Dog food brands

Hunty Feed Review

Hunty Feed Review
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Range
  3. Review overview

Artificial food is a nutritious food for dogs and cats, eliminating the need for their owners to buy natural products (offal) from the market every day, preparing fresh portions every time. Wet food can withstand storage in the refrigerator for up to a day, and dry food can be used for up to a month at room temperature.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with any dry food, the products of this brand have their advantages:

  • does not deteriorate in the heat when open for a long time;
  • can be opened and put in the public domain;
  • does not require freezing, long-term storage in the refrigerator;
  • quite low cost.

Disadvantages of dry food:

  • a cat or dog often swallows it without chewing, it is still recommended to dose portions;
  • if the pet eats it in large quantities, then in adulthood problems with the stomach, liver and pancreas will begin;
  • a cat or dog, after eating food, drinks a lot of water.

However, the last disadvantage is easy to fix. It is enough to constantly place a container with clean water next to the feed.

Wet food in the form of canned food also has its advantages:

  • the pet drinks less water - its mass fraction in the feed already reaches 80%;
  • it can be alternated with dry and semi-dry.

The disadvantages are as follows:

  • this feed cannot be kept open for a long time, the shelf life is limited;
  • such food is more expensive, which may be considered a significant disadvantage for some.

After weighing the pros and cons, analyzing the situation, the owner of the animal makes an informed decision.


Hunty food is produced in the Czech Republic, or rather, according to the technologies of the brand's homeland... Despite the attempts of many manufacturers to reduce the share of natural raw materials, reducing production costs by replacing natural ingredients with artificial additive powders, this brand is ahead of many cheap counterparts. If in Hunty the amount of natural raw materials reaches a quarter of the total mass, then in cheaper feed it decreases to a critical minimum - only 5-12%. This is critically small for both the cat and the dog - kittens and puppies would develop poorly, and adults would not receive all the necessary vitamins to maintain good health.

The Hunty filling contains traditional chicken, beef and fish. According to the manufacturer's description, Hunty foods are high in vitamins A, C, D and E - they keep your dog or cat healthy. However, with prolonged feeding only with wet food in dogs, the process of washing out minerals (macro- and microelements) from the osteo-ligamentous apparatus from a lack of calcium and iron can start. To avoid this, alternate wet food with dry and semi-dry food. In wet feed, crude protein is reduced to 7%, crude fats - up to 5%, crude ash - up to 2.5%, crude fiber - up to 0.3%. Vitamin A per kilogram of products - 0.344 mg, D - 0.004 mg, E-22 mg. Zinc oxide - 58.8 mg, iron salts - 5.5 mg per 1 kg of product.

The manufacturer adds a fair amount of bone meal and wood ash to the dry product, as well as a small (up to 20%) amount of cereals. It is flour and ash that serve as sources of calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Bone meal also contains the so-called heme iron in the form of organic and inorganic salts: it would not be assimilated in its pure form. Crude protein - at least 20%, and crude fat - at least 6%. Crude ash and fiber are 9% and 4.5%, respectively.

Dry dog ​​food is sorted into bags and sacks from 1 to 10 kg. Wet - comes in cans up to several hundred grams.

It is not recommended to preserve wet in large volumes - it is not preserved after being opened. Therefore, manufacturers recommend buying dry food in large quantities.

The dry product for cats sold under the Hunty brand is packed in bags up to 2 kg - the weight of an adult cat is several times less than the weight of a dog, which means that the cat's needs are correspondingly reduced.

Review overview

According to the opinions of individual owners, each cat or dog still has slight discrepancies in feeding preferences. If one particular dog is actively interested in Hunty chicken food, then another, even of the same breed, may like beef food. Other pet owners say the same about cats. The preferences of a cat or dog are also influenced by what they fed in childhood.

In general, buyers are positive about Hunty brand foods. This is due to truthful information about the composition of the product: the manufacturer directly points out the absence of artificial flavors and flavor enhancers. In practice, this information is confirmed by the successful and successful outcome of feeding pets with products of this brand.

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