Dog food brands

Features of ROYAL CANIN puppy milk

Features of ROYAL CANIN puppy milk
  1. Appointment
  2. Composition
  3. Instructions for use

Proper nutrition plays an important role in the development of puppies. Therefore, babies who, for some reason, do not have access to breast milk, are recommended to be fed with special store-bought formulas. One suitable product for puppies is milk from the ROYAL CANIN brand.


ROYAL CANIN Puppy Food is sold in handy small bags. It is used in several basic cases.

  • Most often, milk replacers are bought for puppies that were picked up on the street. In addition, this product is suitable for pets whose mother has died.
  • In some situations, dogs also refuse to feed their puppies. This usually happens with young animals, which have a poorly developed maternal instinct.
  • You can use a natural food substitute if your puppies are not getting enough calories from breast milk. In this case, they gain weight poorly and look weak. The use of a milk replacer can quickly remedy this situation.


ROYAL CANIN quality milk formulas are similar in composition to bitch milk. This is what makes them good and easily digestible.

The composition of the formula for newborn puppies contains the following components.

  1. Proteins. Dry food contains a large amount of protein. They are well absorbed by the pets' body and contribute to the rapid development of their body.
  2. Lactose. The lactose content in the composition is the same as in breast milk.
  3. Fats. Artificial milk replacer contains much more fat than cow or goat milk. Therefore, pets develop at a normal pace.
  4. Vitamins. The mixture contains a large amount of vitamins. Therefore, the product is good for pets.

There is no starch in the dry mix, because it is not digested by the body of small puppies. In addition, there are no artificial additives in the composition of the products. Therefore, she does not do any harm to pets.

Instructions for use

Dry mix for puppies dissolves easily in water. Therefore, pet owners do not have any problems with its preparation. The packaging indicates the amount of water and dry powder used to create artificial milk.

If you follow these simple instructions, you will be able to prepare the substitute the first time.

In work, you need to use bottled drinking water. It is necessary to warm it up to 50-60 degrees. Dilute dry powder just before feeding. The mixture should be smooth. The color of the product resembles regular milk. There should be no sediment or lumps at the bottom of the bottle.

It is most convenient to feed your puppy with such artificial milk using a special bottle with a nipple. You can buy it at most pet stores.

Allow the mixture to cool slightly before feeding. Check the temperature of the formula with the back of your hand. The pacifier must be sterilized before feeding the pet.

Animals should only be fed fresh food. Therefore, it is necessary to breed products in small quantities. The solution should not be stored for more than an hour.

In some situations, puppies do not immediately respond well to new food. Most often this happens if the baby has previously eaten breast milk. But over time, the pet gets used to the new type of food and will begin to eat it with great pleasure. It is recommended to feed babies with artificial milk no longer than 3-4 weeks. After that, pets can be transferred to another type of food.

ROYAL CANIN's milk for puppies delights customers both in price and quality. Therefore, dog owners are happy to buy it for their pets.

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