Companion dogs: popular breeds and features of choice

The concept of a companion dog came into use relatively recently, but it is this that fully reflects the purpose of this group of animals. They are ideal for relieving the loneliness of an elderly person or accompanying a child on a walk. The lack of a clearly defined work assignment does not at all negate the popularity of four-legged companions. But not every breed of dog can become a good companion for a person. To whom can you fearlessly entrust the escort of children and the elderly?
A list of the best medium, large and small breeds will help you make the right choice. Wherein it is worth considering the features of the content. For example, giant dogs or animals with abundant wool are not very suitable for an apartment. A small decorative dog, on the other hand, will require the creation of the most comfortable conditions for its maintenance. What else is worth considering when choosing a four-legged companion?

What does it mean?
Who is she - a dog bearing the proud title of companion? First of all, it is a faithful friend, capable of devoted and selfless service to man. Among the distinctive features of such a dog, regardless of breed, several characteristics can be noted.
- Stable psyche. Companions should not show aggression, hysteria, disobedience. Most often, these dogs are sanguine or phlegmatic, calm enough, not striving for leadership.
- Good disposition. Companion dogs should treat the owner, his family members, and other animals well. Regardless of the size of the dog, this factor is very important.
- High intelligence. The animal must easily and quickly adapt to the conditions of detention, navigate the situation independently. A striking example is the guides, who themselves decide how to act, taking into account the safety of the person.
- Minimal difficulties in care. Dogs that shed heavily or require regular, challenging grooming may not be suitable for a child, elderly person or busy owner.
- Good learning ability. A companion dog should easily learn commands and follow generally accepted rules of behavior.
- Human orientation. This factor is one of the most important. The companion dog will prefer the opportunity to be with the owner over the company of fellow tribesmen, the pursuit of cats, and other external stimuli.
If the selected breed fully or partially meets these criteria, you can confidently acquire a puppy and start raising it.

List of breeds
Among modern dog breeds, you can find many who fit the definition of a companion. How can you make the final decision and make the right choice? What are the best small, medium and large dogs? A detailed review will help you figure it out.
Not every small breed is capable of making a good companion. However, there are decorative and simply compact dogs that easily find contact with humans. Among the leaders in the list of the most sociable kids in the canine world, you can find such.
- Pugs. These charming couch potatoes are perfect for keeping in a city apartment, they are adored by both children and pensioners. The pet does not need complicated care, he is very attached to the owner, shows miracles of good nature. With reasonable dietary restrictions, pugs are quite capable of living for more than 15 years.

- Dachshunds. Initially this is a hunting breed, but it has every chance of becoming a good companion. There are short-haired, wire-haired, long-haired subspecies. Dogs are distinguished by a rather obstinate character, but they are loyal to the owner, capable of performing guard functions, and warn of danger.

- Japanese Chins. An ornamental breed with a rich coat is quite rare today. Its representatives are distinguished by a meek disposition, sociability, but do not tolerate rough treatment. In terms of content, Japanese chins are surprisingly unpretentious, they easily become lovers of the whole family.

- Yorkshire Terriers. The breed has a high intelligence, good character, but requires a fairly high physical activity from the owner. If the dog is not showing, it is worth taking care to rid it of excess coat.
The owner should be prepared for the fact that the terrier will show its hunter nature, will try to catch up with the cat and any other game. Otherwise, it is an ideal companion dog, suitable for both children and adults.

- Chihuahua. Compact decorative dogs are distinguished by their perky disposition, they are able to become true friends for children. There are long-haired and short-haired varieties. You can choose the best option for size, color.
Chihuahua, unlike many companions, does not get bored alone, behaves calmly, does not be capricious. The pet is easy to train to the litter box, he loves walks, but he can also lead a home life.

Medium size
Among companion dogs, there are many who are of medium size. Such animals can be kept in an apartment and a private house. Most breeds are shorthaired and do not cause trouble during molting.
- Dalmatian. Contact dogs with a cheerful disposition and presentable appearance are great for a family or a single person. They are content with a moderately long walk, undemanding in nutrition.
Intellectually, the Dalmatian is quite ready for more difficult exercises than the general training course. The breed is outgoing and human-oriented.

