Nicknames for dogs

The best nicknames for girls dogs

The best nicknames for girls dogs
  1. Features of choice
  2. List of rare names
  3. Most popular options
  4. Best foreign names
  5. Interesting Russian nicknames
  6. Simple and short options
  7. What do celebrities call their pets?
  8. Advice

Each owner recalls with affection the first steps of his pet, crossing the threshold of a new home: how the animal sniffed furniture, household members, possibly other domestic animals. Everyone remembers how the kid got to know his new family. But the most exciting process is always the process of choosing a suitable nickname for a pet. Especially if the puppy is a girl.

Features of choice

Choosing a suitable nickname for a puppy who is a representative of the fair half of the canine world is not an easy task. Calling a girl the first nickname that comes to mind may not always be appropriate, especially if the pet name belongs to a large female.

Of course, you can make it easier for yourself, and indulge in the vastness of the World Wide Web, where multiple Internet resources offer excellent names for any breed of dog.

And yet it is better to observe the animals for a while, study the habits, see how the puppy's mood changes, what skills the animal has, carefully examine the appearance, so that it will be possible to make the most accurate choice.

If we compare the names of males, there is much more variety in the list of female names. The nicknames of four-legged women sound softer, softer, more harmonious. Moreover, one nickname can characterize several qualities of a dog, for example, an element of appearance and a certain trait of temperament.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the character of the female, observe her manners, see what she loves.A few days of studying the pet will determine if she is calm or noisy, fast or slow, cute or formidable.

An equally important factor in choosing a suitable name is the appearance of the dog. Perhaps the animal has a special color, combining red, brown and black shades. Sometimes the coat of a puppy is endowed with a marble color, thanks to which the search for a beautiful nickname turns from a trivial task into the most exciting family activity.

The fact of the origin of the dog breed is no less important. Although this question only applies to purebred puppies. They have documents, passport, pedigree. Quite often, the official name of the dog is already indicated in the "puppy" of the purchased puppy. And in most cases it is long and complex, it can consist of several common nouns of ancestors. For the convenience of communicating with a four-legged friend, the owner can only reduce the official nickname to the minimum pronunciation. Or use an abbreviation for the full name.

When choosing a unique nickname, one should not forget about the homeland of the dog. Do not forget about certain traditions of most kennels, where puppies from the same litter must be named with a letter that is the ordinal number of the alphabet. In this case, only maternal litters are taken into account.

In simple terms, the first litter of a thoroughbred female will be named with the letter "a", respectively, puppies from the second litter will be given names with the letter "b".

By breed

It has already been clarified that an important criterion for selecting a suitable nickname for a dog is belonging to a particular breed. Initially, it is proposed to consider representatives of large breeds, for example, shepherds, huskies and Labradors. Despite the fact that we are talking about the fair sex of the canine world, their names, like the male ones, should be solid and emphasize the peculiarity of the female. Long names are chosen when its pronunciation can be reduced to a minimum. Although it is preferable that the nickname consisted of several syllables, consonant with each other. Possessed a certain power.

The Laika breed belongs to the snow world, and it is better to choose a winter nickname for the dog, for example, Icicle, Alaska, Blizzard or Gerda. Some breeders, before choosing a name for their pet, try to familiarize themselves with the meanings of certain nicknames. At the same time, the most solid nickname for a husky is the name Aina, which means “pure, bright”.

The Sheepdog is the most popular breed in the world. The names of these animals are selected in a variety of ways, although breeders recommend calling them short nicknames. The main thing is that they are not similar to the commands learned during training. The most common nickname for shepherd dogs is Adele and Elba. Hardy's name looks very interesting. Even psychologists claim that shepherd dogs with this nickname have a strong and strong-willed character. The mystics assure that this is due to the fact that Hardy literally means "strength". Many German Shepherd breeders try to emphasize the ancestral roots and call their beauties Young, Juno and Cora.

For Labradors who are full-fledged members of a large family, nicknames such as Bertha, Omega or Jasmine are suitable.

These names are successfully combined with home life and forays into nature.

