Dog food brands

All About Monge Dog Food

All About Monge Dog Food
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Assortment of dry food
  3. Variety of wet products
  4. Review overview

The Italian company Monge entered the market in the second half of the 20th century. Now products for dogs from this brand are popular all over the world. The company has a large selection of both dry food and canned food and spiders. Therefore, it is quite easy to create a good diet for your pet.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the main advantages of Monge dog food is its good composition. It is perfectly balanced and made from organic ingredients. Let's take a look at what components are included in Monge products.

  1. Proteins. To create most of its feed, the company uses high-quality meat from animals raised on its own farm. When fattening them, only high-quality and environmentally friendly products are used. Therefore, Monge feeds are of high quality and wholesome. Since the products are of the super premium class, no by-products are used in the process of their creation.
  2. Fats. The source of energy and fatty acids in the feed is high-quality duck fat. Thanks to this, the animal always looks good.
  3. Carbohydrates. Monge's product range includes both cereal and non-cereal foods. Usually brown or white rice is a source of carbohydrates. It makes products not only tasty, but nutritious as well. Animals that feed on it remain active and cheerful for a long time. Vegetables are a source of carbohydrates in grain-free forages. The most popular feed is potato.
  4. Cellulose. The feed contains a small amount of fiber. Its source is usually beets. Vegetable fiber allows the animal to fill up faster. Therefore, pets are less likely to overeat.
  5. Supplements. In addition to the main components, various vitamin supplements and prebiotics can also be seen in the composition of feed. Animals need them to keep their fur, joints and bones healthy. In addition, dog food contains a substance that reduces the unpleasant odor of feces.

When creating their feed, the manufacturer does not use preservatives or other artificial additives. Therefore, they do not contribute to the deterioration of the health of the pets.

The disadvantage of the product is its high cost. But, since it is quite high quality, this price is quite justified. It is also worth remembering that the products of this brand are not very common in Russia. Therefore, food and canned food bags usually have to be ordered from online stores.

Assortment of dry food

You can find a large number of delicious food for animals of different ages on the market. They all have their own characteristics.

For puppies

Young puppies and juniors are offered food with a high content of substances that are necessary for the development and growth of animals. This product can also be given to pregnant females. As a rule, pet owners buy food bags weighing 12-15 kg. In this case, dry croquettes are enough for pets for a long time. On sale you can find both universal food and products for puppies of miniature or large breeds.

Introducing new food into the pet's diet should be done carefully. If the animal refuses it, it is recommended to soak dry granules in warm water. Over time, your pet will get used to the new type of food.

For adult dogs

Several different types of food are also available for adult dogs.

  • Daily line dog adult. Products from this series are suitable for daily feeding of adult animals. These foods can be fed to all healthy dogs. The diets are nutritious and delicious. Poultry feed is well absorbed by the animal organism. This series contains products for both adults and senior pets. Suitable food can be found for large, medium and miniature dog breeds.

The right products will help them stay in good shape at all times.

  • Specialty line. The peculiarity of these feeds is that they contain a large amount of proteins. They are complete and well balanced. Such products help the rapid assimilation of all nutrients, as well as increase the immunity of animals.
  • Grain free. Products from this line are suitable for pets who are allergic to some grain components. It is often purchased for Pomeranians and other small dogs with sensitive digestion. This food is also suitable for spayed or neutered dogs.

After the introduction of such products into the diet, they do not gain excess weight.

  • BWild dog. To create these feeds, the meat of wild birds and animals is used. On sale there are delicious dry croquettes with wild boar, venison, goose, duck. You can choose light grain-free food with potatoes or peas for your pet. These products are great for capricious pets.

The range of the company also includes several types of food for purebred dogs. They are created taking into account all the characteristics of the pet organism.

Medicinal feed

Separately, it should be said about medicinal diets for dogs. They are sold in paper bags. Finding them on sale is quite difficult. They are usually only supplied directly to veterinary clinics.

  • Dermatosis. This series has been specially developed for dogs with problem skin. They are enriched with aloe vera extract. The products are suitable for pets with problems such as chronic itching, food allergies, sensitivity or some kind of skin inflammation.
  • Cardiac. These products are suitable for pets with heart defects. The product contains many healthy proteins, refined salmon oil and a large amount of vitamins. Eating such food, the animal always stays in shape and feels good.
  • Hepatic. Food from this series is suitable for animals with a diseased liver.The product is supplemented with melon juice concentrate and milk thistle extract. It helps your pet to feel good even during illness or in the recovery period after it.
  • Diabetic. These products are designed for pets with diabetes. The food also helps the animals fight overweight or underweight.
  • Obesity. This complete food is suitable for weight loss of the animal. It is commonly added to the diet of obese dogs. It is strongly not recommended to give such food to pregnant or lactating animals, as well as to pets that are recovering from the birth of puppies. It certainly won't do them any good.

It is worth feeding your dogs with products from this line only after consulting a veterinarian. It is very important to follow the indicated dosage and not overfeed your pet.

All animals that eat dry croquettes should always have access to clean drinking water. In this case, the dogs will not have health problems.

Variety of wet products

The selection of wet dog food in the company's assortment is also quite large. There are 4 main product lines. All wet foods should not form the basis of the animal's diet. They should only be given to your dogs from time to time, using them as a treat.

Pouches Grill

These rations are made with grilled foods. They do not contain cereals, artificial colors or preservatives. The products are delicious and aromatic. There are salmon, cod, turkey, chicken and duck treats on sale. You can choose the right food for an animal of any age. They are all delicious and satisfying.

In order not to disturb the feeding norms, it is important that the spiders fit into the daily diet of the pets. If food is stored in the refrigerator, it is important to warm the food to room temperature before feeding.

After opening the package, its contents must be fed to the animal in the next day. Otherwise, the product will deteriorate.


Dog BWild Grain Free wet canned food is suitable for animals with sensitive digestion. This grain-free food can be fed to most pets. There is canned food on sale for both toddlers and adult animals. Vegetables such as pumpkin or squash are usually the source of carbohydrates in these foods.

The products are perfectly absorbed by the body of animals and only benefit them. She looks beautiful and smells very good. Therefore, all animals feast on it with great pleasure.


The delicious Monge pates are made from quality fresh meat. They are sold in small aluminum trays and large cans. The former are suitable for small pets, the latter for large breed dogs. The pet usually eats the contents of one such container at one meal. Do not store the product in the refrigerator.

There are feeds on sale with duck, chicken, rabbit, lamb and other types of meat. The pates contain fresh berries and fruits.


Wet foods from this line are suitable for animals who are allergic to certain foods. Mono-protein diets are delicious and nutritious. They do not contain grains, so they can be safely given to allergy sufferers. The source of proteins in the composition of such products can be both meat and tuna or some other fish. Pets like dog food. Therefore, they eat it with great pleasure.

Review overview

Monge brand products are very popular among both ordinary buyers and professional breeders and dog handlers. Most dog breeders love them for their high quality and good selection of food. Animals also respond well to changes in diet.

In order for the food to fit the animal, its choice must be treated carefully. It is also important to smoothly introduce a new product into the diet of your pet. In this case, he will eat it with pleasure.

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