- German boxer. A companion dog with a bright appearance, cheerful and active - the best friend of children and a brave defender. A boxer can be safely started as a companion for a child on walks.
With her perky character, the young owner will not have to be bored in the company of the pet, the dog will not give him offense, willingly support playing frisbee or performing other tricks.

- Collie or Scottish Shepherd. Medium sized dogs with good temperament and luxurious appearance. They should be chosen by a person who loves long walks and outdoor activities.
Keeping a collie is recommended in a country house - loud barking in a city apartment can become a source of discontent among neighbors.

- Shar Pei. The exotic medium-sized breed has become quite popular. Companion dogs in this case will demonstrate unobtrusive behavior, they will do with short walks.
Animals feel good in the city, suitable for elderly people who need a companion for daily communication and pastime.

Calm and balanced large-sized dogs are perfect for men of an age who do not want to give up walking and an active life. Of course, the child of such a pet cannot be trusted, but it looks solid and may well protect a woman or an adult during outdoor activities, sports. Among the breeds of large dogs, suitable as a human companion, it is worth highlighting the following.
- St. Bernard. A calm kind-hearted person can be used as a family dog, but it is better for adults to walk with him and conduct other active activities. The breed requires space, since it is very large in size. The dog requires moderate walks, health monitoring.

- Golden Retriever or Labrador. They are the best family dogs or companions of active people. They need walks, the attention of the owner, moderate training. Their high intelligence makes them participants in all kinds of dog shows, but even as a pet, retrievers are absolute favorites.

- German Shepherd. Until recently, the mind, physical strength and character of these dogs were in demand mainly in the field of service dog breeding. Today it is also appreciated as a wonderful companion - on walks, hikes, trips and swims, a faithful friend will be there.
The optimal choice for a shepherd dog is suburban maintenance - in an apartment she may not have enough space, and it can be quite difficult to solve the problem of walking in the city.

- German dog. Unhurried giants have a phlegmatic character, they do not mind lying on the sofa, sharing the evening by the fireplace with the owner. As a companion, they demonstrate loyalty and dedication, ready to protect the owner in an emergency. With proper upbringing, the dog will not cause trouble either at home or on a walk.

The shortened coat minimizes the time spent caring for companion dogs. Among the popular breeds in this category, you can find both miniature animals and large enough dogs that can protect the owner. The most compact owners of a shortened coat are dwarf pinschers. They are brave, playful, get along well with children and other animals, and have high intelligence.

French and English Bulldogs are other candidates for the lead among companion dogs. They are small in size, good-natured, unhurried, and sincerely love their owner. Boston Terriers have similar characteristics, even outwardly resembling bulldogs. These playful babies have a wonderful character, but they need careful monitoring of their health.

More serious, but very popular companion dogs - bull terriers and american staffordshire terriersare strongly attached to the owner. In the family, these are gentle and affectionate dogs. But if the calmness of the owners is threatened by strangers, the dog will turn into a serious threat to their health.
It is worth noting that these breeds, like Rottweilers or Dobermans, should be started only by people with a strong character, physically strong, capable of subjugating an animal.

Companion dogs with long hair are quite varied in size and appearance. Among the leaders on this list:
- sheltie - petite, active, gets along well with children;
- Pekingese - a little tyrant with a heart of gold, needs attention, is jealous, a good companion for an elderly person;
- poodle - obedience champion, easily tolerates haircuts and bathing, great friend for a child;
- Border Collie - fluffy fidgets with a balanced character require physical activity from the owner;
- bobtail - differs in rather large size, almost does not shed, will always be next to the owner;
- spitz - there are several types and sizes - from miniature to large, their coat requires complex care;
- american cocker spaniel - a decorative breed that can become an excellent companion for an adult single person;
- shih tzu - the owner of a luxurious fur coat, a friendly and naive dog, a good companion for family maintenance.

