Dog food brands

Features and types of feed Carnilove

Features and types of feed Carnilove
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Review of food for cats and cats
  3. Variety of products for dogs

Feed from the Carnilove brand is produced in the Czech Republic and is popular all over the world. Among the products produced by this company, you can easily find something useful and tasty for both cats and dogs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Carnilove products have many benefits.

  • High quality. To create branded feeds from this brand, high-quality and natural products are used. Therefore, domestic animals eat just as well as wild ones. With dry food and wet canned food, dogs and cats receive all the nutrients they need for development.
  • Versatility... The company produces a fairly wide range of products. Therefore, you can choose something tasty for any pet.
  • Pleasant taste. All canned food from Carnilove are delicious and smell good. Animals eat them with great pleasure. The assortment of this brand includes a large number of delicacies. Therefore, pet owners can use Carnilove products to train their pets.
  • Hypoallergenic... The branded products do not contain cereals that can cause allergies in animals. In addition, they are free of colorants and flavor enhancers. Therefore, such food can be used both for small kittens and puppies, and for adult animals.

The main drawback of feed from this brand is their high cost. Many buyers point out that there are many similar products on the market with a similar composition that are much cheaper.

Review of food for cats and cats

All cat food from the Carnilove brand are distinguished by their pleasant taste and high quality. This is confirmed by many pet owners.

Dry food

Modern dry cat food is sold in a variety of packaging formats. You can choose the right option for any animal.

  • For large cats. Food for large animals contains quality turkey and duck meat. These foods are very fast and easy to digest. Thanks to this, the animal does not overeat, and also does not gain extra pounds. This food is ideal for Maine Coons, as well as for large Siberian cats.
  • For sterilized... After neutering or neutering surgery, cats need special care and a properly selected diet. Special grain-free food for cats and cats from the Carnilove brand was created taking into account all the needs of pets. It contains lamb meat, which is very easy and quick to digest. Therefore, animals during this difficult period feel comfortable and remain active.
  • For active animals... This special food for healthy and active cats contains many vitamins and antioxidants. The venison product can be fed to animals over 6 months old.
  • For kittens. This tasty food with salmon and turkey can be fed to even the smallest kittens. The product is hypoallergenic and does not cause any negative reaction in pets. Food for small kittens is consumed rather slowly. Therefore, this product does not spend too much money.
  • For long-haired cats. This food is suitable for adult cats and cats with long hair and sensitive stomachs. The product with salmon is very healthy and tasty. It is well absorbed by the feline organism.

Dry food from the Carnilove brand consists of small granules. Even a small kitten can easily see through them.

Types of wet canned food Carnilove

Wet food from a Czech manufacturer also has a pleasant taste and rich aroma. The choice of tastes for pet owners is quite large.

  • Turkey and venison. Canned meat is great for adult cats. They do not contain grains, chemical flavor enhancers or GMOs.
  • Salmon and turkey. Such canned food is suitable for adult cats of all breeds. In the composition, in addition to turkey and salmon meat, there is a small amount of offal, as well as dried cranberries.
  • Duck, chicken and pheasant. The moist product contains chicken meat, as well as chicken liver and heart. The consistency of the product resembles a regular pate. It is delicious and smells very good.
  • Salmon and turkey for kittens. This food is ideal for feline babies. It is gentle and nutritious. It can be introduced into the animal's diet starting from 2-3 months.
  • Veal and chicken. This food with flaxseed oil in the composition has an excellent effect on the immunity of the animal. After regular use of such products, the cat becomes healthy and energetic, and its coat is beautiful and shiny. Adult and elderly cats can be fed with the product.

All wet food for cats and kittens are sold in small, convenient containers. It is not worth storing products in an open jar for a long time. It is best to feed all wet canned food to the animal at a time.


The assortment of this company also has many unusual treats for cats. They are liked by both small kittens and adult pets. There are delicious food with wild raspberries, parsley and wild mint on sale.

Variety of products for dogs

The selection of dog food from the Carnilove brand is also quite large.

Dry food

The composition of grain-free food for adult animals and puppies delights customers. The choice of flavors is now quite large. Dogs can be delighted with both classic chicken feed and products with deer, duck or wild boar. All dry products are rich in vitamins and minerals. All-purpose dry food can be fed to both small dogs and medium to large animals.

Wet canned food

Carnilove canned food also tastes good. In consistency, they resemble ordinary pate. Wet foods are not only suitable for adult animals, but also for pregnant dogs and puppies.It is worth remembering that canned food should not be the basis of the animal's diet... They should be combined with dry food and natural food. In this case, the animal will receive everything it needs from the feed. If you feed your pet only canned food, it may develop dental problems.

Feed your animals with Carnilove products following the advice on the packaging. In this way, cats and dogs will always remain healthy and active.

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