Dog food brands

Features of Monge Large Breed Dog Food

Features of Monge Large Breed Dog Food
  1. general description
  2. Assortment overview
  3. The nuances of feeding

Monge Italian food is in great demand among pet owners. The range of these products includes a wide variety of dog rations. Today we will talk about the features of these food for large breeds of dogs.

general description

Dog food from the Monge brand is in the super premium category. The products are absolutely natural and safe. Each diet is loaded with raw protein and carbohydrates.

In the production of food, only easily digestible components are used. The main products are fresh meat and fish. All diets provide a fast feeling of satiety, keeping the dog active and healthy.

For the production of such feeds, special formulas are developed that allow saturating the animal's body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements, making it possible to maintain the health of bones and joints, which are subjected to constant significant stress.

These canine diets are not formulated with artificial colors, preservatives or flavor enhancers. All ingredients that are in the composition must be thoroughly tested in specialized laboratories.

All feeds contain useful mineral and vitamin supplements. In the production of food, special natural preservatives and antioxidants are also used. The feed also contains special prebiotics, fatty acids that are responsible for the health of the skin and wool, and algae extracts, which can increase immunity.

The assortment also includes individual formulations that are created without the use of grain ingredients.

These diets are intended for dogs with digestive problems, as well as animals that often suffer from various allergic reactions.

Feed of this brand has a relatively low cost, so they will be affordable for almost any buyer. But it is worth noting that such products for dogs can not be found in every specialized store; if necessary, food can be ordered through the manufacturer's official website. The brand currently produces both dry and wet rations.

Assortment overview

Next, we will analyze the composition and characteristics of individual foods from this manufacturer for large breed dogs.

  • Daily Line with chicken. This complete food is suitable for large dogs with normal activity. It includes pieces of fresh chicken (30%), rice grits, corn, natural antioxidants, cartilage, fish oil, salmon fillets, spirulina, brewer's yeast, gluten flour. In the manufacture, special additives with vitamins, selenium, iron and manganese are also used. The composition has a fairly high energy value.
  • Dog Maxi Adult with chicken. This dog food is complete and balanced. It is also suitable for adults with normal physical activity. The product consists of the following ingredients: chicken meat, rice grains, gluten flour, brewer's yeast, beet components, salmon oil, cartilage, spirulina, crustaceans. The composition has a reduced fat content, so it will allow you to maintain the optimal weight of the animal. The food is rich in a special L-carnitine, which is responsible for the processes associated with the metabolism in the body of pets, it is needed for the proper formation of bones and muscles.

In addition, nutrition helps maintain a normal balance of intestinal microflora, strengthens the immune system.

  • Daily Line with chicken for large puppies. This feed includes the following products: chicken meat (32%), corn, rice grains, whole eggs, oats, brewer's yeast, beets, fish oil, spirulina, powdered dried garlic, cartilage, antioxidants, gluten flour. This food may be suitable for puppies with sensitive digestive systems. The ingredients in this diet help maintain healthy bones and joints. It is recommended to store food in a cool and dry place.
  • Dog Maxi Puppy & Junior. This nutritious food is also suitable for large puppies. It has a relatively high percentage of protein, which contributes to the creation of healthy muscles. The optimal ratio of phosphorus to calcium is responsible for proper bone and joint growth. L-carnitine improves metabolic processes in the animal's body. Food can be used for daily feeding.
  • Monge Gemon Dog Maxi. This food is intended for large adult dogs. It includes fresh chicken pieces, rice groats, cereals, fish and meat offal, fish fillets, as well as special supplements with vitamins, sodium, selenium, useful amino acids, and fats. The food has been specially formulated for the daily feeding of pets with normal physical activity. It is suitable for dogs between the ages of 1 and 8. The composition is rich in protein, crude fiber and phosphorus.
  • Gemon Dog Maxi canned food. This nutritious wet food for large breed dogs is composed of the following ingredients: fresh beef cuts, organ meats, cereals, whole boiled eggs, micronutrient supplements. In addition, special safe technological additives (thickeners and components for the formation of jelly) are used. The feed has a relatively high nutritional value. These canned foods are rich in vitamins A, E, D3. The food is completely balanced and complete. It can be used for daily feeding.It is better to serve such food at room temperature, you can preheat it a little.

All of these feeds are sold in packages of various sizes. In pet stores, buyers will be able to find large specimens of 12, 15 kg.

The nuances of feeding

All packages of this food provide detailed information on the daily nutritional requirements of the dog. Sometimes they can be slightly adjusted depending on the individual physiological characteristics of your pet.

Most often, adult dogs of large breeds are fed 2-3 times. The amount of food you eat will depend on your pet's weight and activity level.

When feeding your pet, you can combine dry and wet food, the ready-made composition with other natural foods to slightly diversify the diet. Also, if desired, you can dilute the dry granules with slightly warmed water so that they soften a little.

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