Dog food brands

Assortment of feed "Oscar"

Oscar feed range
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Variety of cat food
  3. Description of dog food
  4. Review overview

Modern food "Oscar" is popular among owners of both cats and dogs. The assortment of this company has a large selection of different products. All of them are of good quality and affordable prices.

Advantages and disadvantages

Oscar feeds have many advantages.

  1. Naturalness... Both dry and wet products from this manufacturer contain all the elements necessary for animal health. They are popular not only among ordinary pet lovers, but also among professional breeders.

  2. Versatility... The assortment of this company includes food for both adult animals and small puppies and kittens. Therefore, each person can easily find a suitable product for themselves.

  3. High quality... Oscar feed is produced in small batches. The quality of the products is controlled by professionals. Therefore, it is suitable for small pets as well as pregnant dogs and cats.

  4. Availability... Oscar balanced and natural food is inexpensive. Therefore, most pet owners can afford them. You can buy them at many pet stores. Large packs of dry granules are often purchased by people looking to support nurseries.

There are not so many disadvantages of such feeds.... The main one is the presence in the composition of cereals. They are in the first place in the list of ingredients. Because of this, Oscar dry food raises many questions from dog and cat lovers.

In addition, wet canned food does not please pet owners. They have a low nutritional value. But if you do not make them the basis of the diet, they will only benefit the animals.

Variety of cat food

The assortment of this company includes several main types of cat food.

For adult cats

Oscar dry food is excellent for animals with normal physical activity. It is nutritious and delicious. The feed is consumed rather slowly. At the same time, even the most capricious cats eat it with pleasure. The main thing is to choose the most suitable taste for your pet.

Regular consumption of the granulated product is great for the health of cats and cats. They become more active and their coat is soft and thick.

Separately, it should be said that the product contains taurine. It is very beneficial for feline vision. Therefore, owners of adult cats should pay attention to such food.

For sterilized animals

This dry food with turkey and lamb in the composition is suitable for neutered and neutered pets. It is enriched with vitamins and delicious. The granules are small. They are not too hard. Therefore, the product is suitable even for an adult and weak animal.

The food is not too high in calories. It means that its regular use will not lead to obesity. The animal will still remain fit and energetic.

For active cats

This product is suitable for animals that play a lot and are also often outdoors. It has a positive effect on the pet's digestion process. In addition, regular consumption of such food makes the cat healthier, more energetic and beautiful.

Feed your pets following the instructions on the package. In this case, the animal will receive a sufficient amount of nutrients.

Description of dog food

The selection of dog food from this brand is quite large. Therefore, dog lovers can easily find a suitable product for themselves.

For puppies

The range of this brand includes a universal dry food that is suitable for all puppies. It is based on natural offal and meat. The product is rich in fiber, proteins and vitamins. Its use makes the animal energetic and cheerful. The dry product of this brand can form the basis of a puppy's diet.

All puppies from three years old can eat universal food.

For adult pets

The choice of food for adult dogs is much more. There are several main product categories that pet owners should look out for.

  • For pets of medium breeds. Lamb and Rice Food is suitable for many pet dogs. It is natural and nutritious. Pets eat it with great pleasure.

  • For small dogs. This food is specially formulated for active small dogs. The granular product is sold in packages of 2.2 and 8 kilograms. It is very light and quite tasty.
  • For large animals. This product is ideal for large breed dogs. It makes the dog's coat smoother and the bones stronger. It contains no soy or flavors. Therefore, it can form the basis of a dog's diet.
  • For active pets. Dry dog ​​food for physically active dogs is high in protein and fat. It is quite nutritious. At the same time, its regular use does not lead to excess weight gain.

The range also includes universal foods that are suitable for all adult dogs without health problems. Products with beef and turkey, as well as duck and rice are eaten with pleasure by pets of different ages.

Dogs with digestive problems should pay attention to hypoallergenic food. It perfectly saturates the pet and does not cause any negative reactions in it.

Wet canned food

Modern wet food "Oscar" is suitable for both puppies and adult dogs. They differ only in their tastes. There are feeds on sale with beef, rabbit, veal and turkey. They have a very pleasant consistency. In the composition, in addition to meat, there are meat offal. Such a product is distinguished by its exquisite taste and is liked by most dogs.

It is not recommended to give wet canned food to animals too often. But if you pamper your pets with such a treat from time to time, the dogs will be very happy.... In addition, canned food can be added to cereals. This way they will be consumed more slowly. A mixture of wet food with buckwheat or rice will definitely please the animal.

Canned dog food comes in fairly large cans. It is worth buying 1-2 servings of the product for a trial. This will be enough to understand whether it suits the dog or not. For the first time, it is better to buy canned food with different flavors.

Review overview

Oscar feeds receive controversial reviews... Many customers are unhappy with the product. They note that canned food has an unpleasant odor. In addition, they contain a large number of by-products. But dogs and cats eat them with pleasure.

Dry foods receive overwhelmingly positive reviews. They are used up slowly. Animals also eat them with great pleasure. Pet owners are pleased with the low cost of such products. By purchasing large packs of dry granules, you can save a lot.

In order for an animal that eats such food to feel good, it is important that it has constant access to clean water. This is noted by all owners of cats and dogs, as well as veterinarians.

If your pet likes Oscar food, you shouldn't change it... An animal that eats the same food on a consistent basis has far fewer health problems.

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