With hunting dogs, the process of selecting a suitable nickname proceeds somewhat differently. These pets have been real helpers of people for a long time. Since that time, a person has been able to understand that hunting dogs must be called by the shortest names, in order to quickly call out to his pet during the hunt and send him in the right direction. And modern hunters assure that sonorous sounds should prevail in the nickname of hunting assistants. Thus the nickname will sound brighter and louder, which has a good effect on the shout of a dog located at a great distance from the owner. Although there are hunters who disregard these rules, naming their four-legged girls after the patroness of all hunters, Diana. In general, the most acceptable for female hunting breeds are Irma, Lada, Vesta, Yuma.

For greyhound dogs that help the hunter to drive the animal to a dead end, it is preferable to choose names such as Spark or Arrow, which characterize the speed and lightning speed of the assistant.

Today, miniature dogs have become very popular. Initially, decorative babies were called diminutive names Pusya, Lyalya and Businka. And today, enterprising owners reward their miniature pets with more sophisticated nicknames, thanks to which the size of the breed and the femininity of the representatives of the fair half of the canine world are perfectly emphasized.

It is worth noting that an important factor when choosing a nickname for small dog breeds is the expression of emotions in the nickname. And it's not just about an ironic smile. So, Betty, Amanda, Mimosa, Gloria or Linda would be ideal names for decorative girls. Of course, for animals of such small sizes, you should choose the more refined and glamorous names of Barbie, Ariel or Blondie.

But decorative dogs are not always purchased for show, in most cases they are turned on for the soul.

By color

You can find the perfect nickname for a girl puppy based on the color of her coat. It should be noted that the initially proposed and chosen option turns out to be successful, since the color of a puppy from a young age to adulthood can darken or lighten.

Among the huge variety of colors, dogs with a red tint look quite bright. Accordingly, the name of such girls should be effective and at the same time convey the tenderness of the relationship between the owner and the pet. For example, Zlata, Zara, Ryzhulya, Freckle or Chanterelle.

The black color of the coat is a fairly common trait in the appearance of dogs. Representatives of dark colors stand out against the background of the surrounding world at any time of the year. For this reason, the owner should give his pet an unusual beautiful name that will be in tune with the shade of the coat. For example, Panther, Bagheera or Wax.

Dogs with a snow-white coat color are extremely rare today. But the owners of such puppies need to choose the most unusual names, since the animal is endowed with an angelic outline.

It is appropriate to call the snow-white pet Atlanta, Marshmallow, Snowflake or Snowball.

By temperament

Before proceeding with a detailed acquaintance with the names of dogs that correspond to the temperament of the animal, it is proposed to plunge slightly into mysticism. Fans of astrology and numerology say with confidence that every word spoken by a person carries a certain vibration that affects the thought process and strongly affects the character of a living being. The same vibration system works for pets.

Each word that sounds to the dog has a certain energy. And the more often the dog hears these words, the stronger he perceives them, and even begins to adjust to what was said. In simple terms, if an active dog is told that he is lazy, he will actually start to be lazy. In turn, scientists have proven that it is the vibrational effect of words that allows pets to understand their owners.

In general, each breeder noticed that the nickname of a pet given at a young age largely characterizes the behavior of an adult dog. The name of the puppy is given from birth, no dog handler can say for sure what a dog should become at an older age. It follows from this that a person, giving this or that nickname, traces the fate of the pet.

Choosing a suitable nickname according to the nature of the pet, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with the characteristics of the acquired puppy, because each representative of a particular breed of dog has unique abilities. German Shepherds are guard dogs, Labradors are family creatures.

The lack of upbringing in the presented dogs can lead to unpleasant consequences, and the initially incorrectly chosen name can generally affect the relationship of the pet with the owner.

As evidence that the nickname of an animal affects its character, we will cite the story of one shepherd dog. The owner of the dog was not involved in raising the girl, he allowed her to do everything. As a result, the shepherd dog began to sleep on the master's bed, not allowing its owner to approach it. In addition, she began to behave abruptly and show dominant inclinations. The owner was unable to cope with his pet, and the dog had to be euthanized. The name of the shepherd dog was Adda.

