Dog food brands

Farmina dog food variety

Farmina dog food variety
  1. general description
  2. Range of grain-free feed
  3. Low Grain Natural & Delicious Low Ancestral Grain
  4. Cibau line overview
  5. Vet Life Natural Diet Series
  6. Variety of Ecopet Natural foods
  7. Fun dog
  8. Review overview

Italian food for dogs Farmina is suitable for representatives of medium and large breeds, small animals and decorative. The brand, according to reviews of veterinarians and breeders, deserves the highest confidence, the manufacturer has recommendations from leading European institutions studying nutrition. Even the composition of N&D food, grain-free in canned food and croquettes, and other products of the holistic, super premium and premium class can be called exemplary - only selected and freshest ingredients fall into it.

general description

Family traditions are often the basis for the creation of strong business projects. Farmina dog food is produced by just such a manufacturer - a brand with a long history of Russo Feed. Initially, the Italian company created exclusively food for farm animals. Russo Feed took up pets only in 1999, when his son, Angelo, took over in the company of Francesco Russo.

The well-known British company Farmina, known for developing formulations of food for cats and dogs, was chosen as a companion. The partnership quickly bore fruit. In a duet, the two brands have managed to create new brands and perfect holistic, super premium and premium diets. Subsequently, a dedicated research department was created, collaborating with leading veterinarians throughout Europe.

Today Farmina dog food is sold in dozens of countries around the world, and their production is deployed even in Latin America. A number of features of the products of this brand can be distinguished.

  1. Formulation in close contact with breeders and veterinarians. This approach makes it possible to achieve reliable results in research, especially in the manufacture of medical food. The Vet Life series has been tested to prove its effectiveness - the results of the work of specialists have been published in scientific journals.
  2. Carefully calibrated taste, texture, pellet and feed size. Dogs will readily eat the suggested food as it is tested to match the pet's taste preferences.
  3. Short terms of going on sale. It takes only 4 days from the beginning of processing of raw materials to sending the goods to retail chains.
  4. The use of antioxidants of natural origin. This is the role of tocopherols.
  5. Lack of GMOs. There are no genetically altered components in cereals or meat.
  6. Nitrogen packaging. Replacing oxygen with this component helps to ensure product safety. The same technology is used in the manufacture of food products for people.

Farmina feeds have another important feature - the exceptional quality of the raw materials.

The protein component of animal origin in them is obtained from eggs, chicken, lamb and fish caught in the wild. Chicken carcasses of fresh slaughter without feathers are used for dehydrated raw materials. The main supplies of raw meat come from Scandinavia, Italy, New Zealand.

Range of grain-free feed

In developing its holistic diets, Farmina follows the recommendations of veterinarians, taking into account the health of the pets, their size and age. Obviously, spayed and neutered pets need special nutritional options. For large breeds, an appropriate pellet size is required, as well as components that protect the joints. For older dogs of medium and small breeds, breeders also have to select the right nutrition. All this has already been done by the brand's specialists, it remains only to analyze each line in composition and features.

N&D Quinoa

Natural & Delicious Quinoa Grain Free Food contains over 90% animal ingredients. The protein source is a low glycemic culture that helps to normalize bowel function. Farmina Quinoa is obtained from local Italian farmers.

Additionally, the feed includes ingredients for the prevention of urolithiasis, plant nutrients as a source of antioxidants and digestive stimulants. Vegetables such as broccoli and asparagus are responsible for weight control.

The food in the line is represented by canned food and dry rations of the following types:

  • Digestion - diet for exocrine insufficiency and digestive disorders, with lamb;
  • Skin & Coat - for dogs with food intolerance, with quail, herring, duck;
  • Weight Management - to control body weight;
  • Neutered - for neutered pets.

Natural & Delicious Grain Free

Grain-free formula with animal proteins in the amount of 70-98%. It is a high-protein, cereal-free food that perfectly matches the principles of wholesome nutrition. The variety of flavors is represented here by original combinations.

  1. Chicken and pomegranate. In this series there are canned food and dry food for puppies, adult dogs, taking into account their size.
  2. Wild boar and apple. Food only for adult dogs of different sizes - Mini, Medium & Maxi.
  3. Lamb and blueberry. Food for adult animals in Mini, Medium & Maxi sizes.

