Dog food brands

Features of Grandin dog food

Features of Grandin dog food
  1. general description
  2. Assortment of dry food
  3. Variety of canned food
  4. Review overview

Dogs have long been called man's best friends. They happily greet us from work, are ready to have fun at any time and give all their love to their owner. For our part, we take care of them, treat them when they are sick, and look for good nutrition. The market offers a huge range of feeds for all breeds and ages. One of the most affordable options is Grandin brand products, which are in great demand. Below you can find out more detailed information about dog food and its varieties in order to find the right food for your four-legged friend.

general description

The country of origin of Grandin dog food is the Czech Republic, under this brand quality products are produced for four-legged friends. The range includes dry and wet food options. The products have a pleasant aroma and taste that will appeal to any dog. It should be noted that the packages are made with a convenient fastener, so the food will keep its freshness for a long time.

The main source of protein is meat: the manufacturer uses poultry, lamb and beef to create unique flavors.

The main features of the feed include the presence of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that contribute to the proper development of the pet. Other ingredients include wheat, bran, and wheat flour, which act as carbohydrates. The feed is enriched with fiber thanks to the dried apple pulp and beet pulp, which are included in the composition.

Bird fat and salmon oil are also not without, so the pet's body will receive all the necessary elements. As for vitamins, brewer's yeast is used in feed, which contains a lot of B vitamins. The advantage of Grandin products is a variety of dry and wet feeds, so everyone can choose something suitable for their pet's taste preferences.

Assortment of dry food

When developing dry food, the manufacturer took into account the age, breed and other characteristics of the dogs. The brand offers several product options. For puppies, the Holistic series has been developed, which is suitable for small breeds. This feed includes lamb and sea herring and is available in 350 g and 1.5 kg packs. In addition to the main ingredients that act as proteins, the manufacturer added dried fish, farm potatoes, poultry fat, beets, flax seeds, apples and salmon oil.

Such nutrition will be useful for a growing body, it includes various herbs and berries, which are full of vitamins.

If you already have an adult dog of a large or medium breed, you can pay attention to the products of Adult All Breedswhich consists of lamb, poultry, hydrolyzed lamb liver and whole rice. Additional ingredients are beet pulp, dried apple pulp, brewer's yeast, salmon oil, chicory root and sodium dihydrogen phosphate. Package weight - 3 kg and 12 kg. This is a complete diet designed specifically for mature pets of all breeds. The composition does not contain cereals that can cause an allergic reaction. It should be noted that the manufacturer uses exclusively fresh meat, and the advantage is that the feed is semi-moist, so it is easy to bite through, it is well absorbed.

If your pet prefers poultry, you can consider the Adult Large series, which is in particular demand. The big advantage is that the granules are slightly enlarged, therefore they are suitable for large breeds. The composition does not contain GMOs and various harmful components. It should be noted that the ingredients are impregnated with meat juice, which increases the digestibility and palatability of the feed. This is a balanced diet with chicken, pork and beef that your pet cannot refuse. With such food, the body will receive the required amount of proteins and minerals, which will strengthen the immune system and give vitality.

Small breed puppies, lactating and pregnant dogs need special nutrition. That's why the company created the Puppy Small series, which is half chicken, so the body gets its daily dose of protein. The kit also contains essential minerals and vitamins. The food pellets are small, so they are suitable for pets of decorative breeds.

The company did not deprive young dogs of its attention, so it created a food that uses a mixture of chicken, beef and pork. This is Puppy & Junior Large. It contains wheat, so if your pet has problems with the digestive system, other options should be considered.

For the rest, such a product will surely satisfy hunger and saturate the body with the necessary elements.

Variety of canned food

Any owner will agree that combining wet and dry food is not only possible, but also recommended, since the dog needs a variety of food. Therefore, the company has developed a canned complete composition that your pet will definitely like. Moist food with turkey and duck, as well as apples and berries will provide the body with protein, protein and fiber. This product contains B vitamins, as well as vitamins D3 and E, manganese, zinc and biotin with folic acid.

It should be noted that canned dog food is somewhat different in composition from dry food. The manufacturer uses original combinations of ingredients that not only satisfy the pet's hunger, but give real pleasure from an interesting taste. For example, Wet food Grandin consists of lamb, apricot and cranberry, linseed oil and fats. Thanks to this combination of ingredients, the product is saturated with vitamins and minerals, as well as elements necessary for growth and health.

Canned food for adult dogs with chicken comes in 200 and 400 g cans, so you can start with a small package to conduct a tasting and determine what exactly your pet likes. It contains chicken, broth, potatoes, flaxseed oil and a number of minerals. It has been proven in practice that dogs love wet food as much as dry food, so they can be mixed if you want to diversify the diet. All products of the company are saturated with useful elements and vitamins that are needed for adult pets and their puppies.

If your little one is still struggling to handle dry food, you can pick up canned turkey food for him, which contains broth, crude fiber and linseed oil.

Analyzing the ingredients of canned meat from the Grandin trademark, you can come to a single conclusion: all of them will provide the pet's body with useful substances that will strengthen the immune system, give vitality and satisfy hunger. This is a natural product that no dog will refuse. Wet food comes in cans of 400 g, experts recommend them for individuals aged 1 to 6 years. Each series of the Grandin company differs only in the main ingredient, which acts as the main source of protein, otherwise the composition is very similar, so there is no need to worry about the safety of your pet.

Review overview

The choice of food for a pet is always acute for the owner. It is important to take into account not only the taste preferences of the four-legged friend, but the individual health characteristics, age, breed and tolerance of certain ingredients. If you are looking for the perfect food, take a look at Grandin products, which have gained popularity and trust among pet lovers.

And to be convinced of this, it is enough to read the reviews of those who have already diversified their dog's diet with food from a Czech manufacturer. The positive opinion of buyers is focused on the natural composition of the product, the variety of meat, and the choice of dry or wet type. In addition, the assortment has a separate line not only for puppies, but also for nursing mothers, and this is important for breeders.

The absence of GMOs and harmful components cannot leave any caring owner indifferent, and the fact that the percentage of fresh meat is about 70%, there is no doubt that this is a great option for any dog. Many people note the convenience of packaging canned food, which is suitable for a one-time meal.

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