Dogs with such a nickname show a very strong character, they are headstrong and very vindictive. Of course, the lack of upbringing also played an important role, but the name of the puppy is given almost from birth, and training begins later. It turns out that the shepherd dog from childhood was endowed with leadership qualities, and the owner's indifference only exacerbated the situation. The nickname Aza is considered a similar option.

List of rare names

The huge pluses in choosing a suitable female nickname for a dog are unusual, uniqueness and rarity. This is because frequently used dog names can confuse puppies even while walking. The owner will call his pet, and a completely alien dog with a similar nickname can run up to him. Therefore, rare dog names are considered honorable.

Quite often, breeders call their four-legged beauties by nicknames associated with the work or hobbies of the owner.

For example, astronomers call their favorites Andromeda, Comet, Delta, Sigma. People who are professionally involved with cars will definitely reward their dog with a nickname associated with their favorite car brand, for example, Toyota, Audi, Lada, Tesla, Mazda or Priora.

And yet the most unique variants are nicknames associated with ancient mythology. They can be applied to dogs of all breeds, sizes, fields of activity. So, the nickname Aurora is ideal for both huskies and pugs.

The uniqueness of antique nicknames lies in the presence of certain meanings and historical information that can greatly affect the fate of a dog. But the most common mythological names are Athena, Artemis, Hera, Cleo, Libera, Pandora, Circe and Juventa.

Most popular options

In the frantic pace of the modern world, not every new owner has free time that he can spend looking for a suitable nickname for a puppy. Therefore, the most popular and common options are used. For example Orange, Lucky or Jack. Although today double and even triple nicknames using both foreign and Russian words are gaining wide popularity.

Moreover, double and triple options change taking into account fashion trends.

Earlier, fashion trends demanded to call animals by the names of literary heroes, for example, Jena or Ariel. In the early 90s, serials changed literature, respectively, the preferences of dog breeders in the nicknames of their wards changed, where the names Izaura or Tonya were of particular interest.

Over the decades, the list of dog nicknames, especially for girls, has gained a wide variety. So, puppies representing the fair sex of the canine world can be dubbed the name of the currency of a particular country. And yet the most popular nicknames today are Molly, Sophie, Bella, Lady, Ani, Rosie or Tasha.

Best foreign names

For dogs whose breed roots are of foreign origin, it is best to choose nicknames appropriate to their homeland.

It would be appropriate to give the pet a nickname corresponding to the place of birth of the dog, or give the baby a name that characterizes the home country. For example, a female French Bulldog can be easily christened by the nickname Chanel. For a Yorkshire Terrier, a British nickname is ideal.

And the Japanese Akita Inu will proudly wear the exotic nickname Jun, which means “obedient” in Japanese. The Japanese, on the other hand, have always tried to emphasize the beauty of their animals, therefore they called them names associated with the beauty of their appearance. For example, Akemi, which literally means "bright beauty".

Today, names for dogs associated with Japanese and Korean culture are practiced. This is exactly what anime fans use.

Further, it is proposed to familiarize yourself in more detail with foreign names originating in certain countries of the world.

The first thing to consider is German culture. This dialect is notable for its slight harshness in pronunciation and the frequent use of harsh, hard sounds. For example, Agna, which means "saint" in translation. Bit is "blessed". Hertha is a "spear". Jeet is "great." Idan, despite the rough pronunciation, is translated as "new love". Keel is "beloved". Siji - "tenderness". Frida is an "elf". Hedi - "war". Erna is "immortal".

The French dialect is softer and more melodic. The words spoken in this language seem beautiful and elegant. Respectively, a nickname with French roots will highlight the greatness of the dog's femininity... For example, Avril translates as "open." Aimi is "beloved." Ines - "chastity." Flo is a "flower". Elin - "nobility".

Along with the French and German dialects, English and American are widely popular.

And all thanks to foreign cinema. Commissioner Rex and dear Max have become cliches and have held the mark for several decades. But for representatives of the beautiful half of the canine world, even in cartoons and movies, chose unusual and sophisticated names.

For example, Lady, girlfriend of the Tramp, or Nana, girlfriend of Peter Pan. In contemporary art, there are other names, for example, Smoli - "little". Lucky is "lucky". Cookies are cookies. Goldie - "golden-haired", by the way, this nickname suits Labradors very well. Ricky is "restless."