How to choose a dog?
When choosing a dog, it is important to consider the conditions of its keeping, the level of experience and physical activity of the future owner. In the city, in an ordinary or small-sized apartment, the developed skills of a hunter or watchman will greatly interfere with the animal. In a private house, it is quite possible to get a dog of a medium or large breed that can raise the alarm or scare off strangers. Also, suburbanites can afford to keep furry pets, while in the city the abundance of wool can be a serious problem.

For people aged
For a pensioner with an active lifestyle and a pet, you need the appropriate:
- compact so that you can take it with you to the dacha or carry it for a walk;
- with a good disposition, perky, but not too intrusive character;
- not requiring complex care.
For older people with minimal physical activity, a calm pet that does not need long walks is suitable. Small and medium-sized dogs with good obedience will help them overcome physical inactivity and brighten up hours of loneliness.
In addition, a large dog is also suitable, but quite meek and distinguished by the habits of a couch potato.

For kids
For children, companion dogs are selected based on the age of the young owner. If the child is a schoolboy, you can choose large enough animals - Labradors, German Shepherds, Boxers, Bobtails. They are distinguished by obedience, high intelligence. Spitz, Sheltie, Border Collie will be excellent companions for kids. Playful and carefree dogs will not let children get bored, diversify their leisure time, and become a good alternative to computer games.
If you want to captivate your child with useful activities, increase his responsibility, you can choose a breed that can participate in competitions. Agility, frisbee, obedience competitions will help your child feel much more confident. And animals with a good pedigree can be shown at exhibitions, and here school-age children also willingly participate in this procedure, mastering the basics of handling, preparing the pet for display.

When choosing a companion dog, be sure to consider the sex of the pet. The male will not bring puppies, but can cause serious problems during puberty or run away for a walk. Male dogs are generally more independent and tend to show leadership qualities. Bitches are more emotional, affectionate, but have their own characteristics of content. If there are no plans for breeding, the safest solution is to spay the dog.
The purity of the companion dog's blood is often of secondary importance. It is a good experience for a child or elderly person to save a pet from loneliness.To do this, just go to the shelter and find your pet there. In many such organizations, the opportunity of preliminary acquaintance is provided. For several visits, you can get an idea of the character, physical strength, obedience of the animal.
Mixed breeds of purebred dogs and completely outbred pets often turn out to be owners of high intelligence and good character. So the choice here depends on the personal preferences of the future owner.
If you want to know exactly about heredity and other characteristics of a particular dog, you should contact the nursery.

Content rules
Street living is not recommended for all dogs, but many large animals willingly spend most of their time outdoors. This can be a big plus for the owner of a private house with a plot. Wherever the owner is, he will receive a pleasant companion and a brave guard. True, the status of a companion itself does not provide for chain content - a person's friend will have to create special conditions.
The optimal solution would be a spacious outdoor enclosure attached to the house. It is good if the pet has a special door through which he can enter the street and return on his own. In the aviary, the dog should also have a well-equipped shelter that allows him to hide from rain or heat, drinkers, and feeders. Many dogs with abundant wool in winter prefer a warm house to a human dwelling. German shepherds, collies, huskies, St. Bernards are well adapted to such content.

Keeping large dogs in an apartment poses serious problems not only to the owner, but also to the neighbors. Abundant molting, loud barking, specific smell - all this is not compensated by even the best character. A city dog must undergo a training course, have a special chip or token, a collar and other necessary ammunition. Companion dogs are strongly attached to their owners, so it is not recommended to leave them alone for a long time.
The housing is suitable for small smooth-haired or wire-haired dogs - miniature terriers, poodles, ornamental breeds. Don't be afraid of grooming. Most problems are easy to solve hygienic haircut or short hairstyle "like a puppy".
The advantage of small dogs is the minimal need for walking - in winter they can even go to the toilet in a special litter box. In addition, even retirees can afford to keep a compact pet.

See the next video for the top 7 companion dog breeds for an apartment.