a person.
Images of Cane Corso were applied to tombs, figures were made in the form of these animals. Some authors even dedicated poems to these pets. From various literary sources that date back to the 15th century, you can learn about the first mention of the representatives of this breed. From the Cane Corso, Italians went to hunt bears. The way of life of people in general was directly related to the representatives of the described breed. They are also mentioned in folklore.

There are images of the struggle between the Cane Corso and the lion that have survived to this day.
In ancient Rome, breeding work was carried out only at a primitive level, but in special nurseries. However, the fall of the empire did not affect the breeding of such dogs in the best way. At that moment, they were used mainly as hunters, which did not have a very good effect on the next generations of Cane Corso. The main factor for this breed was that it was not recognized by the new aristocracy, which refused to keep these large animals at the courts. Unfortunately, this is how the Corso Italiano began to be considered rural and common pets.
As a result, this led to the fact that once a single breed began to inevitably be divided into subspecies. Mixing with other dogs took place. As a result, the original appearance of the Cane Corso was gradually "eroded". This was especially true for the character traits of these pets. Many owners began to breed Cane Corso in pursuit of their own goals. For example, in some cases, they developed excessive aggressiveness and anger.

Initially, the subspecies of this breed were intended to be kept free in the conditions of villages, which is why, with the growth of cities, the Cane Corso gradually became less and less popular and widespread. Most likely, this breed would have disappeared altogether, if not for the efforts of Italian enthusiasts who decided to revive it. To this end, they had to literally bit by bit collect the necessary material, traveling throughout Italy in search of the best representatives of the disappearing species.
The explorer Berber was able to awaken interest in the Cane Corso. He spent a lot of time on a thorough study of the history and traditions of Italian villages, and the dogs of the described breed were just inseparable from the life of the villagers. In 1976, Berber published an article that led to the founding of the Cane Corso Society.

In this Society, there were some internal disagreements and disputes, which is why the path to the development and revival of the breed was not the easiest.
At the same time, enthusiasts did a lot of work, organizing breeders' meetings, summoning experts from the Italian Kennel Club. As a result, their actions came to good results - the Cane Corso breed was officially recognized. The society of lovers of these dogs tried to do everything to make the Cane Corso popular and relevant again. Fortunately, they did it well.
True, there was no adequate reaction to the stirring interest in the breed, which is why the puppies began to be bought by people who were very far from the ideas of high-breed breeding. There was a real race for the number of young dogs. Not the best representatives of this breed were involved in breeding. Decent candidates, on the other hand, often did not participate in breeding. With great difficulty, the revived breed was put on the production stream with the loss of the best qualities and characteristics.
Along with this, the stage of recognition of the breed was already active. Formed in Italy, the Cane Corso Association immediately set itself the main goal: to prevent deviations from standards and the formation of other parameters for breeding outside Italy. Certain studies were carried out, based on which the breed standards, which came into force in 2003, were adjusted.

Description of the breed
Handsome Cane Corso looks very interesting and good-natured, although it has impressive dimensions. That is why representatives of this famous breed are so in demand and enjoy enviable popularity. Often people fall in love with them at first sight and immediately want to get such a pet. However, there is no need to rush into this. First you need to familiarize yourself with all the characteristics of the Cane Corso.

Consider the description of these dogs.
- Usually males weigh between 45 and 50 kg. Bitches are lighter - their average weight is 40-45 kg.
- At the withers, the height of a dog can be 64-68 cm, and a bitch - 60-64 cm.
- The color of these pets is very beautiful. It can be either plain or diluted with spots of contrasting colors. All Cane Corso colors look spectacular and shimmer in the light.
- The nature of these pets is just wonderful. When starting a Cane Corso, one must take into account the fact that they are emotionally dependent on their owners. Their disposition is very calm, they behave in a balanced manner. They do not emit unnecessary sounds and are considered "silent" animals, the voice is given in exceptional cases. Characterizes Cane Corso and patience. The described tetrapods have a positive attitude towards children, tolerate their pranks. Parting with the owner of the Cane Corso is extremely difficult to endure, since they are monogamous.
- The intelligence level of these animals is at a very high level. They are very obedient and learn new information in a short time. Easy to train. They keep their forces under constant control. They socialize surprisingly quickly.
- The security and sentry potential of these pets is also at a good level. They easily recognize owners, family members, friends, but they are wary of strangers.

