Dog food brands

All About Piccolo Dog Food

All About Piccolo Dog Food
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Variety of feed
  3. Review overview

All dog breeders know how important the right choice of a quality diet for a pet is. This is, of course, true for small breeds as well. Taking into account all the nuances, as well as the variety of products currently on the market, the owners of four-legged human friends are eager to learn everything about Piccolo food.

It is worth noting that the products of this English brand are focused mainly on small breeds and are positioned by the manufacturer as a hypoallergenic holistic food.

Advantages and disadvantages

First of all, it is important to note that Piccolo diets are designed for small and miniature dogs. Based on this, their main distinguishing feature is the increased content of healthy fats and proteins. Sources of animal protein in these foods are dehydrated duck and chicken, as well as venison and Scottish salmon. Another important element is dehydrated eggs, that is, a product that is absorbed by the dog's body by 97-98%.

Evaluating the key features and main competitive advantages of the described feed, it should be clarified that the share of the meat component in them is at least 70%. At the same time, it is important to consider that about half is fresh meat, the volume of which after cooking is reduced by about 3/4. Another defining factor is due to the fact that such mixtures are grain-free. Sources of carbohydrates in them are peas, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.

An integral part of each of the available Piccolo diets are supplements in the form of broths (salmon, duck, chicken), vegetables, herbs and even berries. An objective assessment of the advantages of feed will allow the analysis of their composition, which, among other things, includes:

  • polyunsaturated Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids in the correct ratio with zinc;
  • fructooligosaccharides, which, as natural prebiotics, have a positive effect on the digestive tract;
  • glucosamine in combination with chondroitin and methylsulfonylmethane, strengthening the joints of dogs.

It is worth noting that the manufacturer does not use dyes, flavors and GMOs. Taking into account all the clear advantages of the products of this brand, it is necessary to highlight the following important points:

  • the source of protein is natural meat;
  • feeds are distinguished by an abundance of vitamins, amino acids, as well as minerals and trace elements;
  • the absence of cereals minimizes the risk of allergic reactions;
  • the product is a natural preservative that contains no synthetic components;
  • the size of the granules is optimal for small breeds.

As already noted, there is no grain in Piccolo, which in itself is the main competitive advantage over the overwhelming majority of holistic of other brands. It is worth recalling that the presence of wheat, corn or barley in feed often causes allergies, digestive disorders and skin problems. In addition, grains are quite difficult for the dog to digest, having less nutritional value compared to meat. And if in Piccolo potatoes, sweet potatoes and peas have become an alternative to such components, then a number of other holistic producers have not yet abandoned grain in their feed.

One of the key features of small and dwarf breeds is increased heat transfer and faster calorie burn. Such pets, as a rule, eat not so much actually as relatively. With this in mind, their diet should be rich in protein. In Piccolo feed, the protein content ranges from 32.5 to 34%. The similar indicator of the closest competitors does not exceed 28%.

Naturally, there were some drawbacks, the list of which can include:

  • the presence in the line of only three rations;
  • relatively high feed price;
  • insufficient prevalence, which significantly complicates the search.

Analyzing all the pros and cons of "Piccolo", it is worth noting that small dogs have an accelerated metabolism. That is why their diet should not contain ballast fillers.... It is no secret that the latter effectively increase the volume of feed compositions, while not increasing its usefulness and metabolic energy.

Variety of feed

The range of English food for small dogs is represented in the corresponding segment of the pet products market more than modestly. To date, only three dry rations are available to dog breeders. At the same time, two positions of the catalog are focused on puppies from 2 months of age and adults.

The composition of these mixtures contains minerals and vitamins that an animal needs at all stages of life. Food is sold in packs of 0.75, 1.5 and 4 kg.

For puppies and small breed adult dogs

Grain Free Chicken & Duck dry food is intended for dogs from 2 months of age. Judging by the name, one can understand that it was based on chicken and duck meat, which accounts for 75% of the composition. Taking into account the fact that the level of protein in this case reaches 33%, it is guaranteed that all the needs of the actively growing and developing organism of the puppy will be satisfied. It is worth noting that the sweet potato will supply it with the necessary carbohydrates, energizing it for the whole day. The composition of this feed is as follows:

  • chicken meat - 32%;
  • duck meat - 21%;
  • flour made from chicken meat - 16%;
  • potatoes, peas and sweet potatoes, as well as duck flour - 6%;
  • dehydrated egg - 2.5%;
  • duck broth and alfalfa - 1%;
  • chicken broth - 0.5%.

