Dog food brands

ROYAL CANIN dog food

ROYAL CANIN dog food
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Dry food line
  3. Wet feed
  4. Review overview

ROYAL CANIN is in great demand among dog owners and professional breeders. It belongs to premium class food and is presented in a large assortment. The company produces various solutions in the form of dry croquettes and wet pates for puppies and adults. Including a therapeutic diet for pets with special needs and health.


ROYAL CANIN dry food pellets and pates are produced by Mars. The production is located in Poland, France and the Russian Federation, focused on the local market. The feed belongs to the premium class.

ROYAL CANIN has existed since 1967, eventually becoming a large international corporation with offices on virtually every continent. At the beginning of the journey, the company produced only a few varieties of rations. They were intended for adult dogs and young German shepherds.

Today the assortment includes cat food as well as a wide variety of dog food in various sizes of croquettes, canned food and spiders.

The company's special focus is on developing a balanced diet for dogs with special needs.

Today ROYAL CANIN dog food is produced on the latest modern equipment according to a certain technology. The quality of raw materials meets international standards and is subjected to rigorous testing in this regard. Conveniently, you can buy any package of feed - from 0.8 to 20 kg.

The basis of the ROYAL CANIN diet is protein in the form of dried pork, beef, chicken and duck or fish of various varieties. In addition, different amounts of by-products are added to all feeds. Their task is to saturate the body with important amino acids.

Sources of complex carbohydrates are grains such as rice and corn.When choosing a menu for fastidious pets, this variation comes in handy.

ROYAL CANIN puppy food is not too different in composition from the product for adult dogs. Except for the addition of rice, although the body needs more meat ingredients during the growth period.

Besides, ROYAL CANIN canine food does not contain herbs, vegetables or fruits. But, despite this, the feed fully provides the animals with all the necessary nutrients, including vitamins.

Many natural ingredients are included in each feed option. The content of grain flour, fish oil and marigold extract provides the optimal daily requirement for vitamins and minerals valuable for vital functions.

The composition of the feed is not complete without additives in the form of certain antioxidants and preservatives. But these are completely safe substances, since all products are thoroughly tested for quality in accordance with international standards. This is confirmed by the safety certificates for the goods.

The benefits of ROYAL CANIN nutrition are considered a number of factors:

  • an impressive selection of food in dry chunks and a wet consistency;
  • the opportunity to purchase a medical option to comply with a veterinary diet;
  • complete and correct composition;
  • availability for purchase by availability in stores;
  • average market price in the dog food segment.

The shortcomings include:

  • lack of specifics in the composition of a number of feeds regarding the percentage of meat ingredients;
  • the addition of offal of an unspecified genus.

ROYAL CANIN is recognized as a premium dog food. In terms of quality, it occupies one level with the major manufacturers Eukanuba, Purina from Pro Plan, Hill's and the well-established Monge.

It is important to understand that in principle there is no universal feed. They must be selected taking into account the individual needs of each individual animal.

Dry food line

The company's assortment includes more than a dozen rations, some of which cannot be found on sale in the Russian Federation. The product line of the ROYAL CANIN brand is represented by hundreds of developments for the composition of the diet for dogs. The wide assortment is divided into groups. Each line contains a selection of dehydrated and wet diets. Among the supporters of the mixed type of feeding, wet food of this brand is especially in demand.

Size Health Nutrition

The main and most demanded line of the brand. It is a universal choice for the diet of different breeds and sizes of dogs, helps to choose the right food, according to the age of the four-legged friend. The extensive series has been developed by the company's specialists for a satisfying and healthy diet for any dog ​​at every stage - from energetic little puppies to inactive elderly individuals.

The group includes 5 categories, each of which corresponds to a specific size of pets. There is also food for dogs with special needs - for example, those with a sensitive digestive system or problem skin.

Granules are presented in several versions, for different jaw sizes. The package contains information about the displayed age, weight of the animal (Mini, Medium, Maxi), etc.

Breed Health Nutrition

The nutrients in this series are matched to different breeds. Here you will find pocket size food for Chihuahuas, for French Bulldogs and large shepherd dogs. The texture, shape and diameter of the croquettes are carefully designed and adapted to suit different dogs.

Lifestyle Health Nutrition

A series in which it is possible to choose food according to the lifestyle of the dogs.

  • Endurance. Diet for active fidgets.
  • Indoor. Dry food for couch potatoes.