Ears and tail shape
It is a historical tradition to have the ears and tails cropped on for any member of the harsh fighting breed. Such actions are necessary to help the dog in battle and even in some situations to save his life. However, in accordance with modern European standards, docking is prohibited.

An individual with cropped ears may not be admitted to exhibitions.
On the territory of Russia and the CIS countries, it is not necessary to stop the ears of the Cane Corso. The decision on such procedures is made only by the owner of the animal of this breed. Some people follow tradition as a matter of principle and resort to such cosmetic surgeries. If the breeder wants to see only a devoted friend and companion in the Cane Corso, then you can leave your ears hanging. Such actions usually do not affect health in any way.

Dog breeders do not stop arguing when the question arises of cropping the ears and tail of the Cane Corso. Some people think that this gorgeous Italian mastiff should not undergo such procedures, as they are too cruel and merciless towards animals. Other breeders cannot imagine their pet without cropping. Before deciding whether to stop your dog, there are a few things to consider.
- Correct ear shape. In Corso, they are usually docked so that they look like an equilateral triangle. They should not be overly wide or narrow, overly shortened or elongated. Only an experienced specialist and a real professional will be able to give your ears an ideal and correct shape. Unfortunately, not all veterinarians have a clear idea of what the ears of this Italian breed should look like. For this reason, it is required to select a specialist as carefully as possible, to consult with other breeders.
- Age limits. Docking is allowed to be done no later than 4 months from the day the puppy is born and until the end of the period of changing teeth. It is extremely important to take into account the age of the dogs, since the ears are not very large and rather dense are best raised. It should also be taken into account that an overly mobile and active grown up puppy can begin to rip off the seams.
- Treatment of seams. After the operation is completed, the puppy will need to put on a special collar that will prevent the pet from touching the ears in any way, for example, scratching them. It is permissible to remove the seams for about 10 days, and after another week it will be possible to refuse to wear the collar. Seams should be treated with hydrogen peroxide or other similar preparations. This will have to be done daily. When the stitches are removed, the inner side of the ears should be glued with a plaster so that the correct position is fixed.

Advantages and disadvantages
If you wanted to buy a Cane Corso baby, then you need to familiarize yourself not only with its external data, but also with all the positive and negative characteristics. First, let's look at what the main advantages of these pets are.
- Representatives of the Italian breed are distinguished by an excellent level of intelligence. They are smart and quick-witted to the delight of the owners.
- The Cane Corso is surprisingly easy to train. They quickly learn everything new. These individuals perform commands perfectly.
- It should be noted that the Cane Corso have a beautiful appearance. They look stately and rich.
- The hunting instincts of these beauties are developed at an excellent level. In the distant past, people took them with them to hunt, where the Cane Corso turned out to be very useful and necessary.
- Good watchdog qualities are also inherent in this species. Moreover, preliminary preparation for their development is not required. Cane Corso are initially good guards.
- These animals treat children carefully and carefully. They tolerate any of their pranks, without showing aggression and anger.
- These dogs are incredibly loyal. They will be faithful to the same family for the rest of their days.
- Such dogs will not demonstrate their leadership. Cane Corso is not the main one in the pack, but a companion infinitely loyal to his family.

Unfortunately, there were some drawbacks here. Let's consider what are the weaknesses of the Cane Corso.
- Dogs are large in size, which is why they need to provide enough space to live.

- Representatives of this breed are big fans of running and playing, so they will need a lot of attention from the owner. The pet's lifestyle should be mobile.

- When such a dog becomes bored, it begins to be naughty and mischievous. Most often, Cane Corso are accepted to gnaw furniture or shoes out of boredom, which never pleases the owners. This is very important to consider if you want to acquire such an animal.

- Cane Corso are slobbering pets. The amount of saliva increases when the animal drinks or shakes off. It is not so easy to wipe away slobbering marks from clothes and furniture.

This feature of this breed repels many people who wanted to contact her.
- Cane Corso cats and other small animals are considered as their prey. The only exceptions are cases when the animals grew up together. In such conditions, the dog will not conflict with neighbors in the territory.

