Dog food brands

All about Grandin feed

All about Grandin feed
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Cat food overview
  3. Assortment of dog food

The domestic company "PET-EXPERT" maintains a chain of pet stores "Four paws". She works closely with the Czech animal feed manufacturer Dibaq a. s. and the German plant Landguth. The products of the factories entering the store shelves are of the premium class. Grandin food has established itself as a safe and healthy food for four-legged pets.


Who cares about the health of their animals, chooses the holistic class feeds, which include the Grandin products. This is a balanced product that contains not only natural meat, but also vegetables and fruits that help animals to replenish the body with vitamins and microelements. At the same time, the high-quality meat component in the feed exceeds 50%.

Grandin food is intended for cats and dogs of different ages, weight categories, taking into account their tastes. They are produced from premium raw materials in dry, semi-wet and wet assortments.

Veterinarians are involved in product development to ensure a safe and healthy diet for animals... More than half of the composition of the feed relates to protein foods - meat and fish. Supplemental botanicals help boost your pet's immune system. The protein content is the meat of beef, rabbit, lamb, chicken, turkey. Useful types of fish products are also used for animal nutrition.

Advantages of Grandin cat and dog food.

  • Products are perfect balanced.
  • Made from natural quality meat and fish ingredients.
  • Fruits, vegetables, berries are used as vitamin and mineral supplements, and cereals are not used. Thanks to this, animals receive fiber, vitamins E, A, B, C, Omega-3, 6, which allows you to keep the wool in excellent condition, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthen the immune system.
  • In developing a nutritious diet veterinarians involved.
  • Stern do not contain preservatives, GMOs, harmful dyes, do not cause allergic manifestations.
  • Meals are intended not only for adult animals, but also for kittens, pregnant, lactating and spayed pets.

The disadvantages of Grandin products include the high cost of goods and the possibility of purchasing feed only in the Chetyre Lapy chain of stores.

Cat food overview

Dry food of the Grandin brand is produced at the Dibaq a. s. (Czech Republic), wet and semi-moist products are produced by the Landguth plant (Germany). The company's products are popular among cat owners due to their high quality, balance between protein composition and vegetable supplements, which include fiber, vitamins and minerals. This allows you to keep your pet in the best weight form, have a shiny coat, healthy joints.

Animals love the taste of Grandin in any form.


The following can be said about Grandin dry products.

  • It is absolutely hypoallergenic.
  • It persists for a long time.
  • The meat component of the product is over 60%.
  • The food is divided into types for adult animals, pregnant cats and kittens.
  • A diet has been developed for spayed and neutered pets, which allows them to be protected from urolithiasis and excess weight gain.

Consider the products of Grandin, belonging to different categories of cats.

  • Kitten - food is intended for kittens under one year old. Also suitable for pregnant cats. The protein is based on chicken meat.
  • Sterilized - the products are developed in cooperation with veterinarians, intended for neutered cats and neutered cats. Used chicken ingredients and gentle supplements to improve pet health.
  • Adult - the feed is recommended for adult animals under the age of 7 years. Beef is presented as a protein component.
  • Indoor - the products are also intended for adult animals from 1 to 7 years old. Made on the basis of lamb.
  • Senior - the feed contains rabbit and lamb meat. Recommended for animals over 7 years of age.

All of the above types of products are divided into three weight categories:

  • packaged in packages of 400 g;
  • one and a half kilograms;
  • 10 kg each.

The product is complemented by a secure clasp. With its help, after opening, the feed is tightly closed for use and storage and does not spread the smell of the product.


To begin with, wet food comes in two flavors.

  1. Products can be purchased in 70 g cans, which is a one-time serving for an adult cat. The protein composition (meat and fish) is 55% in the product.
  2. The food presented by the spiders looks like wet food pieces embedded in jelly and sealed in a flexible plastic bag. The spiders weigh 85 g - this is a single dose for a cat weighing 2-3 kg. Meat protein in the composition is 70%.

Wet and semi-wet canned food Grandin is produced at the Landguth plant in Germany. On sale you can find products for adult cats, which are recommended as an additional food to the main diet.

Under the Grandin brand, 4 types of feed are produced in iron cans:

  • chicken fillet;
  • a mixture of tuna and chicken fillets;
  • a mixture of tuna and turkey fillets;
  • a mixture of chicken fillet with shrimps.

In spiders, a protein product is produced with one type of meat or poultry:

  • chicken food recommended for kittens;
  • with chicken for adult animals;
  • from veal for cats 1-7 years old;
  • with turkey for spayed cats;
  • with lamb for spayed cats;
  • with beef for pets over 7 years old.

Assortment of dog food

Dogs love Grandin's dry and wet products for their distinct taste. Protein chunks contain more than 55% meat in dry food and more than 70% in wet food. All of them are soaked in real meat sauce.

The food is made from beef, lamb, turkey and chicken, and is designed for different taste preferences of animals. Each type of feed uses one name of meat products, which significantly reduces the risks of food allergies and allows you to more accurately select the diet for each specific dog.

Cereals are almost not included in the composition of products, with the exception of rice, which is necessary to replenish the body of animals with complex carbohydrates. Fiber obtained from feed improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Saturation of healthy fats is provided by the presence of small amounts of animal fats and oil derived from salmon.

All types of Grandin food do not contain GMOs, they are intended for dogs of different ages and weight categories.


Dry products Grandin are intended for the main daily ration, they are packaged in bags in the weight of 400 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg and 8 kg. The package has a convenient zip fastener that allows you to keep the smell for a long time.

The miniature pellets contain an enticing aroma for animals, which helps them get used to food faster. They are easily gnawed even by small dogs.

When choosing food, you should take into account the age and weight of the pet, as well as the characteristics of its health. You can find the right ration for your animal from the following range from Grandin.

  • Adult all breeds intended for adult dogs of any breed. Lamb meat is taken as a basis. The food is cereal-free, which helps to eliminate allergic reactions associated with the consumption of cereals.
  • Adult large recommended for adult animals of large breeds. The food is produced on the basis of chicken meat. The granules are large, do not contain GMOs, harmful dyes and additives. Impregnation of the feed with meat juice increases its taste.
  • Puppy small designed for puppies of compact breeds, lactating and pregnant animals. Small granules contain 50% of poultry (chicken) meat, which satisfies the body's daily protein requirement. The food is ideally balanced in terms of the composition of vitamins and minerals.
  • Puppy & Junior Large made for young animals of the largest breeds. The protein composition is represented by beef, chicken and pork. The food should be taken with caution by pets suffering from digestive problems, as it contains wheat grains.


Wet food for dogs is produced in cans of 200 g and 400 g. Out of 11 variants of food for dogs presented by Grandin, only 4 types belong to wet products, the rest to dry ones. The product is positioned in the holistic category with a high degree of balance. It contains up to 70% meat.

For adult pets, canned food is made with beef, chicken and lamb; for puppies, turkey is introduced into the diet. As additives, meat broth and oil made from flax seeds are used.

The product is grain-free, produced for different categories of dogs by weight and age.

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