The double names mentioned earlier have become common in the West, and have a special meaning for female dogs. For example, Pepple Hart - "purple heart". May Dreams - "my dreams". Pritty Baby is a beautiful baby. Little Puppy is a "little puppy", only big dogs with such a nickname will be very difficult. This factor should be taken into account when choosing a nickname for a puppy.

On the territory of the CIS countries, Asian and Mongolian names for animals are very popular. But despite the opportunity to use foreign nicknames, not every breeder will agree to call his beloved girl by the hard name of Bala, Rati or Shakti. Although these three options have some pretty interesting literal translations.

The same goes for Japanese names. It is very rare to find a dog with the nickname Kami, which means "deity". Tenshi is an "angel". June is "obedient." Yoshiko is "noble". Chika means wisdom.

Nicknames of Korean origin are characterized by brevity of spelling and pronunciation. It is important for them that the nickname of the animal consists of only one syllable. So, once in Korea, you can meet dogs nicknamed Tu - "star". Lan - translated as "peaceful". Kim is golden. Mi is "beauty".

Chinese nicknames, along with Japanese ones, have a certain rigidity and sometimes seem like gibberish in pronunciation, but despite this, each individual nickname has its own flavor. For example, Zhu - "bamboo". Xu - "snow". Meili is "beautiful." Yubi - "emerald". Swin is "simplicity."

Interesting Russian nicknames

The Russian language is the richest one today, it is constantly updated with new words. It contains not only a huge variety of common nouns, but also independently invented unusual, original and affectionate nicknames, with which it turns out to characterize several advantages of your pet at once. Moreover, this unique name will not cut the ears of others.

In general, Russian-speaking names are chosen for dogs of domestic breeds, northern and Caucasian, but even representatives of foreign ancestry, for example, Korean Hindo, will proudly wear a Russian nickname.

It is important to take into account the color of the pet's coat, the length of the hair and its physical abilities.

Today, it has become quite fashionable to use Old Slavonic vocabulary and choose such outdated names that, in principle, relate to mythological culture. For example, Goluba means "modest", Mara - "strict", Dara - "donated", Diva - this beautiful and interesting variant means a mythological evil spirit.

Dogs, whose destiny from birth was destined to serve in harsh weather conditions, is chosen a nickname corresponding to the seriousness of the work. And it is these girls who bear the coolest names - Blizzard, Taiga, Vesta, Aurora, Strela, Alaska.

Dogs of medium and small size, the nickname is selected according to the color of the coat and their temperament. For example, a diminutive and funny kid in Russian sounding may turn out to be Laska, Klyaksa or Snezhka. It is appropriate to call representatives of medium-sized breeds by the primordially Russian common names of Zhuchka, Chunya, Lapa or Krasotka.

Today there are Russian nicknames that are rarely used. And some even believe that their roots have a foreign meaning, but in reality this is not so. For example, the nickname Dusya is a Slavic word that has been a common noun from the very beginning. The nicknames Lusya, Nora, Senya, Ksenya and Zhenya are considered by a similar principle.

And even though these famous names seem old and simple, in fact they are the coolest, and most importantly, significant.

Simple and short options

Choosing the right nickname for a small puppy is not an easy task, especially if the dog is a representative of the fair half of the canine world. But at the same time, it is not necessary to choose a unique or unusual nickname, especially if the pet was purchased for the soul and family content.

A separate question is the future fate of the dog. If suddenly a thoroughbred girl is brought up for breeding, participation in exhibitions or various competitions, she should have a stately and majestic name, consisting of several words. Well, a puppy taken for family maintenance is much more often given nicknames that do not have unique roots, are simple and easy to pronounce, and are easily remembered by animals.

The main thing is that the name does not have a common combination of sounds with command words that are used during training.

Otherwise, the dog will simply get confused and stop responding to his nickname.

In addition, the names for the female representatives of the canine world often turn out to be not only simple, but at the same time cool. For more detailed information, it is proposed to look at the list of nicknames starting with each individual letter of the alphabet.


