Dog food brands

All Dogs dog food

All Dogs dog food
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Range
  3. Review overview

The renowned Danish company Aller Petfood offers a complete diet for a wide variety of dog breeds. All Dogs products are manufactured at an ordinary Tver plant, but are characterized by excellent quality. This food replaces the complete diet for four-legged animals, regardless of their activity level, breed name and age. In this article, we will take a closer look at the features of All Dogs products, its range and an overview of comments.


The All Dogs product is quite popular and in demand due to its high quality, good composition and the presence of all the necessary nutrients for each pet. Today, All Dogs is based on new research in the field of pet food. It contains a vitamin and mineral complex, meat, vegetables, fish, fats and, of course, cereals. All Dogs food is free from genetically modified organisms and non-natural additives.

Aller Petfood cooperates with nutritionists, professionals in their field, therefore there is no doubt about the quality and well-thought-out composition. Dog food tastes great and has a thoughtful nutritional value.

Excellent meat is used to create the food, as the company adheres very strictly to quality and composition standards.

All Dogs products are based on several important principles.

  • It is very important to consider the nutritional value for dogs, as it is significantly different from human... Usually food that is not tasty for humans is much more nutritious for four-legged and is the best treat for them.
  • All products comply with the ISO 22000 standard system. This means that animal feed is produced to the same quality standards as for humans.
  • All products are of high quality. Customer expectations are fully met.
  • The manufacturer controls the production process, starting from the stage of purchasing raw materials and ending with the release of the finished product.

All Dogs products have the following benefits:

  • the optimal combination of quality and cost;
  • affordable cost - This is a budget option for most dog owners;
  • variety of packaging - large, medium and even small packages are on sale;
  • the manufacturer provides a natural product, as it does not add various artificial ingredients.

In addition, All Dogs products have several disadvantages.

  • The composition does not describe specific ingredients - there is no information on what kind of meat, fish and vegetables are used. The buyer must understand what he is purchasing. If the composition says "offal", then this word may hide the kidneys, heart, lung, or, conversely, hooves, horns and tails. Accordingly, the cost of feed will be different.
  • Small assortment. The company does not provide different products for dogs. The division goes only into adults and puppies. Other companies make divisions into small, medium and large breeds. The range of flavors is small.
  • It is quite difficult to find this food on sale, it is practically nonexistent. It is easier to immediately search for it on the Internet and order it at home.
  • Some buyers note that the granules crumble easily, the dog may choke while eating. Usually the animal no longer eats the crumbs.


Aller Petfood offers All Dogs complete food for puppies and adult dogs. Fodder can be packaged in three versions - 20, 13 and 2.2 kg. Let's take a closer look at popular solutions.

  • Dry food with chicken for adults is presented in several weight categories. It fully provides food for the four-legged, so there is no need to combine it with other foods. The composition includes animal products and meat, a vitamin and mineral complex, fats and oils, cereals and vegetables, fish and its by-products (a source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty amino acids). A 20 kg package costs 2700 rubles, 13 kg - 1700 rubles, 2.2 kg - 350 rubles.
  • All Dogs Beef & Veggie Puppy Food - The Best Economy Class Choice for Puppies of Various Breeds... It can also be given to pregnant tetrapods and lactating animals. It contains animal products and, of course, natural meat. In addition, the composition contains vegetables, namely carrots, peas, beet pulp. It should be noted the presence of bran, whole grains, vitamin and mineral complex and yeast. The important components are oils and fats, fish and its by-products, as well as antioxidants. Feed weighing 13 kg costs 1950 rubles.

Review overview

The All Dogs product is quite popular, so many people buy it and leave their reviews on the relevant sites. There are many positive comments. Buyers like the rather rich composition, as the manufacturer uses meat, fish, vegetables and grains, thus enriching the daily diet of the dogs.

Animals like food, they eat the whole portion. Dogs look healthy and active, their coats are shiny and their appetite is great.

The manufacturer offers products in several packages, which allows everyone to choose the option that will fully satisfy him. It is convenient for someone to take a package with a volume of 20 kg, while for someone, a package of 2.2 kg is enough. Of course, the breed of dogs plays a role - small or large.

Affordable price is another undeniable advantage. Many buyers are looking for an inexpensive product.

There are also negative reviews regarding All Dogs products. Many buyers are frustrated by the fact that there is no detailed composition of the product on the packaging.

If we talk about the gustatory variety, then it is rather scarce. Some buyers find that dogs get bored with the same taste.

It is also frustrating that All Dogs products are quite difficult to find in regular pet retail stores. To save time, it is recommended to order online immediately.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that not all breeds of dogs normally digest this food, there are disorders.

Therefore, do not buy large quantities of food for your pet at once. For a start, it is better to test the product for a few days, observe how your dog eats it, evaluate its well-being.

All Dogs products are a good choice for your dog... With it, you can provide a balanced diet for your pet. However, according to veterinarians, this food cannot be called hypoallergenic, so it should not be purchased for dogs that suffer from frequent allergic reactions.

Many owners have rated All Dogs products quite highly, as they are the best combination of price and quality.

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