- Puppies of this species are quite shy. They can be frightened by sharp and loud sounds, strange objects. As a rule, with the provision of timely socialization, this behavior of dogs comes to naught. If you do not deal with this issue, then as a result a large and powerful dog grows up, flinching from a cat rushing past or a rustling package.

- It should be borne in mind that the Cane Corso does not have a normal undercoat. The coat itself looks like small and sharp needles. They can crumble in those areas where the pet passed. Cane Corso sheds all year round.

- Pets of the Italian breed eat a lot. Their maintenance often costs the owners a tidy sum.

- If you are a very busy person with little free time, then Cane Corso will not suit you. These pets need a lot of attention. They also do not like to stay at home alone.

- These pets are also unlikely to be suitable for sedentary and elderly people.

- Raising Cane Corso puppies is not easy. It is very important to correctly choose the right food, draw up a table with all the growth indicators of the animal, in which it is worth noting its development by months. It is impossible to walk the dog immediately after feeding, as this leads to a sagging of the back. Small puppies less than 4 months old should only be lowered down the stairs by hand.

Before buying a puppy of the Italian breed, you need to weigh the pros and cons, familiarize yourself with each item mentioned above.Only in this case you will not experience disappointment from the content of such an animal.
How many years do they live?
Cane Corso usually live for about 10-11 years. Of course, a lot here depends on the conditions in which the animal is kept, what kind of food it has. A dog can live longer if it is provided with comfortable living conditions.

Color options
As stated above, all Cane Corso colors look beautiful and rich. Most often there are individuals whose color is as follows:
- fawn;
- redhead;
- gray;
- blue;
- brindle;
- black;
- black and brindle.

If the pet has a red or tiger color, then on its face there will be a black or dark gray "mask" contrasting with the main background. White spots may be present on the animal's body. As a rule, they are found on the paws and on the chest.
Character traits
It is necessary to bear in mind all the character traits of the representatives of the Italian breed, before getting its representatives. To be honest, the appearance of the Cane Corso inspires respect and even shyness. And it's true the powerful structure of the body, coupled with a serious expression of the muzzle, confuses many people who are little familiar with this breed.

A stranger is unlikely to pester such an animal in order to cuddle it or try to caress it.
One of the main character traits of the Cane Corso is the ability to distinguish as clearly as possible all the people in the environment into friends and foes. It must be borne in mind that these dogs do not possess a fierce and burning temperament. They behave calmly and well-balanced. Cane Corso usually do not show increased aggression and anger - this is an unusual feature for them. Without a reason, such a dog will never bite anyone, much less attack. If the Cane Corso understands that there has been an invasion of its territory, then the pet can get very angry and act on its own initiative, without the owner's suggestion.

Cane Corso are very intelligent and intelligent animals. They are carriers of a combination of nobility and a strong constitution. This combination seems non-standard to many. Cane Corso have always been closer to the people. Dogs never behaved cold and aristocratic. It is the living soul and the Italian temperament that is noticeable in them.
Cane Corso treats the family in which he lives, especially the children, with incredible trepidation. These dogs are selflessly loyal to their owners and always demonstrate complete readiness to serve under any circumstances. These pets love to be obedient. They unquestioningly execute commands (they learn them very quickly too).

However, their main mission is not ordinary training, but the role of watchman and protector of their home and master.
Cane Corso in all cases keep the situation under control. As soon as they notice hints of impulsive movements made by a stranger, they immediately make it clear that they will not take their eyes off them. Unlike most other large breeds, Cane Corso are well aware of all their power and strength, so they are allowed to be allowed to play with small children. These dogs will not knock the baby down or frighten him. Cane Corso is considered the most serious signal of the crying of a child, who is currently under their direct protection.

It will hardly be possible to bribe representatives of this breed with various delicacies. It will not work and distract the attention of dogs from their main purpose - to protect the family and home. These animals will go all the way, protecting the borders of those they love most in the world. Since the Cane Corso are incredibly loyal dogs that become attached to a person (these qualities take place from the early years of the pet), they are very hard at parting and being separated from their owners. It must be remembered that Cane Corso are monogamous. They may not survive the betrayal of their owners. There is no need to have such animals solely for the sake of prestige.