Adina, Agta, Abi, Artemia, Aisa, Assol, Astrid, Adeline, Amada, Agnia, Anabel.


Betsy, Bucky, Buli, Bella, Bani, Bisya, Bahia, Barbie, Blackie, Blacksie, Bossi, Baksia, Bertie, Beta, Bewley, Belle, Becky, Beresta, Bonka.


Vegta, Valenci, Viola, Wiley, Wylit, Vesta, Wendy, Vivianna, Virgie, Voiley, Vaselina, Venezia, Verta, Vita, Valissia, Viva.


Gaia, Gratta, Gabby, Hera, Gabriela, Gucci, Gara, Gami, Gabri, Gloria, Gaudi, German, Golti, Germina, Glafie, Grethan, Gaina, Gordelia, Hansel.


Daisy, Dori, Dzhata, Jenifer, Julie, Dosya, Darana, Dana, Duffy, Gina, Dia, Donya, Jess, Juliani, Jackie, Julienne, Dafri, Jari.


Eshka, Eugene, Efsenia, Eta, Erka, Emilia, Elizabeth.


Jessica, Zhaki, Zhanetta, Zheli, Pearl, Zhani, Zhassi, Josefina, Giselle.


Zoldi, Zosia, Zoya, Zitta, Zenna, Zosia, Zulya, Zabel, Zeya, Zemi, Zara, Zulia, Zusya, Zarinda, Zelta, Zina.


Ivin, Indit, Irista, Irma, Iskara, Iliad, Isabella, Ilona, ​​Iolinta.


Korda, Clio, Katie, Kristen, Katie, Candy, Carmen, Caro, Katie.


Okay, Likes, Laina, Lily, Lania, Leidy, Luina, Lizana, Lucien, Layla, Lindsa, Laxia, Lot, Luinda, Loli, Leticia.


Mayli, Marcia, Maxima, Melanie, Mary, Margosha, Mosya, Maya, Marilyn, Sack, Murphy, Misi.


Nikosya, Neli, Niva, Nacy, Nalla, Nani, Naya, Naomi.


Ophelina, Orlina, Octave, Odeline, Olivienne.


Persia, Paxi, Patricia, Panochka, Pilageya, Pepi, Pompa, Peri, Paluma, Paidzhi, Peni, Papi.


Rexi, Rosie, Rachel, Rainey, Runia, Rondo, Rena, Raik, Ralda, Ryogi, Riza, Rutta, Rinka, Rami, Rafi.


Stella, Sabina, Sofia, Savana, Smalley, Arrow, Sandy, Stephanie, Sarah, Susie, Susan, Salina.


Tasya, Toska, Teffi, Tasi, Tera, Teya, Tracy, Taisy, Tamina, Taby, Trish, Taya.


Uma, Windy, Ula, Ulrina, Umber, Uranus, Ursa.


Feona, Fibina, Faya, Fabbi, Felicia, Firza, Fluffy, Fancy.


Chloya, Hana, Hayri, Kheti, Helga, Helen, Hilary, Khoni, Hina.


Tseya, Tsani, Tserra, Tessa, Tsertsei, Tserber.


Chesi, Cherie, Chitta, Cheesy, Chili, Chucky, Chapi.


Sherri, Chanel, Shelley, Shaki, Shelby, Shaggy, Sheldy, Sherra, Charlie.


Eliza, Elshy, Amy, Elka, Elizabeth, Amy, Emily.


Yunta, Yusti, Yuka, Yuma, Yuza.


Yami, Yafi, Yara.

What do celebrities call their pets?

Each person has a specific place in their souls for loving small and adorable pets. This applies not only to ordinary people, but also to world stars.

For example, Glamorous blonde Paris Hilton has a pet - doggy Tinkerbell... In total, 17 representatives of different decorative breeds live with the girl, but it is Tinkerbell who gets all the laurels of popularity. This adorable dog participates in fashion shows, walks the catwalk and even became the main character of the book, which many lovers of literature liked for the light humor and irony correctly presented by the author.

As for fashion shows, the proceeds from events where Tinkerbell participates goes to the animal rescue fund.

