Dog food brands

Description of feed "Zoomenu"

Description of feed Zoomenu
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Review of food for cats and cats
  3. Variety of products for dogs

A responsible owner pays special attention to the pet's diet. A balanced diet helps the animal to develop, be healthy and vigorous. Owners of dogs and cats trust the food of the Russian brand "Zoomenu". The product contains no artificial flavor enhancers and aromas.

Advantages and disadvantages

The peculiarity of Zooomenu feeds is the ratio of high quality and reasonable prices. In addition, buyers highlight other brand advantages:

  • a wide range of products;
  • feed is well absorbed by the body;
  • pure composition, without the use of synthetic ingredients;
  • economical consumption due to increased calorie content;
  • products comply with GOST;
  • convenient packing of 1.5, 3, 6, 12 and 18 kg.

Consumers appreciate the Zoomenu brand for its pure composition, large selection and reasonable prices. And pets love the taste and smell of food.

Zoomenu is distinguished by its natural composition. It contains meat, rice, taurine, amino acids, salmon oil and vitamins.

  • The meat is rich in minerals and contains a large amount of vitamins. It allows you to maintain hemoglobin at the proper level. Meat is a storehouse of protein, the foundation for strong teeth and bones.
  • Rice Is a source of "slow" carbohydrates. The use of this type of grain is the prevention of urolithiasis, since rice does not contain a large amount of phosphorus and magnesium.
  • Nutritional Taurine and L-Lysine - essential amino acids for the prevention of viral diseases (especially herpes), cardiomyopathy, retinal degeneration and malfunctions in the reproductive system.
  • Salmon oil saturates the body with beneficial acids Omega-3, 6 and 9.They strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism, slow down aging and reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Fatty acids keep the coat and skin healthy and bones stronger.
  • Probiotics support gut health and dietary fiber is rich in fiber.

However, the feed has several drawbacks:

  • a narrow range of products for cats;
  • not always available in retail pet stores, not every city in Russia has a representative office;
  • unpleasant smell.

It should be noted that the company has more than 20 representatives, and it is possible to deliver goods through transport companies.

Among the regular customers, in addition to ordinary pet lovers, there are large breeders and kennel owners.

Review of food for cats and cats

For the nutrition of cats and cats, it is important that the food is balanced, rich in micronutrients, vitamins and protein.

For kittens

For the correct and rapid development of the kitten's body, a highly nutritious food with a high content of useful microelements is needed. After all, a young body is actively growing and building up muscle mass. Zoomenu has two types of food in the For Kittens series: with veal and with turkey.

From 12 months you can switch to the menu for adult cats.

For adult cats and cats

The choice of food depends on the weight of the pet. Small cats weighing up to 5 kg are suitable food with a turkey "Mini", for large (from 5 kg) - "Maxi".

  • The composition of dry food "Gourmet" includes turkey and duck meat. Eating duck meat helps to strengthen bones, teeth and claws. Duck fat enzymes increase metabolism.
  • Series "Diet meat" contains turkey and lamb. Lamb is a hypoallergenic and dietary product. It is rich in iodine and zinc and is suitable for feeding sedentary cats.
  • Feed "Universal" rich in animal proteins. Salmon contains taurine and is better absorbed than meat.
  • Dry food "Gold fish" has a special taste and smell that cats like. It is also rich in fatty acids necessary to keep the skin and coat in excellent condition.
  • Also in the line of food with salmon there is food "Red fish" with the addition of turkey meat.
  • To reduce the risk of joint and ligament disease, especially in large breeds, there is a series Chondromax with turkey and glucosamine-chondroitin complex.
  • Special series "Prevention of ICD" needed for pets on a special diet due to the risk of urolithiasis. It contains less protein and fat and is suitable for gentle feeding.
  • Suitable for spayed cats or pets with sensitive digestion "Sensitive". After sterilization, the metabolism slows down, and often this leads to obesity, kidney disease and kidney disease. Cats with sensitive digestions are less able to digest their food and have a high risk of allergies.

Also for sterilized pets there is a series "Sterilized" with a turkey.

  • Series "Super wool" designed for special care of your pet's coat. To make it beautiful, shiny and not fall out, the feed contains brewer's yeast, vitamins A, B, E, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc. It not only improves the condition of the coat, but also promotes its natural excretion from the body.
  • Pets are often fussy. It is not easy to feed such a pet. There is a special food for gourmets Extra taste.

Variety of products for dogs

Nutrition of dogs should provide the body with all the necessary substances and microelements, while the feed should be well absorbed. But each dog has its own characteristics, and they must be taken into account when feeding.

Zoomenu has several lines of dry food, which are created taking into account the needs and specifics of pets.

The product lines have a division depending on the weight:

  • "Maxi" for large breeds;
  • "Medium" for medium sized dogs;
  • "Mini" for small dogs.

Depending on the degree of activity:

  • "Standard" for pets with medium activity;
  • "Universal" for active dogs;
  • for puppies there are series Starter and Junior.

For puppies

From 5-6 weeks, in addition to mother's milk, the puppy is fed with the first complementary food. The "Starter" series just performs the function of complementary foods and prepares a small organism for independent nutrition. This product is designed for puppies up to 4 months of age.

Then the puppy is transferred to the Junior series food, because the growing body needs more and more energy. Almost every line has a series for juniors. Most often, the transfer of a dog from a junior to an adult food occurs every year. The transition should be smooth: first, the usual food is mixed with food for adult dogs, and gradually food for juniors is removed from the diet.

For adult dogs

The choice of food for an adult dog depends on the degree of activity, weight, pellet shape and taste preferences.

All feeds have a balanced and high-calorie composition that fully satisfies the nutritional needs of the body, promotes proper development and good immunity.

The food is formulated with probiotics and prebiotics to support intestinal microflora and good digestion.

The manufacturer has developed several lines of dry dog ​​food.

  • "Beef + Tripe" - the very first Zoomenu line. Consists of 13 types of products, which are distinguished by their natural composition.
  • Platinum Is a series of low-grain feeds. Sold in thermal packs. The composition has increased meat content. The contained yucca Shidigera extract reduces inflammation and improves bowel function. A balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates keeps your pet in good shape.
  • Line "Assorted" contains three types of meat at once: beef, turkey, lamb. This series is very popular among buyers and is liked by pets for taste and smell.
  • For dogs with nutritional problems or allergies, there are special hypoallergenic food lines: "Lamb" and grain-free feed "Fresh"... Cereals are often the cause of digestive disorders and allergic reactions. Moreover, grain-free foods have a low glycemic index and therefore reduce the risk of obesity. Fresh meat is the main basis for these feeds.
  • Series "Premium dog-meat platter" has a pleasant price. Corn was added to the composition, which made it possible to reduce the price of feed without losing taste and nutritional properties.
  • Ruler "White Wool" specially designed to preserve the snow-white color.

After all, the quality of nutrition affects the metabolism and changes in the color of the dog's coat.

  • There is a special series for breeders and nurseries "Breeder Line"... The feed is sold in packs of 6 or 18 kg.
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