It should be borne in mind that the Cane Corso is characterized by amazing intuition. These dogs sense danger remarkably well. They are able to instantly react to aggressive actions coming from strangers or animals.
In addition, the Cane Corso are well aware of the line that separates games and possible dangers.
How to choose?
If you liked this breed, and you, taking into account all its features, advantages and disadvantages, decided to have a Cane Corso puppy, then you should choose it correctly. It is important to consider the fact that the fashion for the representatives of the breed made them incredibly popular all over the world... Cane Corso have become prestigious animals. A large number of entrepreneurs have taken advantage of this to start their own business for the streaming production of ultra-fashionable and sought-after breed puppies.

The preservation of the natural advantages of the character and external qualities of a purebred Cane Corso in such people fades into the background and does not play any role. As a result, these entrepreneurs go to pedigree rigging and turn to other similar tricks in order to fool the untrained buyer.
Certain entrepreneurs even manage to trace the pedigree of animals almost to the Middle Ages.
If you would not like to be disappointed in your new four-legged friend and buy an animal with behavior uncharacteristic of the breed instead of a beautiful purebred Italian, you should pay special attention to the history of the cattery. Be sure to scrupulously study the pedigree of the purchased pet. Make sure of the legality of the knitting. Such measures of caution cannot be called insignificant even for those breeders who will not use their dog in exhibitions and various competitions.

Often, having familiarized themselves with the large list of advantages of the Cane Corso character, people entrust these animals with the protection of their homes, property and younger family members. Who will be responsible if, through the fault of an unscrupulous breeder, you buy an animal with an absolutely uncontrollable and unbalanced psyche? That is why it is so important to choose a thoroughbred pet as carefully as possible.
It will be easy and simple to understand who you are dealing with - an enthusiast or an ordinary entrepreneur. It is worth paying attention to the immediate conditions in which pedigree animals are kept. If in front of you is a person who only makes money from dogs, then you will see pens of cages in which representatives of the Italian breed will languish. They are often neglected and poorly fed.

Experts strongly advise against buying such pets in bazaars or, for example, near the metro. Yes, and it is better not to contact the shipment from other cities, since such a deal may not be the most pleasant surprise. If you are really serious about getting such a four-legged friend for years to come, then you better visit the breeder yourself and pay due attention to all of the above criteria.

Content rules
Cane Corso must be kept in a comfortable environment. It is believed that even small and medium-sized dogs can be a hassle if kept in a regular city apartment, let alone big ones. It is the Cane Corso that is the exception to this rule. Despite their impressive size, these animals do not need too much free space. Cane Corso spend a lot of time in a calm state, and this does not require large territories.

If you live in a private house, then it is not recommended to put the dog in a booth and put it on a chain. We must take into account the freedom-loving nature of the Italians. In addition, they need to be constantly near the owner, so putting them out the door and placing them in the booth is not the best solution. The animal in such conditions will be sad and bad.For outdoor keeping, these pets are not suitable also because they do not have a standard undercoat.

These pets do not tolerate the effects of low temperatures in the best way.
You need to walk with a thoroughbred dog every day. Do not take away active rest from him. Leaving a four-legged friend outside the house, you bring some variety to his life. Such actions have an extremely good effect on the nervous system and mood of the dog. In addition, walking together will strengthen the relationship between the owner and the Cane Corso.
The walks should last at least an hour. You should go to them 2 times a day. Four-legged Italians often suffer from diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system (a typical problem for large individuals), so they cannot be limited to walking. If you do not walk your pet, then soon it may start to seriously ill, and the immunity of such animals as a whole is noticeably weakened. If your dog is less than 2 years old, then you do not need to load it with too long runs. For overcoming high barriers, tetrapods at this age are also not yet suitable.

In the setting of a country house with a large plot, tetrapods of the Italian breed feel very good. There, the pet will find where to walk, watch other "characters".

True, you will have to constantly monitor so that the beast does not spot the neighboring cats and does not pursue them.
It is necessary to feed the Cane Corso according to all the rules. The health and level of activity of the pet depends on nutrition. The food consumed by this dog must contain various vitamin complexes, useful microelements. If we consider the feeding of the Cane Corso as a whole, then the same rules should be followed here as in the case of most other large breeds.
Breeders initially need to decide how their pet will eat. When a puppy is 3 weeks old, it needs to be taught to eat a normal, nutritious diet. You can give your dogs ready-to-eat foods that are sold in stores, or opt for natural foods.

