Dog food brands

Features of Pedigree food for dogs of large breeds

Features of Pedigree food for dogs of large breeds
  1. general description
  2. Assortment of feed
  3. Review overview

Knowing the features of Pedigree large breed dog foods is essential for anyone looking to choose good food for their four-legged creatures. It is necessary to understand the food for puppies and adult dogs, with their composition. Attention is drawn to dry food 13 kg with beef for large dogs and other products, as well as reviews of similar nutrition.

general description

The variety of Pedigree foods for large breed dogs is undeniable. Their assortment includes both complete food options and goodies. Various sources emphasize that these feeds have a balanced composition, that is, they are optimal for meeting most needs.

Using such a product, there is no doubt that pets will receive everything they need for the normal functioning and development of the body. We have not received any special complaints about this product.

Assortment of feed

For puppies of large breeds, there is a special food with chicken. It is stated that in the production of such food, all physiological features were taken into account. This dry diet contains linoleic acid, which, in combination with zinc, ensures excellent skin and coat health. Thanks to calcium, bones and teeth of a young dog will be strong and fully developed. It also contains vitamin E, which ensures the normal functioning of the immune system.

For adults of all large breeds, a meal with lamb in jelly is a good choice. These are attractive pieces of meat that will delight even the most fastidious dog. This diet includes:

  • cereals;

  • vegetable oil;

  • beet pulp;

  • a number of vitamins;

  • a certain amount of fiber (although it is very small and was clearly added more for reference).

For adult pets of large breeds, another option has been created - with veal and liver in jelly. In terms of its composition, it differs little from the previous feed. It is stated that such nutrition fills animals with strength and energy, significantly increases their tone. Linoleic acid will make your pet look more attractive. The addition of fiber and a host of other ingredients will optimize the digestive process.

Pedigree Rodeo shouldn't be forgotten either. This is more of a delicacy, the so-called meat braids. With the help of such a dish, you can keep your teeth in good condition. The feed contains seeds, herbs, vegetable protein extracts, omega fatty acids. But there are still other attractive options that should not be forgotten either.

A good option can be considered a complete feed of 13 kg with beef. Wheat and corn are used to create it. It is also worth emphasizing the presence of:

  • poultry meat;

  • rice;

  • meat flour (the share of beef flour among it is not less than 4%);

  • beet pulp;

  • brewer's yeast;

  • glucosamine.

Of the nutrients, there are:

  • cellulose;

  • potassium;

  • phosphorus;

  • carotene;

  • vitamin D3;

  • copper;

  • magnesium;

  • niacin;

  • B vitamins.

Even for adult dogs of large breeds, there is a food with a rabbit and a turkey. It contains minerals and vegetable oil. Beet pulp and vitamins are traditionally added. There is also a small amount of fiber present.

It is stated that such a diet aids digestion.

The Tasty Minis delicacy also deserves attention. It is designed for puppies of any breed. The main filling of this feed is chicken. The manufacturer insists that such a product can successfully train and reward a small animal at any time. It is also indicated in the official description for the presence of dietary fiber and calcium, which helps to strengthen teeth and bones.

Review overview

Pedigree feeds have a wide stable circle of buyers. Such food is at least not bad, and may even contain suitable vitamin complexes. It should be emphasized that there are also reviews with emphatically negative assessments. However, there are also those people who are satisfied with such a choice. Therefore, the final decision must be made to your liking.

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