Dog food brands

Review of MERA dog food

Review of MERA dog food
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Basic feed
  3. Treats
  4. Review overview

MERA foods are very popular with pet dog owners. All of them have good taste characteristics and pleasant aroma. Today we will talk about the features of these feeds, their composition, pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages

MERA dog food has many significant benefits.

  • Composition... They are distinguished by a fairly high percentage of meat products. Artificial colors and flavors are not used when creating food.
  • Price... Almost all dog food portions can be purchased at a relatively low cost.
  • A large assortment. The company produces separate dog foods in different sizes. In addition, these products are supplied in packages with different volumes, most often you can find packages of 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 kg.
  • Convenient granules. All of them are small in size and have a smooth surface, so they are suitable for almost any animal.

Such rations have practically no disadvantages. Among the shortcomings, it can only be noted that, according to buyers, some formulations are sold in inconvenient packages that close poorly.

Basic feed

To begin with, let's take a closer look at the main dog food from this manufacturer.

  • Exklusiv SENSITIVE PUPPY TRUTHAHN & REIS... This complete formula should be purchased for small puppies. It will also be great for pregnant and nursing adult pets. This dry food contains the following ingredients: turkey fillet, rice products, prebiotics, glucosamine, salmon oils, supplements with zinc, Omega-3 and Omega-6. This type of food is considered highly digestible. It is often used for diets.
  • NATURES EFFECT Rind Mit Äpfeln. Such feed for grown animals is made without wheat, it includes natural meat, vegetables, carrots, apples, as well as various additives with iodine, potassium, iron and fluorine. Food is also rich in all essential vitamins and elements (selenium, copper, manganese, iron).
  • PURE SENSITIVE MINI ADULT LAMM & REIS... A variety of food was created for individuals of small size. It will be suitable for animals with normal activity. It is often purchased for pets who suffer from diseases of the digestive system, various allergies. The composition contains fresh lamb meat, rice groats. The diet is completely safe and gluten-free.
  • PURE SENSITIVE ADULT FRESH MEAT TRUTHAHN & KARTOFFEL... The food is well suited for adult pets of medium and large breeds. The feed is grain-free and complete. The food includes the following components: turkey fillet, potato protein, potato starch, flaxseed, chicken liver, beet products, sunflower oil, chicory inulin, salmon oil, poultry fat. Special technological antioxidants are also used, complexes with iron, zinc and vitamins A and E.
  • PURE SENSITIVE ADULT LACHS & REIS. This dog food ration is also suitable for large and medium sized adult pets. It consists of natural salmon fillet, beets, rice grits, calcium carbonate, sunflower oil, inulin, brewer's yeast and flax seeds. The food is suitable for diets with a limited amount of ingredients used. It is gluten free.
  • NATURES EFFECT Ente Mit Rosmarin, Karotten & Kartoffeln... Such food for grown individuals includes the following components: duck fillet, potatoes, carrot pieces, poultry protein, bird fat, rosemary extract, fish oil, calcium carbonate, anise, chopped parsley, as well as various nutritional supplements with minerals and vitamins. Food is high in phosphorus, sodium and calcium.
  • NATURES EFFECT WILDSCHWEIN & KARTOFFEL... The food is suitable for large adult animals. The recipe includes chunks of fresh wild boar, potatoes, parsnips, calcium carbonate, processed chopped celery, rosemary, fish oil, poultry fat, parsley, and coriander. The food consists of small, convenient, smooth, square-shaped granules. It does not contain wheat or other grains that can trigger an allergic reaction.
  • ESSENTIAL SOFT BROCKEN. This dog food is semi-moist. It has a high percentage of protein (about 22%), in addition, it is rich in essential healthy fats, Omega-6 and Omega-3. The composition contains biotin, which takes part in the formation of hemoglobin, saturates the body with B vitamins, brewer's yeast, which have a positive effect on the nervous system and digestion of the dog, beta-glucans, which strengthen the pet's immune system. The main nutritional components are poultry meat, meat by-products, vegetable by-products, fats and natural oils, flaxseed and mineral supplements.
  • Pure Sensitive Insect Protein... This special food for adult pets is made by technologically extracting nutrients from insects. Such a composition is saturated with chitin, which stimulates the cells of innate immunity, lauric acid, which has an antibacterial effect, special peptides that ensure easy absorption of food, and melanin, which has an antimicrobial effect.


Currently, the brand also produces various complementary treats that can be combined with the main food.

  • Biscuit... These food are small biscuits that allow you to brush your dog's teeth. They are produced with pieces of meat, cereals, oils, fats and offal, natural antioxidants. Frequent use of this delicacy will help to strengthen teeth, maintain oral hygiene, and it will also prevent the appearance and development of various diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Lachsschnitte... These crackers are made with fresh salmon fillets, grains, vegetables and vegetable by-products, oils, fats and minerals. All pads are small and comfortable in shape, so they can fit almost any individual. These nutritious crackers are sold in convenient bags. Most often, one contains 2.5 kilograms of granules.

Review overview

The composition of these dog foods has earned positive reviews.... Many varieties are grain-free, so they can be used even for those pets that suffer from allergies and digestive problems. Also, almost all feeds can boast of a high percentage of meat products, they contain a variety of nutritional supplements saturated with vitamins and important microelements.

According to buyers, the products of this manufacturer consist of convenient granules that are suitable for any dog. Many spoke separately about the affordable cost of these feeds, the pleasant aroma and good taste of the food in question.

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