Dog food brands

Features of Karmy puppy food

Features of Karmy puppy food
  1. general description
  2. Assortment of feed
  3. Review overview

The features of Karmy puppy food deserve serious attention from dog breeders. Such products can be designed for medium, large and small breeds. We'll have to figure out the composition of dry food with turkey and other options, as well as reviews of Karmy food.

general description

Modern karmy puppy food is produced in Russia. This allows you to optimize transportation costs and avoid customs duties, that is, ultimately save consumers' funds. The manufacturer uses only perfect raw materials of a modern class. Its composition is carefully selected.

It is stated that the feed undergoes strict quality control and fully meets the criteria of the premium class.

Assortment of feed

Starter stands out perfectly among dry diets. This complete product is recommended for animals up to 4 months of age. Possibility declared:

  • help your pet's joints and bones;
  • strengthen the immune system of the tailed beast;
  • make up for the lack of phosphorus, calcium and chondroitin.

This is a turkey diet. This supplement contains 95% digestible protein. Turkey meat contains a number of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It also contains:

  • carotene:
  • vitamin K;
  • B vitamins;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • potassium.

For small dogs, including Spitz, the Mini line is designed. These feeds are suitable for those animals whose weight does not exceed 10 kg. Along with the 2 types based on the turkey, there is also the type based on the veal. Mini Adult is only recommended for pets at least 1 year old. The granules are selected with the expectation of maximum absorption of nutrition.

It is stated that this feed:

  • prevents the appearance of tartar and plaque;
  • helps to maintain the immunity of the animal;
  • guarantees the normal condition of the skin and hair;
  • satisfies the need for B vitamins;
  • supplies the dog's body with calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and some other trace elements.

If you need to choose food for medium breeds (and this group includes animals weighing 15-25 kg), then you should give preference feed line Medium. Junior meals created on the basis of a turkey. There are a lot of prebiotics, vitamins and minerals in there. Other important points are:

  • high protein content (29%);
  • lysine - 1.7%;
  • phosphorus - 1%;
  • the occurrence of hydrolyzed meat proteins, brewer's yeast, seaweed, Shidigera yucca and dried apples.

For large breeds, the Maxi feed group is intended. The Adult model is based on veal. This food improves the condition of the musculoskeletal system, which is especially important for puppies. The diet will provide the animals with a wide range of vitamins, including folic acid. But there is also a special line in the assortment of the company.

Sensitive Mini food is its pleasant component. As you might guess, this food is created for pets with a particularly sensitive digestive tract. The feed contains prebiotics, vitamins and minerals. Its main component is salmon, saturated with potassium and phosphorus, which are useful for the heart.

Review overview

In consumer assessments, the emphasis is on the fact that this feed fully meets expectations. The animals themselves will eat it completely calmly. We also paid attention to the reasonable cost of food, which pleases even the most critical people.

They also consistently note:

  • variety of diet composition;
  • thoughtful package size;
  • lack of special allergic reactions in pets;
  • sale mainly through specialized stores;
  • a gradual deterioration in quality over time (this point is noted in at least a few reviews, so you need to take it seriously).
1 comment
Xenia B. 07.06.2021 15:35

I have been feeding my Medium for several months now, I can say that the food suits us, they eat with appetite, they do not gain excess weight, everything is in order with the toilet. Good food for your money


the beauty