In addition to all of the above, carrots, cranberries, apples, spinach, algae, chamomile, calendula, mint, as well as plantain, fenugreek and anise seeds are added to the feed.

The second diet for puppies and adult dogs is called Grain Free Salmon & Venison. As you might guess, it tastes like salmon and venison. Here boneless deer and Scottish salmon fillets are sources of animal protein. They are harmoniously complemented by an arsenal of vegetables and herbs. As practice shows, such a fish and meat cocktail is to the taste of pets with exquisite food preferences. Analyzing its composition, the following components can be distinguished:

  • salmon - 50%;
  • Scottish salmon flour - 13%;
  • boneless venison - 12%;
  • potatoes, sweet potatoes and dehydrated eggs - 2%;
  • alfalfa, peas and salmon broth - 1%.

This mix also includes a complex of vitamins, fructooligosaccharides, vegetables, fruits and seeds mentioned in the previous case.

For older and overweight dogs

The third representative of Piccolo's modest dry food line, Grain Free Senior Light, is designed for small, elderly dogs as well as overweight animals. It is based on chicken and salmon fillets. The main feature of nutrition is low calorie content and fat content, not exceeding 15%. The formula contains:

  • chicken - 31%;
  • Scottish salmon - 20%;
  • chicken flour - 13%;
  • salmon flour, potatoes, peas and sweet potatoes - 6%;
  • dehydrated egg - 2.5%;
  • chicken broth - 2%.

As in other diets, it contains spinach, chamomile, mint, apple, cranberry, as well as algae and seeds of anise, plantain, and fenugreek. In addition, the developers have included methylsulfonylmethane, glucosamine and chondroitin in the formula. These components are responsible for strengthening joints and ligaments, which is relevant for older animals.

Review overview

It is worth noting that on the Internet you can find not so many reviews about "Piccolo" food published by domestic dog breeders. This is due to the fact that in Russia the products of this manufacturer are not widespread enough. But given the unique composition of the granules, the overwhelming majority of comments are positive. This applies to both dog owners and veterinarians. So, the latter focus on the increased percentage of natural meat, and, consequently, animal protein.

An equally important point, according to experienced specialists, was the complete absence of grain crops in the formula. This, undoubtedly, avoids the occurrence of allergic reactions and difficulties with the absorption of food. Veterinarians also respond positively to the presence in the diet of natural vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs, which are so necessary for the body of an animal at any age. Considering all of the above, many experts recommend Piccolo products to owners of small breed dogs.

Even taking into account the small number of reviews, many veterinarians characterize the described feed as one of the highest quality holistic products currently on the international market for animal products. At the same time, the attention of potential buyers is focused, among other things, on the absence of cheap components in the granules.

No less significant is the fact that the manufacturer does not use any artificial additives in the form of preservatives, colors and flavors.

Naturally, for those who are at the stage of choosing a suitable diet for their pet, the reviews of real dog breeders will be the most relevant. But even in this case, the overwhelming majority of the authors of the comments speak out exclusively in a positive way... Many people note that they started feeding their pets from puppyhood and there were no problems. Owners of small dogs clarify that due to the composition of the feed, it was possible to form a strong immunity in animals.

Fans of four-legged human friends pay special attention to the absence of allergic reactions to food. The same opinion is shared by those who have had to deal with problem digestion and difficulties in assimilating food.And this, in their opinion, in combination with other indisputable advantages of Piccolo fully justifies the relatively high price. By the way, you can often find regret that rations are available exclusively for small breeds. This is especially true if there is more than one dog in the family.

Summing up, it is important to note that some dog breeders in their reviews pay attention to the inflated, in their opinion, the cost of English food... So, in particular, it is indicated that the average cost of packages of 0.75, 1.5 and 4 kg of granules is 900, 1,500 and 3,300 rubles, respectively.

In such comments, it is noted that today on sale you can find holistics similar in composition and quality, which will cost less.

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