Dog food brands

Description of Chicopee dog food

Description of Chicopee dog food
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Assortment of feed
  3. Review overview

Chicopee premium food for dogs has long won the trust of owners and their pets in 50 countries around the world. The feed of this brand is produced in Canada, and for the countries of Europe they are produced by a specialized German plant. All diets of this popular brand are designed to fully ensure the active life of a dog at all stages of its life.

Advantages and disadvantages

Premium dog food quite often has significant pros and a number of minor cons. Canadian food for all breeds of dogs has the following advantages:

  • a fairly large amount of meat in the composition;
  • the presence of complexes of vitamins, minerals and amino acids;
  • lack of chemistry - dyes, flavor and odor enhancers;
  • affordable cost;
  • food can be found easily at many pet stores.

Among the main disadvantages:

  • it is not entirely clear which poultry meat was selected during production;
  • there are no percentages of the components of this feed;
  • complete absence of vegetables and fruits in the product.

Assortment of feed

The Chicopee brand offers a fairly large number of different foods for modern active dogs. All feeds are based on a unique formula developed to strengthen the animal's immunity, maintain excellent digestion and the natural balance of intestinal microflora.

In the range of Chicopee foods you can find 11 types of dry food and 3 types of wet food - for almost every taste... At the same time, you can easily purchase large amounts of feed (up to 20 kg) at a very favorable price. Consider the most popular of the brand's products.

Chicopee Adult food for adult dogs

  • Diets for grown up pets Chicopee Adult - it is a complete food for animals of different breeds.They are suitable for every day feeding without any problems, differ in the content in their composition of all the necessary elements for the most active life of the animal.

Amino acids and fatty acids are present here, which will give your pet's coat beauty and shine, and vitamins and minerals will help to keep teeth and bones as healthy as possible.

  • For adult dogs of all possible breeds, a nutritious food based on chicken meat has been specially developed, and a special food is produced for very small and miniature breeds. Chicopee adult mini... It is high in protein and low in carbohydrates for complete weight control. This is quite true for those animals that move little and tend to gain extra pounds.
  • For the largest breeds, food can be purchased without any problems. Chicopee Adult Large Breed with a high amount of protein, which is necessary to maintain the muscles of the giant dog. In addition, it contains a higher level of carbohydrates, which the dog needs as a source of increased energy.

Chicopee for dogs with allergies and sensitive digestion

The line also includes rations for dogs that suffer from allergies or have a weak digestive tract.... These pets need to constantly receive a special balanced diet that will satisfy their nutritional needs. Also, it should not provoke an increase or exacerbation of the existing disease.

Delicate lamb with rice is easy to digest and has one of the lowest allergenic potential. This kind of food can be safely used to feed dogs that are rapidly gaining excess weight.

Chicopee Puppy

In the first year of life, puppies grow and develop at a rapid pace, and therefore, to form a healthy body, they need a huge amount of building material, as well as an abundance of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. Since it is protein that acts as a building block, the main feature of all diets for dogs of the first year of life is the high content of this nutrient.

The following nutritional options are available for puppies:

  • Chicopee Puppy - for all breeds based on poultry or lamb (with rice);
  • Chicopee puppy large breed - for large breeds;
  • Chicopee puppy mini - for puppies of miniature breeds.

The Chicopee brand canned food is designed to be fed to dogs of all ages. Consumers are offered a choice of 3 flavors: chicken and turkey, lamb and rice, beef.

At the same time, it is worth knowing that in its composition canned food of the brand may contain not only meat, but also by-products, and the amount of protein present in these canned foods will be about 3 times less than in dry food. For this reason canned food can be used by dog ​​breeders only as an additional food.

Review overview

The owners of four-legged pets rightly believe that a dog, like a person, needs high-quality nutrition. And if you believe the beliefs of the food manufacturer Chicopee - the animal will receive it in full and as fully as possible. In general, the majority of consumers really positively note the transfer of their dog to Chicopee food, especially since they have a more budgetary cost than other brands, which is only welcome in the current difficult economic situation.

However, veterinarians still have many questions about this feed, because far from all products indicate which poultry meat was used, which additives, other than those listed, may be present in the product... But the owners of allergic dogs or rather old animals praise the food very much, believing that their pet obviously liked it.

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