If you decide to raise your pet by giving it ready-made feeds, then you should take into account that they should only relate to premium or super-premium class. Budgetary options will definitely not bring any benefit to the animal, but they can harm the body, so it is better not to save.
You should buy high quality feed, which contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the composition indicated on the package before buying.

You can consult with your veterinarian to choose the perfect "dryer". He will tell you which foods are more suitable for the animal, and which ones are better not to take. In some cases, it is required to add additional drugs to such food. This can be done only after talking with the veterinarian.
Natural food for a thoroughbred dog will be less costly. The main advantage of such a solution is that the owner has the ability to clearly control what exactly his dog consumes. True, you will have to spend a certain amount of time every day preparing food for your pet. The food must be warm and fresh. Food that is too hot or too cold is not allowed.

The pet's diet should contain low-fat meat products (chicken, turkey, beef), cereals, sea fish, vegetables and fruits. It should also be borne in mind what kind of food the Cane Corso should not eat in any case:
- these dogs should not be given meat of high fat content - pork or lamb;
- you should not feed the animal with river fish, since there are many bones in it, sometimes there are parasites that will not benefit the health of the animal;
- smoked and fried foods should be excluded from the diet;
- sweets and baked goods do not carry any benefit (even if the animal strenuously demands such food, it cannot be given, since it can cause very serious damage to health);
- fatty dairy products are also best avoided.

If you follow the diet of a purebred Italian, then he will not have health problems. The animal will be active, contented and cheerful.
Carrying out hygienic procedures is extremely important for dogs of this breed. The owner is required to do the following.
- Cleaning every week. Despite the fact that Cane Corso initially have a very short coat, this does not mean that it is not necessary to take care of it. You will need to brush your pet with a special brush to remove all fallen hair and dead skin cells. After that, the animal should be wiped with a slightly damp cloth. After completing these procedures, the pet's coat will be very soft and smooth.

- Bathing. After completing daily walks, you should wash your dog's paws, especially if the weather is bad, slushy outside. As for the general bathing of the Cane Corso, it is often not necessary to resort to it. It is enough to bathe the dog 1-2 times a year as it gets dirty. If you keep your pet's appearance in check, you won't need to wash it too often.

- Nail care. We must not forget about caring for the claws of a thoroughbred pet. Since Cane Corso walk a lot, it is often not necessary to trim their claws, because in such conditions they grind off by themselves. If the pet is lazy and does not walk much, then it is necessary to trim the claws at least once a month. It is necessary to accustom the animal to such procedures from an early age.

In this case, adults will not resist during hygiene measures.
- Care for eyes, ears and teeth. It is necessary to take care of the eyes, ears and teeth of the Cane Corso in the same way as in the case of other large breeds. Always keep under control the condition of all listed areas. Dirt from the ears and eyes should be very carefully removed with special agents or a solution of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton pad or swab. Often, discharge indicates that the animal is sick with something.

- To keep your animal's teeth clean, and plaque did not accumulate on them, it is worth buying special "bones". The pet will chew on them and brush its teeth at the same time.

We must not forget about ticks and fleas, which often attack dogs with such short hair. These parasites can seriously harm your pet if they are not detected and destroyed in time. Self-activity in resolving such issues is undesirable. Special means aimed at combating such parasites should be selected and prescribed only by a veterinarian, based on the dog's age, weight and general health.
True Cane Corso are animals that are not used to demonstrating their superiority over humans. Thanks to this and training, they will succumb without any problems. Their character is flexible. They fully accept the master's leadership and try to obey him. But the Cane Corso are usually in no hurry to grow up.

