Variety of nicknames for small dogs

A four-legged pet has appeared in your house, and the first thing to do is to give it a beautiful and unusual name. The choice of a nickname is a serious matter, which is not worth rushing with. Take a closer look at the puppy, observe him, highlight his individual characteristics.
Try to understand who is in front of you, a fatal beauty with a character, a wayward robber or a funny prankster.

Features of choice
The nickname should please not only the owner, but also the dog. It is necessary that the puppy reacts positively to the new name, so he will quickly get used to it and with age will be able to distinguish it well from other words and sounds. Therefore, when choosing a nickname, you should adhere to simple recommendations:
- it is better if it is short, only 1-2 syllables;
- the nickname should be clear and voiced, the tailed beasts are difficult to hear deaf and hissing sounds;
- should not be in tune with the main commands, for example, Funtik is very similar to the "Fu!" command, and Fars resembles "Fas!";
- it is not recommended to call the dog too popular a name, it is better to choose something original;
- When choosing a name, look at the reaction of the puppy, it is important how he reacts to a combination of sounds.
Choose a nickname taking into account the individual characteristics of the dog: size, character, color.
The miniature size of the dog can be named using names such as Pixel, Gnome, Baby, Button, Bead, Atom, Mouse and Micron. They are ideal for a small dog. In addition, they can be combined with beautiful foreign names, thus obtaining a double nickname, for example, Little Lucy or Little Webster.

For small decorative breeds, English names with an aristocratic shade are suitable:
- Barry;
- Buffy;
- Becky;
- Jane;
- Webster;
- Linda;
- Maxwell;
- Molly;
- Oscar;
- Rigby;
- Spencer;
- Sandy;
- Tilde;
- Chelsea;
- Sheila;
- Sherlock.

Among the Italian names, you can also find decent options, which will emphasize such features of the animal as lovingness, sociability and cheerful disposition:
- Gigolo;
- Anette;
- Bambino;
- Vanessa;
- Gucci;
- Gemma;
- Giovanni;
- Cappuccino;
- Mario;
- Susana;
- Simone;
- Fabio;
- Elda.

If you want to pamper your pet, dress him in beautiful suits and let him sleep on pillows - choose an exquisite French name for him:
- Adele;
- Bijou;
- Jacqueline;
- Kavier;
- Kenzo;
- Leon;
- Lucy;
- Maurice;
- Poletta;
- Reni;
- Tison;
- Chevalier.

You can also call the puppy a Russian name:
- Bandit;
- Bim;
- Squirrel;
- Griftah;
- Doll;
- Weasel;
- Paw;
- Perun;
- Peach;
- Snowball;
- Fog;
- Toshka;
- Umka;
- Chance.

Russian nicknames are most suitable for outbred dogs, they will emphasize the simplicity, as well as the cheerful and kind character of the four-legged friend.
When choosing a name, you should be guided by the physique of the animal: graceful French names are suitable for thin smooth-haired dogs, and English names for well-fed and fluffy ones. You can name a dog, starting from the peculiarities of its color:
- completely black dog names are suitable Coal, Blackie, Imp, Blackie or Obama;
- white - Snowball, Marshmallow, Sugar, Chalk or Belyash;
- redhead can be called Red, Fox, Pepper, Pomegranate, Fox, Medoc;
- for a dog with chocolate fur, choose a name after your favorite sweets, for example, Snickers, Brownie, Mocha, Mars, Chocolate, Twix or Toffee;
- for males of smoky or gray color, names are suitable Ash, Gray, Silver, Smokki and Smoke;
- puppies with a spotted coat are often called Harlequin, Motley or Spot.

From an early age, the dog shows its character, observe the behavior of the puppy:
- the pet often eats a lot - for sure he Zhorik, Baton or Pie;
- for those who bark loudly, names are good Ringtone, Beep or Klaxon;
- the dog learns quickly and demonstrates high intellectual abilities - name it Jobs, Freud, or just Smart Man;
- if the animal shows leadership qualities from the first day in the new house, give it a proud name King, Chief or Pharaoh.

List of names for girls
Dogs-girls of small breeds have a special charm. It is not difficult for them to choose a nickname, because all cute and beautiful names will do, which, in turn, are a huge number:
- Athena, Agnes, Iris, Annabelle, Alisha, Alana, Amelie, Arsi;
- Bianca, Brandy, Bridget, Beatrice, Bella, Barbie, Bastet, Bonya, Betty;
- Venus, Vesta, Wendy, Veysey, Vivienne, Vanilla, Vesta, Violetta, Velda;
- Hella, Hera, Grace, Gwen, Gretta, Glory, Geisha;
- Dana, Dara, Daphne, Darlene, Julia, Dina, Jeta, Jennifer, Genie, Daisy, Jessica;
- Eva, Ezhenka, Elesta, Yesha;
- Jasmine, Giselle, Gerry, Zhuzha, Jeannette, Jolie;
- Zoe, Zara, Zetta, Zosia, Zuzu;
- Yvette, Irene, Ilda, Iris, Isabelle;
- Courtney, Komachi, Cora, Koi, Kerry, Kiwi, Christie, Button;
- Lyra, Lana, Lottie, Laida, Linda, Lolita, Leela, Laura, Lada, Lacoste;
- Mary, Muse, Monica, Martha, Merlin, Maggie, Michelle, Melanie, Mila, Mouse;
- Nancy, Ney, Nikki, Nyusha, Nanny, Nelly;
- Olivia, Olsey, Oira, Audrey, Ophelia;
- Polka, Passion, Playa, Perry, Pixie, Penny;
- Rona, Rose, Royna, Roxana, Rapunzel, Rina, Rada, Richie, Rachel;
- Sarah, Cynthia, Santa, Sabrina, Arrow, Sonya, Selena, Suzy;
- Tutsi, Tiani, Tequila, Taffi, Teich, Taska, Trisha;
- Ulya, Ultra, Unagi, Unita, Ursula, Delight;
- Fairy, Fabby, Phoebe, Fifi, Fransa, Fanta, Flafi;
- Chloe, Hannah, Happy, Helen;
- Tsatsa, Tsarina, Tseya, Tsara;
- Chara, Chase, Cheruti, Chita;
- Eureka, Eli, Elina, Elsa, Emilia;
- Juno, Younessa, Yuna, Utah, Yusha;
- Java, Yasmin, Jasper.