Selena Gomez also boasts a broad soul and a huge heart. Thanks to her love for animals, she managed to save more than one dog abandoned in trouble. Together with her live six adorable dogs, four of which she found on the street, and took two from the shelter.

Yes, these dogs do not have a pedigree, they have no great ancestors in the family, but the mongrels fell into good hands, thanks to which they receive worthy attention along with pedigree dogs. In return, they serve their mistress with faith and truth, are always ready to support and help. The only one of them is the girl named Fina.

Along with Hollywood stars, Russian actors also pay attention to the problem of abandoned dogs. So, Konstantin Khabensky did not succumb to fashion trends and made himself a four-legged friend from the shelter, calling it Frosya. An outbred baby with many diseases no longer believed that someone needed her. Konstantin managed to convince the animal that all is not yet lost. Thanks to good care and treatment, Frosya quickly recovered.

Now she, like a real and devoted friend, accompanies Constantine all the time.Frosya visits his owner's workplace, everyone is waiting for the dog on the set. In addition, Frosya and Konstantin travel together to different cities. Khabensky's love for his pet is so wide that even when choosing a hotel room, he requires a separate place for her so that the girl feels comfort and coziness.

In addition to the sleeping area, the hotel must have a place for walking animals so that Konstantin can take Frosya for a walk.

Special attention should be paid to the dog famous throughout the CIS, Labrador Connie, who was the first favorite of its owner Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin... She, like one of his family members, lived within the walls of the Kremlin. Connie became the president's first dog since taking office as head of state.

The Labrador Retriever was presented to Putin by Sergei Shoigu as a sign of respect, loyalty and devotion. Moreover, Shoigu acquired a dog for the president not just from his hands, he carefully studied the kennels and clubs where they were engaged in breeding this noble breed. His labors were not in vain. Connie turned out to be a very intelligent dog, obedient, trainable.

Unfortunately, she passed away in 2014. During these 14 years, she faithfully served her master. People say a lot of good words about Connie, and they still don't forget. Journalists sometimes joked that Connie is the first adviser to the president, helps Vladimir Vladimirovich to endure state upheavals and make decisions on serious issues. A little later, journalists began to joke that Connie was the successor of Vladimir Vladimirovich, and even some liberals, supporting humor, said that they would definitely vote for her in the elections.

Many people know that a book called "Connie Says" was released for sale, which tells about the life of its owner from the point of view of the dog itself... The publication is published in English and is intended for children to learn a foreign language.

During his lifetime in St. Petersburg, Labrador Connie erected a monument on the playground, and residents of nearby houses believe that thanks to this monument it will be possible to preserve goodness and order in the microdistrict.


Finding a nickname for your pet is an individual matter. Each owner names his dog according to his own preferences and desires. Cynologists, in turn, offer the newly-made owner 5 useful tips, thanks to which it will be easier for a small dog to choose the perfect nickname.

  1. The complexity of the nickname. The name of the animal must consist of one, maximum two syllables. Three or more syllables sound rather difficult for a dog, and are not remembered. Therefore, a pet may confuse a nickname that is too long with a phrase or a whole sentence. And a short nickname for a four-legged friend, even in extreme situations, will reduce risks and minimize danger. After all, while the owner of the dog pronounces the long name of the animal and gives the command, irreparable may happen.
  2. The first letter of the nickname. Cynologists say that a woman's nickname must begin with a consonant letter. In this case, the nickname is remembered by the animal much easier, especially with frequent calls.
  3. The uniqueness of the name. Today, it is important to call your puppies by nicknames that are unique. This will help to avoid confusion when walking or on dog sports grounds, especially when it comes to exhibition events. In addition, the lack of uniqueness in the nickname of the animal can lead to the fact that the dog's image and character will lose their own individuality, lose their significance.
  4. Coordination with the family. The name chosen for the dog should be liked by every member of the family. If there is no way to come to a certain consensus, you can play the family lottery, where everyone offers their own version.And already by lot, the dog itself chooses the nickname it likes.
  5. Clarity of the dog's name. When referring to an animal, especially to a puppy, who is only learning its name, in no case should you use diminutive forms of the nickname or make additional prefixes. Otherwise, the dog will become confused and stop responding to his name.

Names for girls dogs in the next video.

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