Dog food brands

Magnusson dog food range

Magnusson dog food range
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Varieties
  3. Review overview

The Magnusson range of dog food can successfully meet the demand of many dog ​​breeders. But first, when choosing, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of baked Swedish dry food and with their other features. It would be useful to study and review the reviews for such a product.


The Swedish industrial standard is quite high. Therefore, it is worth expecting a very decent result from Magnusson dog food. You can often see such food on store shelves. The company has been operating for over 60 years and has managed to establish itself perfectly in Sweden and other countries of northern Europe. All his products are dry food baked in the oven.

The company does not deal with wet feed at all. But this is fully justified by the fact that nutrition retains a maximum of nutrients useful for animals. The manufacturer himself insists that he uses only exceptionally high-quality products and components. His feed belongs to the highest premium class.

Store Magnusson products at temperatures between 10 and 30 degrees.


It makes sense to start parsing with a grain-free food, characterized by a low level of allergic activity. Grain Free is available in 4.5 or 14 kg packages. The official description focuses on the value of such nutrition. 44% of the composition is ground beef, which is extremely important for four-legged predators. It also contains:

  • peas;
  • dried potatoes;
  • fresh chicken egg;
  • fresh carrots;
  • lingonberry and some other components.

By-products are not added to this feed. The chicken egg provides dogs with essential amino acids. Thanks to potatoes, not only the lack of carbohydrates is closed, but also the metabolism is stabilized. It is important to emphasize the presence of blueberries, the components of which improve the nervous activity and vision of pets.Grain Free can be used both for dogs from 1 year old and for older (over 8 years old) individuals.

Quite a few people are eager to buy food for adult dogs with normal activity levels.... For this case, it comes in handy Adult... The average granule size in this feeding option is 14 mm. Thanks to the carefully selected protein intake, it is not difficult to support the development of the muscular system. In addition to 44% fresh ground beef, coarse flour, potatoes, and rapeseed oil are also added to the mixture.

Last component:

  • improves energy metabolism in the body;
  • helps to get rid of toxic substances that are abundant in the modern urban environment;
  • improves the appearance of the coat;
  • helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

But you also have to feed the puppies. Suitable for young dogs, both small and large breeds. Junior... This feed consists of centimeter granules. The share of fresh minced meat has been increased to 46%. In addition to beef, it also includes pork; as in the previous case, coarse flour was used.

The proportion of protein is 26%. 2.8% fiber is present, which helps to improve digestion. 42% of the feed mass is carbohydrates. All substances and components of this food, as in other versions, are completely natural.

100% of them are produced in Sweden under the full control of the manufacturer.

Of the nutrients, there are:

  • iron;
  • copper;
  • vitamin B;
  • riboflavin;
  • thiamine;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • manganese;
  • iodine;
  • selenium;
  • folic acid.

Some dogs lead an active lifestyle or need, first of all, to gain live weight. In this case, the use of feed is recommended. Work... Exactly 50% of its composition comes from the stuffed mixture of beef and pork. Meat, fish, poultry meal, as well as offal are not added. The addition of fresh eggs increases the final protein quality.

28% of Work feed is protein. 18% is fat and 2% is fiber. The concentration of carbohydrates exceeds 35%. The share of mineral components is 6.3%. This food is suitable for small breed dogs as well as for animals prone to allergic reactions.

There is also a dried meat-based feed in the Magnusson line. Option Latta considered a dietary solution. It is suitable for those individuals who do not need to gain weight - they are already in perfect build or even tend to be overweight. Latta feed contains easily digestible wheat, which gives pets "long" carbohydrates. Therefore, their energy is enough for a long time, and you can increase the pauses between feedings.

Thanks to brewer's yeast, such nutrition is rich in antioxidants and amino acids, and also almost completely covers the need for vitamins of category B. The share of fiber is 2% - not so much, but it is important for stable digestion. There are no dehydrated components in the composition. Ballast materials are included in an extremely limited manner and only when necessary. Latta can be used for dogs of different ages, including representatives of white-haired breeds.

But nutrition is interesting not only for its direct function. In the arsenal of dog breeders there must be “tasty” rewards for training. A good option here is special cookies. Organic dog biscuits... It contains coarse wheat and cold pressed rapeseed oil. The share of carbohydrates reaches 63.5%.

Other important points are:

  • adding dried beef;
  • the use of potato fiber;
  • the ability of cookies to break easily (even a small pet will eat it without problems);
  • this product does not leave dirty marks on hands and clothes;
  • due to the absence of sophisticated preservatives, the shelf life does not exceed 10 months.

Choosing a complete food, you should take a closer look at the feed Kennel... It contains whole grain wheat flour. The meat for this dish is dried, which allows you to maximize all its benefits. The proportion of proteins is 25%.

Flavors and flavor enhancing ingredients are not used.

Review overview

It is worth pointing out that evaluations of Magnusson feeds vary widely. Sometimes they get serious complaints. But there are also those buyers who are completely satisfied with the result. It is sometimes mentioned that Magnusson food is eaten with pleasure even by fastidious dogs, which usually give their owners real torment. They also note the suitability of the feed of this company for animals suffering from allergies, and the absence of ballast substances.

Other reviews mention:

  • large package size (it lasts for a long time);
  • the high cost of such food;
  • health and activity of pets;
  • optimal suitability for young puppies;
  • improved packaging format in recent years;
  • lack of lacrimation in dogs.
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