Nicknames for girls of small breeds

Having become the happy owner of a puppy-girl of a small breed, the newly-made owner plunges into the world of exciting and pleasant troubles. One of the most important issues requiring a balanced decision is the choice of a beautiful and original name for the pet. What is the name of a small breed girl puppy? What ideas will help in your search for a harmonious nickname? What should you consider when choosing the right name for your puppy?

Selection rules
In choosing a sonorous and beautiful nickname for a dog, experienced breeders recommend taking into account several general rules. They will allow you to narrow the search for a suitable name and filter out unsuitable options.
It is generally accepted that a good nickname should be:
- easy and easy to pronounce;
- one- or two-syllable;
- appropriate for the breed and sex of the pet.
Observations show that dogs quickly memorize short nicknames in which voiced consonants are present (in particular, "p", "m", "n").
It is desirable that the nickname consists of 1-2 syllables. However, given the good memory of small breed dogs, it is not forbidden to call them longer names. Some owners of decorative dogs give their pets rather complex nicknames, consisting of two words, which the animals successfully memorize.

Usually, observant owners do not have any difficulties with the choice of a beautiful dog name. The breed of the animal helps some owners to suggest the most suitable option, others - its exterior and external features, the third - temperament and habits.
People who are not devoid of originality and a sense of humor, in search of a beautiful nickname for their pet, often resort to rather unexpected options.Sources of ideas for them are usually the most extraordinary topics, which include personal interests and hobbies, professional interests, favorite films, music, literature.
One of the advantages in choosing a nickname for a small breed female puppy is that these animals can be given names in diminutive form. So, if nicknames are unlikely to suit a formidable shepherd or husky Lapulya, Businka or Masyunya, then for decorative dogs they will come in handy.

For ethical reasons, it is not recommended to give pets common human names. In the future, walking the dog in crowded places and loudly calling it to him, the owner may find himself in an awkward situation. For the same reason, you should not call your pet by the names of friends, relatives, neighbors or colleagues.
Pet name and exterior
The appearance and characteristics of the breed are an excellent landmark that can suggest an original and cute name for a girl puppy. Here you can take into account the size of the pet, its complexion, color, length and type of coat.
For example, dogs of a fragile and graceful constitution (pinschers, toy terriers) can be called by the following names: Slimmy (translated from English meaning "slender"), Finny ("thin"), Grace ("grace, grace"), Mini. More plump and strong puppies (pugs, French bulldogs), in turn, can be given the following nicknames: Pona (Ponya, Donut), Bun, Marshmallow, Bun, Cream, Cheesecake, Chubby (Chubby), Pear.

Fluffy puppies-girls (Pomeranian, Pekingese) are suitable names Fluffy ("fluffy"), Fluffy, Plush (Bun), Fluffy. Pets with long curly hair (Yorkshire, Shih Tzu) can be called Curly ("wavy"), Silky ("silk"), Volnushka.

Puppies with different color markings may use names such as Blot, Spot, Star, Freckle.
If the marks have a specific shape, this can also help in finding the original name.

Nickname and color
Focusing on the coloring of a small breed girl puppy, it is not difficult to pick up a lot of interesting and affectionate nicknames for a new family member. Here it is worth mentioning such popular variants of names:
- Belyana, Squirrel, Snowball, Snowflake, Snow White, Pearl, Alba, White, Vanilla, Ice (Ice), Salt - for puppies of white or fawn color;
- Ginja, Amber, Shocky, Whiskey, Orange, Spark - for ginger puppies;
- Find, Noir, Blackie, Nochka, Agatha - for black dogs;
- Haze, Ashley, Gray, Mousey - for gray puppies.

Name and character of the dog
Carefully observing the puppy, you can determine the most striking features of his behavior, character traits and habits. Some puppies of small breeds are characterized by phlegm, poise, inertia and calmness. Such pets are often given the following nicknames: Splyusha, Miro (Mirosha), Tina (Tisha), Umka, Sally or Siley (“silence” is translated from English as “silence”), Shtilly.
Puppies-girls, characterized by mobility and cocky disposition, are often called Bully, Buyashi, Skoda, Rogue, Bullets, Rockets, Comets, Storms, Lightning. Voiced and "ringing" puppies often get names such as Siren, Tinker Bell, Thunderstorm, Ligeia (named after one of the sirens - a character in ancient Greek mythology).

Review of beautiful names
Most often, owners of girls of indoor decorative breeds prefer to give their pets beautiful female names of foreign origin. They can be selected arbitrarily by referring to the usual dictionary of foreign names. You can complicate the task by choosing a pet name that is traditional in the country of origin of the breed.
For example, a dog whose breed was bred in France (French lapdog, Papillon, French bulldog) can be given a traditional French name - Julie, Michelle, Andrea, Marie, Monique, Corinne, Brigitte, Patricia. Less popular options are - Abel, Aurelie, Violet, Bridget, Denise, Giselle, Claire, Marin, Florence (Florence).
A puppy-girl of a small breed bred in Germany (Pomeranian, Miniature Pinscher) will do the classic German names. Here you can give an example of the following options: Greta, Elsa, Heidi, Lieschen, Gretchen, Gretel, Irma, Helga.