In general, the ROYAL CANIN TM line can be conditionally divided into two groups - a daily menu and a special veterinary diet.

Daily diet

Ruler for the daily menu. Here you can select products by age and type of dog.

Ready meals are distinguished according to the following criteria.

  • Age. The manufacturer offers products for feeding puppies, adult dogs and seniors from 7 years old and older.Youngsters of small breeds up to 10, medium - up to 12, large up to 15 and giant breeds - up to 18 months belong to puppies.
  • The size. The buyer is asked to choose the food by the weight of the pet. Small - for small breed dogs weighing up to 4 kg. Mini - designed for weight from 4 to 10 kg. Medium - medium-sized individuals weighing 10-25 kg. Maxi is a food designed for large individuals from 25-45 kg and giant dogs.
  • Breed. The rations for 16 breeds are presented.

Veterinary Diet

This option is not suitable for giant dogs and large dog breeds. But it is a suitable solution for miniature individuals (for Pomeranians, pugs or others) and animals in the postoperative phase until the condition is normalized.

And also the line includes options for dogs with certain diseases and malfunctions in the functioning of body systems. The manufacturer has developed rations for dogs with heart, kidney failure, intestinal diseases, liver pathologies and other diseases.

Nutrition in this category is aimed at helping animals in the fight against ailments. Medicated feed should be used only after consulting a veterinarian. Veterinary diets are available in dehydrated croquettes and wet form.

  • Vital Support. Nutrition for individuals who need to maintain kidney function and joint mobility for life.

  • Health management. A group of food that includes food for dogs after the neutering procedure. It is also a balanced feeding solution for sterilized bitches. Including representatives of mini-breeds. Supplied in packs of croquettes for animals weighing in the range of 10 kg and 11 kg or more.

The consumption of food prevents the deposition of salts in urine and promotes active weight gain after the course of treatment.

  • Dermatology. Recommended for feeding with dermatitis, hair loss and allergic manifestations to other food. The formula contains vitamins and minerals of natural origin, fatty acids. The range is represented by two feed options: Anallergenic / Hypoallergenic.

  • Urinary. Therapeutic food for dogs with urolithiasis. Helps dissolve stones and prevents complications. The composition contains special additives that help dissolve unwanted types of crystals in urine. The range includes croquet foods for medium and larger dogs, as well as soft and dehydrated solid foods for miniature breeds.

It is possible to determine that the feed belongs to the Urinary group by the yellow strip applied to the package with the corresponding inscription.

  • Weight management. Food prescribed for obesity, to maintain the desired body weight, and also for diabetes. Satiety Health Management dietetic food is available in the form of wet pate and hard croquettes of various sizes. Protein and natural fiber allow you to vary the nutritional status of your pet between feedings.

  • Gastrointestinal. A series of dog food for dogs with digestive problems and diabetic patients. Includes the following types of diets:

  1. Gastro Intestinal - for pets with problems in the digestive tract;
  2. Gastro Intestinal Low Fat - in case of failures and ailments from the endocrine system;
  3. Hepatic - food indicated for liver diseases;
  4. Recovery - a therapeutic diet for anorexia, for feeding through a tube during remission of dogs of large and medium breeds.
  • Canine Care Nutrition. Recommended food group for the daily diet of sick dogs. These are preventive feeds, presented in several types.
  1. Sterilized. Food for proper nutrition of individuals that have undergone the sterilization procedure.
  2. Relax care. Recommended to support the body during stress.
  3. Dental care. Food for the hypersensitive jaw.
  4. Coat care. Preventive nutrition for problems with the coat (loss, dullness, brittleness, etc.).
  5. Exigent. For fastidious people who find it difficult to find food.
  6. Dermacomfort. Healing nutrition for skin diseases.
  7. Digestive care. For pets diagnosed with digestive sensitivity.

When choosing a feed, it is also important to pay attention to the size of the pellets and the manufacturer's recommendations.

  • Vital support. Food for the support of vital functions.

The assortment includes the following types:

  1. Renal - food created with the care of dogs suffering from kidney disease;
  2. Cardic - with ailments associated with the heart and vascular system and with heart failure;
  3. Mobility - a diet that helps to strengthen bones and muscles;
  4. Dental - a preventive diet against diseases of the oral cavity.

The products contain the minimum amount of phosphorus and everything necessary to maintain the quality of life of the dog.