You can name the puppy in a special way and with meaning. For a girl dog, the following names with a meaning are suitable:
- Aiko - the most beloved;
- Alpha - the first in everything;
- Artemis - hunter;
- Bon Bon - candy;
- Vesta - homemaker;
- Gerda - protector;
- Lime - happiness;
- Nika - victory;
- Nixie - fairy;
- Rita - pearl;
- Takara - a jewel, a treasure;
- Hannah - beautiful flower.
Choose who you want to see in your home: Artemis - a miniature hunter or Lyme - a tailed happiness. And if your dog is restless and funny, choose a cool nickname for her, for example, Oatmeal, Byaka, Bulka, Rumba, Diva, Berry or Lambada.

Popular nicknames for boys
For a dog, you should choose a worthy name that would emphasize his masculinity and importance, despite the miniature size. There are many unusual and beautiful nicknames for boys dogs:
- Cupid, Angel, Amigo, Antey, Archie, Astin, Amulet, Aramis, Athos, Agate, Diamond;
- Buster, Bonya, Bond, Bucks, Bingo, Barchi, Boomer, Blade, Benedict, Best;
- Vinnie, Viscount, Vito, Wooddy, Valley, Vegas, West;
- Guy, Ganj, Grice, Goofy, Homer, Ginter, Good, Guinness;
- Jerry, Jackie, Denis, Dario, Dexter, Dundee, Junko, Dickens, Jay;
- Euro, Eshka, Jerzy, Emelyan;
- Jean, Joseph, Jacques, Zhorik, Gerard;
- Zorro, Zolik, Zay, Zidane, Zag;
- Irbis, Impulse, Emerald, Eastwood, Eli;
- Casper, Kesha, Kent, Krosh, Cooks, Claude, Chris, Klaus, Kai, Kevin, Keks;
- Lime, Locky, Lucas, Live, Lyon, Lars, Lucian, Lancelot, Leonard;
- Max, Marcel, Mickey, Marik, Marty, Marco, Marquis, Mario, Mike;
- Nick, Noris, Narcis, Nice, Newman, Napoleon, Neo, Nelson, Nico, Narzan;
- Oscar, Oliver, Orion, Octavian, Oddi;
- Pegasus, Pierre, Prince, Pluto, Pablo, Poof, Pif, Pusher, Gingerbread, Prokhor, Plato, Pumbaa;
- Ricco, Rich, Raphael, Romeo, Rubik, Ringo, Robbie, Ray, Rico, Wright;
- Skye, Smesh, Sam, Sunny, Simon, Stitch, Sensei, Snoopy, Smurf, Stephen;
- Teddy, Tishka, Toby, Thomas, Totoro, Toffee, Tokyo, Tyson;
- Walt, Success, Urman, Urfin;
- Fred, Phoenix, Phil, Franz, Flash, Fart, Forest, Fidel;
- Henk, Hugo, Harty, Javier;
- Candied, Cent, Caesar, Cerium;
- Chips, Charlie, Chizh, Chase, Chester, Chile;
- Sherry, Sheldon, Skipper, Charles, Saffron;
- Alvin, Elf, Eichi, Eric, Andy, Elvis, Edward;
- Eugene, Yucca, Justin, Yuppie;
- Yarik, Janusz, Yandex, Jacob.

Owners with a sense of humor like to choose funny names for pets:
- Artist, iPhone;
- Barmaley, Pancake, Behemoth;
- Leader, Broom;
- Shoe polish;
- Doctor, Dracula;
- Jumble;
- Zhigan, Beetle;
- Combat, Kudryash;
- Major, Mamai;
- Cucumber, Othello;
- Sprint, Gopher, Hipster;
- Truffle, Tankman;
- The Hobbit;
- Chanson, Bumblebee.

Such nicknames cause positive in both humans and animals.
The puppy usually reacts well to such nicknames, because the owner pronounces funny nicknames with a smile and enthusiasm. Another interesting option is to call the little dog the formidable name of Leo, Cerberus or Tyrant. Warn your guests that now a dangerous Cerberus lives in your house, it will be funny when a charming spitz meets them on the doorstep. The tailed beast will also appreciate such a name, because this is how they treat him with great respect.
No matter how you name your dog, the main thing is that the name is associated with positive emotions. Dogs subtly feel the mood of the owner, and too offensive and aggressive nicknames will be perceived by them in a negative way. Call the puppy a beautiful or cool name, surround him with attention and care - and you will find a true friend who will give you vivid emotions, devotion and his boundless love.
More options for nicknames for small dogs are shown in the next video.