Dog food brands

Description of Primordial dog food

Description of Primordial dog food
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Variety of products
  3. Review overview

A brief description of Primordial dog food, along with reviews, allows you to decide whether to use such food for your animals or not. It is also important to understand what the basic composition of dry food for puppies of small and large breeds shows. It also makes sense to study the review of 12 kg feed for adult dogs.


The main specificity of Primordial dog food is that it belongs to the category of holistic... To obtain such nutrition, only perfect ingredients of the highest quality are used. Meat accounts for 50 to 80% of the total feed mass. In this case, any by-products are not used at all. In order for the animals to receive all the necessary supply of vitamins and minerals, natural herbal supplements are used.

Primordial's production facilities are concentrated in the vicinity of the Italian city of Parma. All food is cooked with steam, which allows you to keep the protein structures unchanged, guaranteeing their easy assimilation. The share of plant components accounts for 30% of the feed, and therefore the health potential of the diet is beyond doubt.

Experienced veterinarians are involved in the selection of the exact composition. Pets will be quite happy and healthy.

Variety of products

Dry dog ​​food for small breeds without grain on the basis of trout and duck is packed in containers of 2 kg. Fresh trout account for 35% of the diet. The chicken fat content reaches 10%. The share of flax seeds is 2.5%. Additionally, the feed includes:

  • Yucca Shidigera;

  • dehydrated rose hips;

  • yeast;

  • glucosamine;

  • rosemary extract;

  • dehydrated duck.

Such food is suitable not only for adults, but also for older dogs. It is also recommended to use it for hyperactive individuals. You can store food for one and a half years. Nutrients contain:

  • carotene;

  • manganese;

  • vitamin D3;

  • vitamin E.

Small breed adults may be happy to feed ADULT MINI BREED. This is also a grain-free food. But it is already created on the basis of wild boar and lamb. It is stated that this option can become a complete diet for every day. As in other cases, all production is concentrated in Italy.

For puppies, again, grain-free food is intended. One of its variants is based on a combination of chicken and fish. A 0.4 kg package is enough for a fairly long period. The share of chicken fat accounts for 11% of the total mass. And also present:

  • dehydrated garnet;

  • dried beets;

  • dehydrated rose hips;

  • glucosamine;

  • Brewer's yeast;

  • flour obtained from seaweed;

  • rosemary extract.

A real exotic is buffalo and mackerel-based feed. It is packed in containers of 12 kg. Such food is designed for adults. Fish accounts for 35%. The other 18% of the diet is dehydrated buffalo meat.

It is also worth mentioning the presence of 8% dehydrated pork in the composition. However, there will be 1% more chicken fat. Of the useful components, they add here:

  • vitamin D3;

  • carotene;

  • vitamin E;

  • trace elements - compounds of copper, iron, manganese, zinc, iodine.

Feeding for small breed adult dogs can be tailored and based on one poultry meat. This is exactly ADULT MINI BREED, which includes mainly quail and duck meat. Such a product is delivered in packs of 6 kg. The manufacturer does not provide any other information. But he also has other positions in the assortment.

A striking example of this is universal (suitable for dogs of all breeds) food based on a combination of tuna and lamb. These components account for 35 and 18%, respectively. Another 8% comes from dehydrated pork. Additionally, there are:

  • potato;

  • chicken fat;

  • brewer's yeast;

  • Yucca Shidigera;

  • dehydrated pineapple stem.

For dogs of all breeds, including large ones, it can be useful ADULT ALL BREED. This is again a high-end grain-free solution. It is packed in containers of 12 kg. A characteristic feature is the simple chicken taste - nevertheless, it is quite popular with pets. Additionally, salmon is added to the feed.

Review overview

Dry dog ​​food of the Primordial brand has been sold in Russia for several years already. However, it belongs to the premium segment, including the price. Therefore, the reviews of the owners about such a product have not yet accumulated.

It is indicated that animals do not have health problems, including the condition of the coat. This is true even for those individuals who constantly suffer from the use of other brands of feed.

An effective suppression of allergic reactions was also noted. Buyers of such feed pay attention to the variety of its types in composition and emphasize the ability to select the appropriate option. Primordial food is absorbed well. Its high cost is largely offset by its moderate consumption. Positive reviews prevail, and negative ones are very rare, and even those refer to individual animals only, to the absence of fasteners and other secondary points.

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