Dog food brands

Features of Monge Medium Dog Foods

Features of Monge Medium Dog Foods
  1. general description
  2. Assortment overview
  3. The nuances of feeding

Monge is a popular Italian company that has been making quality pet food since the middle of the last century. She makes great products for a wide variety of pets. She has a fairly large selection of food for dogs of medium breeds.

general description

Products from the Monge brand belong to the super premium class. The following components are at the heart of feed for representatives of medium breeds.

  • Protein... Monge foods are rich in animal protein. Its source can be both meat and fish. Products that are used to make dog food are not frozen. The feed is prepared only from high quality dried meat. This makes them very nutritious and of high quality.
  • Carbohydrates... Monge Tasty Medium Dog Foods are high in carbohydrates. This makes them more nutritious. The use of these products helps the animals to remain active at all times and not to feel hunger between meals. The main sources of carbohydrates are white or brown rice, as well as corn.
  • Cellulose... The product also contains beet pulp. This component helps to improve the digestion of pets.
  • Fats... Natural chicken fat is a quality source of fatty acids in the product. During its processing, no chemical additives are used. The use of such food allows you to make your pet's coat thicker and softer.
  • Vitamins... In addition to the main components, the feed also contains vitamin supplements. It is also good for the health of the pets.

Food for dogs of medium breeds contains everything necessary for normal development.At the same time, they are inexpensive, so many pet owners can afford them.

Assortment overview

Monge creates products for pets of all ages.

  • For puppies. Complete food for puppies contains a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins. It is suitable for all medium breed puppies from two months old. The use of these products contributes to the formation of strong bones in puppies and a set of muscle mass. Dry croquettes intended for babies can also be eaten by pregnant and lactating females. They will benefit from such food.
  • For adults... Monge monoprotein foods are hypoallergenic and well balanced. These products are suitable for pets aged 1 to 7 years. They are recommended for animals with normal physical activity.
  • For overweight dogs. The dietetic food is suitable for pets prone to gaining excess weight. It is enriched with beneficial fatty acids. Therefore, pets that eat such products remain active and attractive.
  • For older pets... Products for senior medium-sized dogs are made from fresh meat. Eating light dietary foods helps keep aging animals active. In addition, pets that eat dry croquettes do not gain excess weight with age.

Most dry rations are sold in 2.5, 12 and 15 kg packs. Such packaging options are very convenient.

All-purpose wet foods can also be added to the diet of medium-sized dogs. There are products for sale with salmon, lamb, chicken and other types of meat. Wet canned food should not be given to your animals very often. They are mainly used to pamper the dog.

The nuances of feeding

You can start feeding your pets with Monge products at a very young age. In childhood, the puppy feeds on mother's milk. Dry granules or wet canned food are only a kind of addition to the diet of pets. Dry pellets are difficult for babies to chew, so many pet owners recommend soaking them. For this you need to use boiled water.

The feeding process of young puppies must be carefully monitored. In their diet, dry granules should not be mixed with cereals or fresh vegetables. This can lead to digestive problems.

But it is quite possible to combine wet and dry foods from Monge in the diet. This is true for adult animals as well. The main thing adhere to the correct dosage and do not overfeed pets. Feeding rates depend on the choice of product, as well as on the age and weight of the animal. The manufacturer usually indicates them on the packaging. In addition, pets should always have access to clean drinking water. It is recommended to change it twice a day.

If you choose the most suitable product for your dog, and also adhere to simple feeding rules, then the animal will always feel good.

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