Dog food brands

Small breed dog food GRANDORF

Small breed dog food GRANDORF
  1. general description
  2. Range
  3. Review overview

If the owner loves his dog and sincerely worries about its health, then he will strive to buy such food for her that will meet all the requirements. For example, GRANDORF food can claim to be the best food for small breed dogs. Why? To answer this question, you need to read the information below.

general description

Small breed dog food GRANDORF is hypoallergenic and belongs to the holistic class (produced in Belgium and Italy). They contain animal elements (namely natural products), which are very valuable for the correct development of the dog.

The brand's employees love and care for animals very much. Therefore, the food for dogs is quite balanced, there are no harmful substances in it. This means that food producers are interested in the animals being healthy and beautiful.

The best veterinarians and even the best breeders are directly involved in the development of GRANDORF feed. Based on their opinion, the manufacturer changes the composition of the feed only for the better. By the way, its production takes place on the most modern and best equipment.

If we talk about the elements, then it should be noted that there are no cheap and "empty" products such as beets, corn, etc. in it. Also in GRANDORF you will not find cheap and low-quality meat. For example, it does not contain chicken fillet, which very often causes allergic reactions. And remember that low-quality products are found only in cheap feed.

However, it must be added that chicken meat can be contained in puppy food. And in the same diet for young animals, rabbit meat, turkey, veal, etc. are usually present. If several types of meat are added to the feed at once, then this variety is considered the most harmonious.This is what puppy food should be.

If you look at the packaging, you will find the basic composition there. Usually, the main type of meat comes first, and then the rest of the ingredients will be listed. The auxiliary elements may include, first of all, rice. It is a source of complex carbohydrates. All necessary vitamins and minerals and fats must be included in the composition.

Please note that Antarctic krill (small crustacean) is added to GRANDORF food instead of corn. This component contains a large amount of useful substances. The composition of the above considered feed may also include carob flour. But what GRANDORF lacks are artificial colors and preservatives.


In this matter, the GRANDORF brand has no limit. You can choose the type of food for your pet that will be optimal for him. For example, for dogs of mini-breeds aged from 1 year, the manufacturer produces food, which contains 65% of meat.

Food packs are different in composition. However, they necessarily contain prebiotics, about 4 more types of meat, 27% proteins and 15% fats. Thus, food intolerance is excluded. Let's take a look at what GRANDORF foods are.

For adult dogs

Adult dogs need to eat well. In order for an animal to receive a fairly large amount of nutrients, you need to consider many factors.

For example, dry food GRANDORF (white fish, brown rice), intended for adults, is sold in packs from 1 to 12 kg. Depending on the weight, they can cost from 700 rubles.

Let's consider several more types.

Dry hypoallergenic food GRANDORF is sold in packs from 1 to 12 kg. It is intended for dogs between the ages of 1 and 6 and up. Such a composition is useful if the pet has instability in the gastrointestinal tract. Contains turkey meat and brown rice. The cost is approximately 5-6 thousand rubles.

The dry composition of GRANDORF with rabbit, turkey, duck, lamb and brown rice is suitable for adults. Its cost is from 700 rubles. per pack, and the price depends on the weight of that pack. The latter ranges from 1 to 12 kg.

The dry version of GRANDORF for adult dogs with gastrointestinal instability contains turkey meat and brown rice. The pack weighs 3 kg and costs about 2 thousand rubles.

Other food from GRANDORF consists of white fish and brown rice. The weight of a pack is 3 kg, and its price ranges from 2 thousand rubles.

There is also such GRANDORF - grain-free, with sweet potatoes. It is very beneficial for adults. It is also made specifically for spayed pets. The pack weighs 3 kg and costs about 2 thousand rubles.

Hypoallergenic formula is used for gastrointestinal instability. It includes turkey, brown rice. Pack weight - from 1 kg (for small breeds). The price ranges from 1 thousand rubles. We can say that this product is well suited for castrated animals.

For puppies

Puppies are very sensitive. Their digestion is still under development. Therefore, they especially need to purchase such food that can provide them with the most essential elements and nutrients.

For example, dry hypoallergenic formula for small individuals is available with lamb and brown rice. This food contributes to the correct development of puppies, belongs to the category of holistic. Such a pack can weigh from 1 to 12 kg, its cost is about 700 rubles.

Let's consider several more types.

For puppies, GRANDORF offers hypoallergenic options that contain lamb and brown rice. The cost starts from 200 rubles.

GRANDORF wet food for puppies is sold in 400 and 750 gr cans. The composition includes lamb and turkey. The approximate cost is from 200 rubles.

Puppies up to one year old can eat GRANDORF premium dry food with lamb and brown rice. The pack weighs 12 kg, and its cost ranges from 5 thousand rubles. By the way, this food should be given to pregnant and lactating dogs.

Review overview

Generally, the reviews about GRANDORF feed are very good.Especially those owners who have small spoiled dogs are happy with such a product.

Some owners write that GRANDORF feed is expensive. However, they also note: "It depends on which side you look at." And that's why. A healthy dog ​​is essential. In addition, with the food described above, the pet almost does not require additional supplements.

With the constant use of GRANDORF food, animals remain in shape for a long time. Their coat shines, and they can frolic for hours. Dogs are happy to eat the daily treat, as a result of which they practically do not get sick.

Dog breeders unanimously claim that GRANDORF is the best lineup. It is high in calories, so the pet eats up very quickly. He does not beg in between eating food. Animal owners note that such food contains minerals, vitamins and even antioxidants. That is why GRANDORF is a complete food for small and large dogs.

When pregnant bitches eat such food, they give birth to very healthy and strong puppies. The offspring is rapidly gaining weight and height. After the young grow up, it is also recommended to feed them GRANDORF, as a result of which they will have almost no health problems.

If you read the reviews on the forum, then you will understand: many owners choose GRANDORF because it is hypoallergenic. Therefore, it is given to dogs who suffer from sensitive digestion.

Low-grain and grain-free formulations are most effective for the full development of the dog. In addition, GRANDORF contains only natural ingredients. Holistic feed contains more than 60% meat or fish, and fat - about 20%.

People are happy to indulge their pets with GRANDORF food, and they do not hide it. For example, on the forum, some dog lovers write that there are no dyes and useless flavors in their composition.

In addition to the dry variety, the GRANDORF range also includes wet food. It is sold in banks. A special composition with prebiotics allows you to restore the intestinal microflora, normalize stools and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Breeders note that due to the presence of elements such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the feed, the pet's coat becomes silky and does not fall out.

Some dog owners write that their pet needs fish to avoid allergies. But this product is very difficult to prepare and even more so to give to a pet because of its small bones. So with the help of the GRANDORF feed, this problem was solved. The owners began to purchase food containing fish and brown rice. As a result, all health problems of the pet were resolved safely.

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