Dog food brands

All about Monge dry food

All about Monge dry food
  1. general description
  2. Cat food overview
  3. Range of products for dogs
  4. Nuances of feeding animals

The choice of food for a pet can be called a responsible task, because the health of a four-legged friend depends on it. Today the market offers a wide range of products for animals, with the exception of the Monge brand, which has developed food for cats and dogs of different breeds.

general description

Monge dry food is made in Italy and supplied to various European countries, therefore it has become very popular.... Qualified technologists work on the creation, using exclusively natural ingredients and modern equipment to prepare a balanced diet for pets. It should be noted that the company pays great attention to the age specificity of pets. There are no artificial preservatives and colors in the composition, all components are carefully selected in laboratories and are of natural origin. The main ingredients are poultry, lamb and salmon, carbohydrates are provided by potatoes and rice. The brand offers a wide range for dogs and cats of different ages and all breeds, so every owner has the opportunity to choose the perfect diet for his friend. The feed contains citrus fruits designed to support and strengthen the immune system of the animal.

It should be noted that large dogs often suffer from joint diseases, so there is a separate series of foods for them... Monge products have collected many positive reviews, therefore, it can be safely regarded as a nutritious diet.

The main advantages include the absence of artificial flavors and offal, all series are offered at an affordable price, but you can not find food in every pet store.

Cat food overview

Cats are among those pets for whom it is not so easy to find food, but the company took care of this and developed several series, taking into account different taste preferences.... If you are still a baby, you need to carefully select the diet, since a growing body needs additional energy.

The Superpremium Kitten series is not only recommended for kittens, it can be fed to lactating and pregnant individuals... This line contains more fat, vitamins and minerals. The food consists of dehydrated and fresh chicken, animal fat and rice, there is corn, egg powder, fish, pea fiber, taurine, yeast and Shidigera yucca, which no diet can do without.

Superpremium Cat Sterilized is made for sterilized animals, it has its own differences... First of all, pets after such an operation are more susceptible to gaining excess weight, respectively, and the diet should be less high-calorie and dietary. This line includes the Superpremium Cat Adult series, which is intended for adults over 1 year old. The composition contains chicken, rice, corn flour and egg powder, as well as yeast, rose hips and pea fibers. Thanks to the complex of vitamins, the body is saturated with useful elements, therefore, immunity is strengthened, energy appears, and health is restored if there were any problems with it.

It should be noted the presence of fatty acids, which are contained in cat food, they improve the condition of the skin and make the coat smooth. The products are offered in packs of 400 g, 1.5 and 10 kg.

Range of products for dogs

For puppies, Gastrointestinal Puppy is offered, the feed contains chicken, melon juice, horse chestnut and other ingredients easily digestible by a small body. It should be noted that such a diet helps to improve the work of digestive enzymes and normalizes the gastrointestinal tract. Horse chestnut contains escin, which is designed to heal damage to the intestinal mucosa.

This food can be fed to pets who suffer from colitis, acute gastroenteritis or obstruction.

The Cardiac Diet Series is designed for animals with cardiovascular problems... The composition uses freeze-dried chicken meat, animal fat, potatoes, salmon protein, egg powder, dried carrots, peas, yeast and a vitamin-mineral complex.

This option is great for nursing and pregnant dogs.

Wild Dog Grain Free is a grain-free diet that is suitable for certain breeds. The assortment includes food with duck meat and potatoes for adult miniature breeds, food for puppies and large dogs. You can also consider the Bwild Dog Low Grain line of low grain products.

For puppies of different breeds, the Puppy Deer series is designed, which includes deer meat. Wild Boar with wild boar meat is suitable for adults. If your pet prefers a bird, you can consider the Goose category with goose.

And also there is a separate line for miniature breeds: Extra Small Adult Lamb with lamb, rice and potatoes, Extra Small Adult Salmon with salmon, rice. Developed for young pets with rice and lamb Mini Puppy & Junior Lamb.

If your pet has an allergic reaction to certain types of foods, the series should be considered. Hypowith tuna and salmon as the main ingredients. Diet food with salmon and rice for adult dogs of any breed Light also in great demand, helps to normalize weight and saturate the body with all useful elements with a minimum set of calories.

Nuances of feeding animals

When changing the diet, it is necessary to observe the dosage, taking into account the size and age of the pet. Experts recommend dividing the daily intake into two doses; there should always be fresh water next to the food for drinking.

When it comes to babies, dry food can be soaked in warm water if it is difficult for the pet to crunch the granules. Pay attention to the expiration date.

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