Gourmet gourmet formulas are ideal for breeders looking to diversify their pet's diet.

N&D Ocean

Fish feeds are considered to be low-allergenic, easily digestible protein sources. In Farmina's grain-free forage range, the Ocean series has a special place. It uses high-quality varieties of fish caught in ecologically clean seas and rivers of Scandinavia. There are several options among the products.

  1. Cod & Pumpkin. Wet food for puppies and adult dogs. The delicate combination of cod and pumpkin creates the perfect consistency and texture of the product.
  2. Herring & Shrimp. Herring and shrimp are the basis of food, which is suitable for adult dogs as a complete diet.
  3. Salmon & Cod. A versatile combination of salmon and cod flavors, complemented by shrimp and sweet potatoes.
  4. Trout & Salmon. Adult food based on trout and salmon fillets. It also contains herring, cod and sweet potatoes.
  5. Cod & Squid. Canned Wet Food with Cod and Squid. Also contains herring and tuna fillets. Designed for pets who have reached the age of 1 year.
  6. Cod, Pumpkin & Cantaloupe Melon. Complete dry food based on cantaloupe melon, cod and pumpkin - high-protein, with an optimal ratio of valuable plant polysaccharides and animal products.
  7. Salmon, Cod & Cantaloupe Melon. Delicious food for small, medium and large, as well as giant dogs, with salmon, sweet potatoes, cod, herring and dried melon.
  8. Herring & Orange. Diet without restrictions on breeds, for pets over 1 year old, with herring, potatoes and orange.
  9. Cod, Pumpkin & Orange. Adult dry food for Mini, Medium & Maxi dogs, with cod, pumpkin and orange.
  10. Cod, Spelt, Oats & Orange. Dry food of the Adult category based on cod, spelled, orange and oats.

N&D with pumpkin

Food with a grain-free formula, up to 96% of ingredients of animal origin. Traditional Italian recipes are complemented here with Long Life Vitamins to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in the composition. Grain-free pumpkin feed is available in both wet canned and dry granular feed options. Among the flavor options:

  • lamb, pumpkin and blueberry;
  • chicken, pumpkin and pomegranate;
  • wild boar, pumpkin and apple;
  • duck and pumpkin;
  • quail and pumpkin;
  • venison and pumpkin.

Canned food is packed in jars of 140 and 285 g. Dry rations are supplied in packages of 800 g or 2.5-7 kg. The manufacturer has formulas for animals of all ages, including starters.

Low Grain Natural & Delicious Low Ancestral Grain

Low-grain dog food is a rare guest on the Russian market. Farmina makes it in a version for adult dogs, containing up to 94% animal protein. Grain components in such a diet are easily digestible spelled and oats.

Low-grain food has a low glycemic index, so energy is released from the food gradually, giving the dog the opportunity to be active throughout the day.

There is a wide variety of wet and dry foods available. Canned food has a variety of flavor combinations. There is lamb with blueberries, cod with orange, wild boar with apple and other original combinations. Dry food is presented in the same flavors, divided according to the size of the dogs. Packages are presented in options from 800 g to 2, 5 and 7 kg.

For puppies, the dry food range includes starters based on spelled, boneless chicken, oats and pomegranate or lamb with blueberries. You can choose options for the size of the breed. Adult diets are categorized as Maxi Giant, Mini, Medium & Maxi. There is a lite version for neutered dogs.

Cibau line overview

Super premium class feed series. There is a line for Puppy puppies, taking into account the size of the breed - Mini, Medium, Maxi. Adult dogs are addressed to Adult products with the same division, created on the basis of a light combination of chicken and rice, fish and eggs. And also in this series there are Sensitive food with lamb or fish, which prevents the development of food allergies, without chicken in the composition.

Vet Life Natural Diet Series

A unique veterinary line of nutrition, compiled with the participation of the staff of the Department of Veterinary Dietetics of the University of Naples. The features of the line include:

  1. the use of natural antioxidants;
  2. inclusion in cereals with a low glycemic index;
  3. preparation of diets taking into account veterinary restrictions.