If the country of origin of the pet's breed is the United Kingdom (pug, Jack Russell Terrier, Sheltie, Yorkshire Terrier), then many suitable variants of nicknames for the animal can be found among traditional English female names. The most common female names in England are Jane, Helen, Gladys, Bella, Chloe, Miley, Ethel, Nancy, Wendy, Jessica (Jesse).
Other variants of beautiful female names of foreign origin are - Matilda, Brunhilde, Isolde, Isabella, Rebecca, Annabelle, Arabella, Leticia, Aisha, Eirin, Rosalind (Rozzi), Olivia, Abby (Abigail), Maryam, Clarissa, Cindy, Alicia, Armanda, Dora (Adora), Blanca, Bonita , Dolores, Iolanta, Clementine, Mirabella, Virginia, Angelica, Cassandra, Lourdes, Octavia, Pamela, Paloma, Ramona, Cecilia, Saturina, Theodora, Eloise, Wanda, Charlotte, Celeste, Ingeborga, Felicia, Sylvia, Zhelefolina, Zhelefolina, , Constance.
Simple and short, but at the same time beautiful nicknames for girls of small breeds - Trisha, Darcy, Chipi, Maya, Lucky, Roxy, Tara, Luna, Dolly, Malu. Other popular dog names - Dara, Zara (Zarina), Jasper, Britney, Candy, Cherry, Sheri, Cheryl, Shanti, Dauria, Maurica.

List of funny nicknames
The touching and unusual appearance of decorative breeds of dogs cannot but cause affection and a smile. Very often, the original appearance of small dogs acts as a guideline for owners in choosing cool and funny nicknames.
Among the most popular and funny names that are often called miniature dogs, the following should be noted: Zhuzha, Fly, Kus (Kusya), Fifi, Vaksa, Doll, Knop (Button), Hairpin, Shpunka, Shusha, Shurshunya, Kiki (Kika), Gunya, Lyalya, Shunya, Prima, Nyunya (Manyunya).
Some owners, not devoid of a sense of humor, give their pets very funny double nicknames.
So, a rare person will not smile when they meet on a walk with a plump pug girl named Mary-Ivanna or Freken Bok.
Other options for funny double nicknames: Chunga-Changa, Tsokotukha Fly, Miss Marple, Queen of Sheba, Jessica Drew, Mary Poppins, Hermione Granger, Morgana Fairy, Princess Zelda, Mrs. Hudson, Chucky's Bride, Vasilisa the Beautiful (Wise), Madame Gritsatsuedochka, Elliva Lyuchka Mockingbird, Natasha Rostova, Red Sonja, Princess Turandot, Bella Swan, Aunt May, Sarah Connor, Carey Bradshaw, Lara Croft, April O'Neal, Jessica Fletcher, Lady Godiva, The Queen of Spades, Harley Quinn, Milady Winter.

Unusual options
Trying to choose an original and unusual name for a new family member, owners with a sense of humor often resort to a variety of methods. So, the sphere of their professional activity or personal interests helps many owners to choose a non-trivial nickname for a puppy-girl of a small breed. As examples of possible dog nicknames, here are some extraordinary options: USB flash drive, Board, Scheme, Card, Key (Keyboard), Monya (Monitor), Button, Warmer, Pipette, Scale, Screwdriver, Drill, Fishing Line, Spinner, Lamp, Washer.
Very beautiful and unusual nicknames for puppies-girls of small breeds are able to tell the world of flora.
Names such as Rose (Rosie), Floxy, Astra, Willow, Melissa, Lily, Mimosa, Sakura, Jasmine, Freesia, Palm, Azalea, Mint, Chamomile, Violet (Viola), Lavender, Iris (Toffee), Daisy (Margosha), Chrysanthemum ( Chryza), Geranium (Gerash).
Countless ideas for beautiful and sonorous nicknames can be found by referring to the topic of feature films and cartoons. Here are the most popular examples - Belle, Fiona, Bagheera, Assol, Pocahontas, Malvina, Desdemona, Ariel, Gerda, Ellie, Juliet, Carmen, Ursulla, Alice, Lolita, Tiger, Kenga, Alina, Billina, Barbie, Betty, Becky, Gwendoline, Guinevere , Rachel, Xena, Eve, Kayera, Calypso, Kira, Leia, Kirby, Kitana, Elizabeth (Lizzie), Clay, Cordelia, Carol, Christie, Maleficent, Tifa, Marianne, Missandei, Norma, Paige, Raichu, Rebekah, Reina, Rhea, Saphira, Rose, Sailor, Marge, Freya, Ondine, Phila, Sharon, Emma, Scarlett, Melisandre, Melinda.

Spectacular appearance, uncommon character and aristocratic manners give an excellent reason to name a puppy-girl of a small breed by the name of an ancient goddess or a popular mythical character. The most interesting options here are such as Venus, Hera, Trivia, Nymph, Thetis, Eurydice, Procrida, Hecate, Ceres, Nika, Aphrodite, Themis, Metis, Urania, Egle, Ariadne, Demeter, Coronis, Eirena, Holda, Pandorra, Nephela, Chimera, Philomela, Tefis, Kerkyra, Salacia, Polyxena, Athena, Pasithea, Hella, Ishtar, Pallas, Nemesis, Medea, Isis (Isis), Iris, Daris, Eurynomus, Deianira, Himalia, Danae, Daphne, Biblis, Aurora, Shakti, Theia, Theodora, Artemis , Diana, Vesta, Bastet, Basilea, Epion, Sedna, Selena, Tephida, Juno, Vesta.

A lot of ideas for original and sonorous nicknames for small breed dogs can be found by referring to the topic of social and glamorous life. Some of the most common options here include the following examples of nicknames: Tiffany, Prada, Furla, Bugatti, Toyota, Visa, Fendi, Infinity, Dolce, Chanel (Coco), Gucci, Apple, Omega, Ferrari, Nice, Ibiza, Lamborghini.
As you can see, there are countless options for nicknames for girls-puppies of small breeds, referring to a variety of topics and directions. To choose a truly unique, beautiful and original name for your miniature pet, you just need to take a closer look at the dog and its appearance, study its character, habits and behavior.
More options for nicknames for girls dogs in the video below.