Dog food brands

Description and overview of holistic food for small breed dogs

Description and overview of holistic food for small breed dogs
  1. What it is?
  2. Varieties
  3. Rating of the best manufacturers
  4. Nuances of choice

The choice of food for your beloved pet must be approached carefully, because it is he who is the basis of his good health and external grooming. In this regard, the best option is considered to be food belonging to the holistic class, because they contain everything that is necessary to maintain a dog's health. In this article, we will figure out what this class of food is, and how to choose among them suitable for small breed dogs.

What it is?

Holistic feeds are feeds, the composition of which consists only of natural ingredients... This is their main advantage. Manufacturers of such feeds are guided by the following principle: to use in the manufacture of everything that people actively eat. Plus, feed of this class absolutely hypoallergenic and help to cope with itching and edema in the animal, as well as to normalize the microflora of their mucous membranes.

Another feature is the high content of protein in holistics, which is so necessary for small breed dogs. In this case, the source of protein is also natural components, namely: poultry, animals and fish fillets, and artificial gluten and protein are not used in the manufacture. Contained in such feeds and carbohydrate doping, which are potatoes, lentils and rice groats. But corn and wheat flour is not observed in the composition, pea or potato protein is present in minimal amounts or is absent, in general, but there are dried vegetables and fruits that will help saturate the pet's body with fiber.

It is worth mentioning separately about the vitamin and mineral complex. Its value is significantly increased here, especially when compared to premium and economy feeds. All this has a beneficial effect on the health of the pet, since it receives all the nutrients it needs, antioxidants, prebiotics and chondroprotectors, which, in turn, improve the state of vision, skin, heart and fur of the animal.

At the same time, we note that the cost of holistic is quite high. However, they are well absorbed and, in addition to this, they also allow you to save on vitamins and medicines.


For puppies

Holistic food for small breed puppies includes all those necessary components that help the animal to fully develop and grow, namely: collagen, proteins and microminerals. All of these components are important for young dogs, as they help to form the musculoskeletal system and the musculoskeletal system. The food also has a huge effect on the dog's hair, its quality, which becomes especially noticeable after the dog's coat changes after the complete disappearance of the puppy fluff.

Moreover, we note that very young puppies who do not yet have teeth should be given wet food - for example, canned food or the same dry food well moistened with water. It is worth considering that at this stage, food will only be a good addition to the baby's main diet. Further, it is necessary to increase the dose of the dispensed food, while it is necessary to monitor the dog, its behavior, the condition of the coat, eyes, paws and weight.

For adult dogs

Holistic for adult small breed dogs is also of great importance, they can be presented both dry, and in wet or semi-wet form. They contain a huge amount of protein, minerals and useful vitamins, which allow you to maintain good condition of the muscles and bones of the animal, healthy teeth, beauty and grooming of the coat.

Separately, it should be said about holistic feeds for sterilized or neutered animals. Usually, after such procedures, the animal's hormonal background changes, which subsequently greatly affects its activity. Generally, the dog becomes calmer, but it may become obese. For this reason, owners of neutered or neutered animals are advised to look closely at foods that are low in calories.

Food for small breed dogs is somewhat different, due to the characteristics of the organism of such animals. Holistics are produced in the form of small granules, which the animal can easily chew, while not harming the enamel of its teeth. These foods are easier to digest and make the small dog more resilient and resistant to viruses. Like other breeds, these animals also need support for bone strength. In addition, holistic people, as a rule, are characterized by low calorie content and high nutritional value.

For older animals

Older dogs usually have a variety of health problems that are related to their age. These can be problems with excess weight, heart or other organ, vision or teeth. For this reason, dogs at this age simply need high-quality nutrition that will support the dog's body, as well as avoid problems with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. Usually, Holistic food for older dogs is less caloric. They also contain fewer carbohydrates than regular food. Most often, food for older dogs of small breeds is produced in the form of small granules, or in the form of wet food.

Separately, we note that it is necessary to select holistics for an elderly dog ​​depending on the state of its health and behavior.

Rating of the best manufacturers


This is an American manufacturer that is famous for the balanced composition of its feed. A big plus is that the brand offers a wide range of rations, and there are also those in the production of which exotic meat was involved.

The attention of the manufacturer is especially focused on those animals that suffer from chronic diseases or have low immunity. For this reason, natural fish oil is added to the feed, which is well absorbed and helps to normalize all processes.


This is a Canadian manufacturer that is famous for the high quality of produced feed, because it is made on the basis of good and fresh meat.... A big plus is the cost of this feed, which can be called average. The brand presents a huge line of food that is suitable for dogs of different types, including sedentary ones.


Another manufacturer from Canada that is engaged in the creation of feeds with a higher protein content, ideal for small breeds. The production uses meat, some types of fish, vegetables and legumes. Note that some feeds also contain chicken, which is especially worth paying attention to those people whose pets do not tolerate this product.


Belgian manufacturer, which has been in high demand among Russian breeders for a long time. The manufacturer offers a wide variety of foods suitable for both toddlers and adult small breed dogs. The brand has a whole line of food, in which a wide variety of diets are present, including wet and hypoallergenic.

However, it is worth noting that the company does not indicate the amount of meat ingredients on the package, and therefore it will be difficult to calculate the exact amount of protein consumed by the dog.

Go! Natural

Another manufacturer from Canada, which presents a line of a wide variety of feeds, including cereals and hypoallergenic ones. They are suitable for four-legged pets of different breeds and ages. The manufacturer pays special attention to the production of high-protein feeds that are suitable for dogs with weak intestines.

Nuances of choice

When choosing feeds belonging to the holistic class, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the age of the dog. For example, food for adult dogs is unlikely to be suitable for a small puppy, as it is usually harder, and it may be difficult to chew it. Particular attention should be paid to the breed and size of the animal - it is these factors that largely determine how high-calorie the composition of the feed should be.

Do not forget about diseases and physiology. So, if your pet suffers from allergies or any diseases, then in this case it is worth paying attention to holistics with a special vitamin complex, which will help to strengthen the dog's health.

An equally important role is played by the length of the four-legged pet's coat. So, if you are the owner of a dog with lush and long hair, then in this case, you should pay attention to the presence of specific vitamins in the composition, which can make the animal's coat more well-groomed and beautiful in appearance.

It is worth paying attention to the form in which the feed is presented. So, semi-moist and wet food is more suitable for puppies and older dogs. Dry food can also be used for young animals.

For information on what holistic food is for your pet, see the next video.

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