Dog tangles: causes and solutions to the problem

The problem of tangles is of great concern to owners of dogs with long hair. It is important not only to properly remove the stray lump, but also to establish the cause of its occurrence. This will make it easier to find preventive measures. For example, when brushing your pet, you need to use a special comb to prevent hairballs from forming.

Reasons for the appearance
Matting is the result of too little or too much grooming. Let's list the common causes of their occurrence.
- Wet, clean wool gets tangled in a lump. This happens with the owners of long and thick hairs, if you do not dry them with a hairdryer after bathing. In the process of natural drying, not only the condition of the coat deteriorates, but also the skin.
- There are special "water mats" - the result of improper washing... This phenomenon occurs among inexperienced owners who are trying to actively soap and wash the dirt from the wool. Prevention is simple - apply the detergents gently and according to the growth of the hairs, without tangling them.
- When wearing clothing for dogs, the coat can become knotted at the seams and body contact. To prevent it, it is necessary to use things with pads made of special sliding fabric.
- The dog may pick up thorns and thorns while walking. It is difficult to pull them out of the wool, the ball disintegrates into small thorns when moving. It is recommended that you examine the animal while walking to remove all plants at once. You can wear a dust coat or other clothing to protect your dog's coat.
- Combing with the wrong tools. Inexperienced owners believe that a massage brush is enough for care. However, short denticles put in order only the top layer, and the undercoat gets lost in a lump. Even professional groomers do not always cope with the consequences of such mistakes, the dog has to be cut baldly.
- Excessive love of owners for ruffling wool during games leads to disastrous consequences. Do not stroke the dog against the growth of hairs, ruffle them.
- Health status may affect the appearance of the coat and the formation of tangles. If you observe not only knocking down of hairs, but also their dullness, lifeless appearance, then you should contact your veterinarian. Fleas, helminths, kidney and liver diseases can affect the condition of the coat.
- Hair condition may worsen in dogs during pregnancy and childbirth... This is due to a number of factors, including a decrease in the number of cosmetic procedures. Dog breeders recommend shaving the dog as short as possible before pregnancy, or at least removing the hair near the mammary glands. If this is not possible at all, tie the hairs with elastic bands or put them in papillotes.

How to get rid of tangles using funds?
If the wool has strayed into lumps, then it is worth trying to solve the situation with the least loss. You need to try to unravel everything, and not cut it off right away. For combing tangles, special tools are used that greatly simplify the task. Let's consider the most effective methods.
- Mats often appear in the area of the ears, armpits - where the coat is especially soft. Immediately after brushing, apply a zinc-based baby powder to the hairs and go over with a slicker. This can easily prevent tangling.
- When using anti-mats shampoo, be sure to read the instructions. Some of them wash out the undercoat too much and are not suitable for some breeds. This can be especially bad for the condition of the coat of the Pekingese, Shih Tzu.
- Conditioners will help soften the coat, making it easier to detangle the tangles. Use them after shampooing and comb the animal right away.
- You don't need to wash your dog to treat the hairballs; you can use a mats spray. The composition of such a tool contains oils. The coat becomes greasy, so it unravels better.
You need to purchase care products at a veterinary pharmacy. Many of them target the coat of certain dog breeds, so read the packaging carefully. Give preference to well-known brands.
Before first use, apply a small amount to the dog's belly and make sure there is no allergic reaction.

Using a collar cutter
The device allows you to carefully cut off a stray ball without causing pain or discomfort to the dog. It is important to choose the right collar cutter so that you can use it as conveniently as possible. This is the only way to make the procedure easy. There are several types of koltunorezov stand out.
- Vertical - a comb with sharp blades, instead of teeth. The back side is rounded, safe. Some models are equipped with cutting teeth that are crocheted.
- Horizontal or stripping - looks like a slicker, but instead of the usual teeth, there are sharp, slightly curved blades.
- Drop-shaped or specific - consists of 1 or 2 small rounded blades. Designed for use in hazardous areas - near the ears, on the feet, under the arms.

The number of blades is selected based on the density of the dog's undercoat. For owners of long hair, models with 12 sharp teeth are suitable. And also, depending on the type of wool, it is worth choosing a different length of blades, which varies between 4-10 cm. Some koltunorezha have wavy cutting elements, this increases the efficiency of the tool. The handle must be strong and ergonomic.
Only fresh mats can be removed with the help of a mats cutter.It is recommended to pre-treat the lump with a softening solution or powder, but this is not necessary.

The tool is quite simple to use.
- For long-haired dogs with large clumps, the vertical collar cutter is suitable. Use one hand to secure the live wool at the base of the mat. Pry up the lump from the bottom with the tool and gently separate it. All movements should be smooth, without jerking.
- If the coat is semi-long, use a horizontal collar cutter. Comb through the lump in several approaches with gentle strokes. Gradually dissolve the mats to pieces.
- Treat small mats in delicate areas with a drop-shaped mats cutter. Proceed with caution, be sure to hold live hairs. If there is a painful and large lump in this area, then it is more effective to cut it off with sharp scissors. To avoid bald patches, cut vertically to the animal's skin.
Use your fingers to separate the live hairs and the lump after using the collar cutter. The procedure is simple and fairly quick, the main thing is not to jerk so as not to hurt the dog. Comb the area where the lump was so that you can accurately separate all the hairs.
If necessary, you can trim the coat with scissors so that the combed out tangles do not stand out visually.

How to comb dogs?
The comb is selected based on the type of coat and needs. For quality care, several instruments are combined. If the dog has long, flowing hair, then the first thing to do is to use a massage brush. Brush your short-haired pet with a soft-bristled brush. For processing thick wool, a slicker is used, the working surface of which is made of metal.
All combs for dogs have not sharp teeth, but blunt, rounded. So you can not be afraid to scratch the skin of the animal. Manufacturers offer different sizes of tools. It is worth choosing so so that it is convenient to comb even hard-to-reach areas. For medium-sized dogs, slickers with a working surface of 6-7 cm are suitable, larger models are relevant for large pets.
Combs are also called rakes. The grooming tool is very convenient and allows you to process the wool with high quality. When choosing, you need to pay special attention to the length of the teeth. Their size is matched to the length of the coat. The device not only removes lost hairs, but also cleans the dog's skin from old epithelium.

A convenient and modern device is furminator. The work surface is made of stainless steel and the plastic handle is rubberized to prevent slipping. The tool combines a comb with a small blade. During processing, most of the dead hairs are removed, and the living hair remains intact.
The big advantage of the furminator is that it does not come into contact with the skin of the animal. A device for breeds without an undercoat is not used, because in that case it simply will not be useful. Only dry wool can be processed. You need to comb smoothly, according to hair growth.
A smooth-haired dog must be combed out with brushes or special gloves made of silicone and rubber. The tools are only suitable for breeds that do not have an undercoat and are used during shedding. Short dog hair is also perfectly processed with a patch of natural suede fabric.

The brushing procedure can bring discomfort to the animal if it is neglected or not at all accustomed to grooming. The advice of experts will help to simplify the task of preventing tangles.
- If the coat is long or medium in length, start with a wide-toothed comb. It is important to guide the instrument correctly. Run at a slight angle over the coat.
- Particular attention should be paid to areas with soft coats. In most breeds, these are the muzzle, ears, and hind legs.
- After combing out, it is necessary to re-treat the wool with a massage brush. Move from head to tail.
- The slicker should be used for dogs with medium coat length. If the hairs are very long, then the tool will cause discomfort.
For information on how to comb tangles in dogs, see the next video.