For small and miniature dogs

Miniature dogs have special nutritional requirements. ROYAL CANIN X-SMALL food is created taking into account the physiology of small dogs (the weight of an adult is up to 4 kg). These foods are characterized by small croquettes and high palatability.

Thanks to its relatively high calorie content, a special complex of antioxidants and prebiotics, the X-SMALL Puppy composition supports the correct growth of the puppy.

  • Veterinary Diet Satiety Small Dog. Complete dry dietary food for adults of mini-breeds (from 1 to 10 kg). A low-calorie product is recommended for weight loss. The course of nutrition is calculated for the period until the desired weight is reached.

Thanks to the increased content of natural fiber in the diet, it is possible to maintain a feeling of fullness between meals. According to statistics, it helps about 83% of dogs on a diet.

Losing weight occurs naturally and gradually for your pet. The risk of re-gaining weight is minimized. Optimal muscle mass is maintained. At the same time, 97% of dogs lose weight over a period of 3 months. This is facilitated by an increased percentage of protein.

Specially formulated for small dogs based on the physiology and digestive characteristics of small breeds. It also helps to maintain healthy teeth and urinary tract in pets.

For medium

Medium-sized dogs tend to be energetic and agile. It is especially important for them to eat a balanced diet. A special diet developed by specialists helps to maintain the weight norm. The formula keeps the coat shiny and strengthens the bones.

ROYAL CANIN Medium products (adult dogs weighing 10-25 kg) to maintain natural immunity and high activity. It is also recommended for pregnant bitches at the end of the gestation period and the period of feeding the offspring. You can also feed the puppies after weaning and until they reach 2 months of age. Suitable for medium sized adult and aging dogs with digestive problems.

The unique complex of antioxidants and other important nutrients in the Medium Adult diet supports the pet's immune system and energizes it for a healthy and productive life.

The formula is rich in high quality protein and the right level of dietary fiber to support digestion and absorption of all nutrients.

For large and very large dogs

In the diet of giant breeds and such large representatives as Rottweilers, nutrients must be present for the full development of bones and joints at every stage of life. Thus, it is easier for the body of animals to endure the increased load on the musculoskeletal system.

ROYAL CANIN GIANT food fully complies with the norms of nutritional value, balance of components and composition. Suitable for feeding adult dogs weighing more than 45 kg.

Wet feed

Among the wide range of wet food in the form of canned food and spiders from the ROYAL CANIN brand, you can easily choose the best option for a healthy pet diet. It is only necessary to take into account his individual needs and characteristics.

Wet dog food is made from natural raw materials, complying with strict European quality standards. The formula is designed so that the owner does not need to include any additional supplements in his dog's diet. A complete product meets the animal's needs for healthy, wholesome and, which is important, tasty food. However, it is worth considering that it is only an addition to the main diet. It is best combined with dry food from the same manufacturer.

In addition to the ration for daily feeding, the line includes special options for nutrition according to the therapeutic diet menu.

Review overview

In some expert reviews, there is information about the content of wheat and other plant components in ROYAL CANIN feed and a small amount of fiber. According to veterinarians, this does not add any benefits to the feed and may cause health problems for some pets.

Against the backdrop of negative forecasts on the network, one can also find extremely positive responses from veterinarians. Experts credit the French food with restoring the energy expenditure of dogs. They believe that it contains enough elements for the development and healthy growth of animals.

The only problem they consider is the use of ROYAL CANIN food for other purposes, without considering the age, height, weight and health of the dogs.

Therefore, there are opposite points of view about the quality and benefits of the product in question. Most of the negative reviews came after the introduction of feed production in Russia.

MMany veterinarians prefer to prescribe this brand of diets to their four-legged patients. And there are those who do not recommend its use. The opinions of dog owners are also controversial.

A lot of controversy among specialists and breeders is caused by the presence of beet pulp in dry dog ​​food. Someone considers it an additional supplier of fiber in the diet, according to others, it is a useless component. Dog lovers also argue about additives such as yeast. Some believe that this is a set of useful vitamins to improve metabolism in the body. And other dog owners give the yeast allergen status.

It's nice that the price tag for ROYAL CANIN brand products is lower when compared to other feeds in this segment. Although the composition of the product is inferior to many of them. In the line of medicated feeds, the products are somewhat more expensive in comparison with the most demanded series.

In general, the feed meets all recognized international quality standards. Dogs on this diet are energetic and healthy-looking. They have a shiny coat, good stamina and good mood.

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