Often, the owners of these dogs refuse to contact professional dog handlers for various reasons. Most often this is due to the high cost of the latter's services. As a result, people decide to raise puppies on their own. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a number of features.
- It is necessary to raise a puppy from the very first day when he appeared in a new home.
- The first step is to teach the baby to cleanliness and go to the toilet at a certain place.
- The necessary commands that cannot be neglected are: "Near!", "Stand!", "Lie down!", "Place!" They are the ones who need to teach the baby in the first place.
- If you are dissatisfied with something in the pet's behavior, then try to correct it. It is best to do this as early as possible.
- Do not physically punish puppies. Such actions will not lead to anything good.
- When you walk with your pet around the city or in the park, you should fill your leisure time with sports games with elements of training.

Please note that strangers should not participate in the training of the Cane Corso. All commands must be pronounced as clearly and understandably as possible so that the animal knows what you expect from it. Be consistent in your pet training. Be sure to ask him to complete all the tasks assigned to him.
Helpful hints and tips
If you want to put on the ears of the Cane Corso, be sure to contact a good specialist with sufficient experience. Do not forget that after the operation, the animal must be provided with competent care with the correction of the shape of the ears throughout the year. If you do not want to do this, or you simply do not have time for this, then it is better to refuse such a procedure altogether.

Cane Corso's pregnancy lasts only 9 weeks. During this period, the diet should only be changed a couple of weeks before delivery. In order not to purchase vitamin supplements separately, it is easier to pick up a special balanced food in the pet store, the content of which contains all the necessary components. The portions must be increased daily. For the first 7 weeks, the pet should be fed as usual.

You can not keep the Cane Corso on a chain, since such conditions of detention have a serious impact on the mental state of the pet.
These animals need the attention and love of their owners, as well as a rather mobile lifestyle. If the dog sits on a chain all the time, then in the end he will begin to behave more aggressively, and sometimes even uncontrollably in relation to other family members.

When raising a healthy and intelligent Cane Corso puppy, do not overwhelm him. It is enough to turn to simple daily walks. It should be borne in mind that these animals develop rather slowly. Excessive exertion will tire babies very quickly.

Get your pet vaccinated if you're worried about his health. Vaccination must be carried out exclusively in a planned manner, namely: in the interval between 3 and 6 months of growth and development. After this period, the pet is vaccinated once a year. Every 3 months, you need to give your pet special drugs aimed at preventing various parasites, for example, worms.

Monitor your pet's health. At the first suspicion that the dog is sick, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Don't waste time and expect your pet to recover on its own. Only a veterinarian should prescribe absolutely any medications and medicinal feeds. The owners shouldn't be doing this.

So that the pet gets used to the nickname chosen for him as soon as possible, you should call him only in a kind tone. If you are punishing an animal, it is best not to use its name. Otherwise, the dog's own name will be associated with feelings of guilt, causing stress.
It is advisable to buy puppies that are one and a half months old - this is an ideal solution.

The breeder, giving you a pet, must necessarily tell about all its features. It is advisable to ask how it is worth feeding the selected baby and how to properly care for him.
Cane Corso are insanely popular dogs chosen by people looking for a true loyal friend in an animal to rely on. On the net you can find a lot of reviews about this breed.

Of the positive features, the owners of the Cane Corso notice the following:
- bright and attractive appearance;
- wonderful, stable psyche;
- balanced character;
- excellent working qualities;
- the loyalty of these dogs truly amazes the owners;
- kind attitude towards children - according to the breeders, Cane Corso can serve as a real "fluffy nanny" for the younger members of the family;
- affectionate and good-natured behavior;
- well-developed mind and quick wit;
- easy to train - this characteristic especially pleased many owners of such pets, since even the most intelligent and kind dog cannot be left without education;
- lack of aggressive behavior - according to the owners of the Cane Corso, their pets never behave viciously without good reason, they never snap at “their own”.

As for the disadvantages noticed behind this breed, here people single out:
- not the longest life expectancy (remember - a lot here depends on the owner and the conditions of detention);
- some breeders often get these dogs (other owners claim that their pets, on the contrary, have excellent healthy);
- these dogs grow for a long time;
- need constant contact with the owner, and not everyone has time for this;
- slobbering;
- molt.

Many problems can be avoided if the pet is properly maintained and raised. Before starting such a dog, you need to decide exactly whether you can become her best friend.

If you are not entirely sure that you will have time for such a pet, then it is better not to torture him and choose a representative of some other breed.
For more information on the Cane Corso breed, see the video below.