This series contains food in the form of canned food and dry granules. Hypoallergenic products are highly popular, specially formulated for pets with food allergies and intolerances. Instead of grains, it contains sweet potatoes and options with duck and fish. Renal contributes to the maintenance of kidney health in case of chronic kidney disease, including chicken and tuna.

Gastrointestinal veterinary nutrition is prescribed for dogs with gastrointestinal problems. It is also suitable as a diet for rehabilitation after surgical treatment of the digestive organs. A mixture of chicken and ocean fish, liver and sweet potato has optimal nutritional value and is easy to digest. Convalescence food also refers to dietary food, it is prescribed for rehabilitation after illnesses. Struvite Wet Food canned food is prescribed for the prevention of KSD in struvite form, to prevent relapse.

Dry food is also quite diverse. Farmina offers several ration options.

  1. Neutered. The food is available in 2 versions - for dogs weighing up to 10 kg and over this weight. Specialized nutrition takes into account all the features of the metabolism of sterilized animals.
  2. Hypoallergenic. Hypoallergenic veterinary diet with egg and rice or fish and potatoes. Easy menu for pets.
  3. UltraHypo. Food for allergy sufferers and dogs with atopy. Suitable as a diet for intestinal inflammation. Formulated with rice starch and fish protein hydrolyzate, it does not burden the body with potentially hazardous ingredients.
  4. Diabetic. Nutritional formula for controlling glucose levels and body weight of an animal. Obesity food of the same line can be used as an auxiliary component in the diet.
  5. Cardiac. A special formula for dogs with cardiac problems, with an optimal balance of sodium and potassium.
  6. Oxalate, Struvite and Struvite Management. Food for dogs with identified forms of ICD. Nutrition is prescribed taking into account the type of disease.
  7. Renal. Special balanced nutrition for chronic renal failure.
  8. Hepatic. Special veterinary feed for liver failure.
  9. Gastrointestinal. Food for dogs with inflammation or gastrointestinal problems. Also available in the Puppy version for puppies.
  10. Joint. Rehabilitation diet in the treatment of bone and joint tissue inflammation.
  11. Convalescence. Restorative and supportive nutrition after illness.

Variety of Ecopet Natural foods

This series belongs to the premium class of feed. The line includes dry and canned foods, divided into groups.

  1. Puppy dry. There are options for Mini, Maxi, Medium, taking into account the size of the animals. The formula is also suitable for dogs preparing for motherhood or nursing offspring. The main ingredient is dehydrated chicken meat.
  2. Adult. Complete food for adult dogs with packaging options 0.8 kg, 2.5 kg and 12 kg. There are varieties of Mini, Medium, Maxi, which differ in the size of the granules. The composition is based on dehydrated chicken, wheat and corn.
  3. Fish. Meals for dogs in Mini, Medium sizes with dehydrated fish and chicken.
  4. Lamb. Series with rice, lamb and chicken. There are diet options for dogs of different sizes.
  5. Canned food. High quality natural food with meat and rice. There are options for Puppy, Chicken & Rice, Fish & Rice, Lamb & Rice.

All of these foods are suitable for feeding dogs, but they are much inferior in class to their premium and holistic counterparts.

Fun dog

An original complete series of two premium feeds in packages from 3 to 20 kg. The composition is dominated by corn and wheat flour, as well as chicken meat - fresh and dehydrated.

The Adult formula is suitable for all adult dogs. Energy is designed for active pets.

Review overview

You can find many useful customer reviews about Farmina food. Dog owners indicate that this food is one of the diets recommended by veterinarians and corresponds to the declared holistic class. It is these products that are especially popular, along with low-grain and hypoallergenic ones. The owners like the light, pleasant aroma of the feed, the economical use of the packaging due to the optimal dispensing rates. It is noted that this diet does not lead to the animals gaining excess weight, it helps to maintain good digestion and healthy skin.

Only a small part of buyers are dissatisfied with Farmina feed. Among the negative aspects, one can note the discrepancy between the size of the granules and the purpose of the diet, the weak tightness of the fasteners.

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