Dog food brands

All about Bisko food

All about Bisko food
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Assortment for puppies
  3. Description of food for adult dogs
  4. Classic
  5. Special
  6. Products for cats
  7. Review overview

Any pet, be it a dog or a cat, needs the right diet. Bisko feed manufacturers take into account the needs of the animal, its species and age characteristics and offer a wide range of products with the optimal composition of useful ingredients, vitamins and minerals.


Since the manufacturer of the Bisko brand feed is located in the Kuban, the main ingredients are grown in the Krasnodar Territory, which speaks of their environmental friendliness. The basic composition of feed includes:

  • chopped meat;
  • buckwheat or rice;
  • meat flour;
  • corn;
  • beet;
  • linen;
  • Apple;
  • glucosamine;
  • chelates;
  • chondroitin;
  • probiotics;
  • marigold extract;
  • L-carnitine;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • chicory.

In addition to basic products, Bisko Premium feed contains a complex of prebiotics, special herbs, as well as vegetables and fruits.

In general, Bisko products have the following advantages:

  • a large assortment for puppies, adult dogs, as well as cats over 1 year old;
  • the absence of dyes, flavors and other artificial additives in the composition;
  • production of the products themselves on high-quality equipment in accordance with all standards on the quality of pet food.

Assortment for puppies

Serious requirements are imposed on the quality of products for young dogs, since at this age the foundations are laid in their bodies that form their immunity and physical development.

There are two types of puppy food in the Bisko line.

  • Bisko "Junior" - dog food for animals of medium and large breeds under 1 year old. The balanced composition strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the visual and digestive systems, improves the quality of the coat and the overall appearance of the puppy.
  • Bisko "Mini-Junior" - This food is specially designed for puppies of miniature breeds, whose adult representatives reach 12 kg of weight. A competent combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a dog's diet will allow it to develop correctly, build up bone and muscle tissue, and form a stable immunity. The composition of the feed takes into account the increased metabolism of small animals and the small amount of food they consume - thus, each pellet contains a complete set of components necessary for the proper functioning of the growing dog's body.

Bisko "Mini-Junior" food has the same composition as Bisko "Junior", as well as an additional complex of pro- and prebiotics, vitamins and minerals, specially selected taking into account the characteristics of the growing organism of dwarf breeds.

Bisko "Junior" and "Mini-Junior" can be fed to your pet both dry and soaked. The second option is recommended for puppies 2–4 months old. Since the composition of the food in question includes an optimal set of useful elements, it is undesirable, without the recommendation of a veterinarian, to introduce additional vitamin supplements into the dog's diet. It is not recommended to abruptly transfer the pet to a new food - it is better to add it to the animal's usual diet within 3-5 days.

Description of food for adult dogs

Like puppies, adults need the right diet. The balanced composition of the feed, its adaptability to the needs of animals of different breeds and weights are the main advantages of Bisko products.


The classic food range includes the varieties listed below.

  • Bisko "Regular" - dog food for adult pets with a moderate level of activity, which includes beef, rice, a set of vitamins and minerals, as well as probiotic cultures. Such food is perfect for representatives of the husky, Shar Pei and Chow Chow breeds.
  • Bisko "Premium" - dry dog ​​food, developed for animals aged 1.5-2 years, leading an active lifestyle. It contains minced beef, buckwheat, vitamins, minerals and other useful elements, such as inulin, which regulates the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes the intestinal microflora.
  • Bisko "Premium with turkey" - The main ingredients of this feed are turkey, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Such a diet rich in proteins and vitamins is ideal for active and mobile four-legged pets.
  • Bisko "Premium with lamb and buckwheat" - dog food for active pets aged 1.5-3 years. Its composition, in addition to minced lamb, buckwheat and a basic set of ingredients, contains fatty acids and vitamins of group A - such a diet will have a positive effect on the health of the animal, its muscle tone and the condition of its coat and skin.
  • Bisko "SuperPremium" - this food is perfect for sports and active animals from two to three years of age. Its composition contains everything that a dog's body needs. In particular, it is succinic acid, which has a positive effect on the liver.
  • Bisko "SuperPremium with lamb" - dog food for active adult pets. Its main components are minced lamb, rice, probiotic crops, vegetables and fruits, as well as phytobiotics, which help to strengthen the immune system of the animal.
  • Bisko "Mini" - food specially designed for miniature dogs of 8–10 months old and weighing up to 15 kg. It contains minced beef, fruits, vegetables, rice, pro- and prebiotics, and the size of the granules is selected taking into account the size of the pet's teeth. The food is free of cereal and soy gluten, so it is suitable for dogs with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bisko "Mini with lamb" - this food for adult pets of dwarf breeds has the same composition as the Bisko "Mini" food, only its main component is minced mutton.


In addition to the classic ones, Bisko offers several types of dry food for four-legged pets with special needs.

  • Bisko "Light" - it is perfect for adult and elderly pets of medium and large breeds, as it has a fat-protein balance, the ratio of D vitamins and other macro- and microelements is optimized.
  • Bisko "Mini-Light" - hypoallergenic dry food, which contains fatty acids and vitamins, as well as no soy and cereal gluten. It was developed for overweight adult and elderly dwarf animals.
  • Bisko "Reproduction" Is a dog food for whelped and expecting animals weighing 15–40 kg. Its composition takes into account all the needs of both an adult dog and puppies during their intrauterine development. Carbohydrates, amino acids and a high protein content help to increase immunity and improve lactation in the female.

It is recommended to add it to the diet from the 5th week of pregnancy until the end of breastfeeding.

  • Bisko "Reproduction mini" - The composition of this dry food includes everything that is necessary for small breed dogs that are feeding puppies or expecting offspring. It should be introduced into the diet from the second month of the female's pregnancy.

The daily dose of feed, which is calculated depending on the weight and degree of activity of the animal, is recommended to be divided into 2 portions during the day.

Products for cats

The Bisko company has not ignored other pets - cats and cats. Two types of feed have been developed for them.

  • Bisko with beef is a dry food for cats over 1 year old. Its composition has a positive effect on the health of the visual and genitourinary systems, the gastrointestinal tract, the condition of the coat, skin, joints, and the level of immunity in general.
  • Bisko with chicken liver is a great delicacy for cats over 1 year old, which contains an ideal combination of pro and prebiotics, fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants, etc.

Vegetable fibers and fats in the composition of food for cats and cats contribute to the breakdown of hairballs in the stomach and their gentle removal from the body, and phosphates and vitamins have a positive effect on the condition of the teeth and mucous membranes of the animal.

Review overview

Most of the reviews for Bisko feeds are positive. Customers are satisfied with the large assortment of the product, as well as its hypoallergenicity, since this allows you to choose the best food option for their pet. In addition, they note the affordable pricing policy of this brand.

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