Dog food brands

ProBalance dog food

ProBalance dog food
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Assortment of dry food
  3. Canned food
  4. Review overview

Every pet owner wants his pet to live a long and healthy life. That is why it is so important to choose a balanced diet for him. Against this backdrop, the TV commercials for ProBalance, which offer a healthy and nutritious diet for dogs, draws particular attention.


The ProBalance ready-to-eat food for dogs of different sizes and ages is the result of close cooperation between two companies: the domestic company Velcorm and the Danish company Aller Petfood. The formula has been developed by leading Danish veterinarians, zootechnologists and animal nutritionists. Production facilities are located in Russia. This is a definite plus for all our breeders, since the product is delivered to the market, bypassing the lengthy transportation and customs clearance.

ProBalance belongs to the middle price segment: a large 15 kg package of feed can be purchased for 2.5 thousand rubles.

The advantages of the product include the absence of substances hazardous to the dog's digestive tract, such as soy, wheat, corn and meat processing waste. There are no attractants and synthetic flavor enhancers here. Only healthy ingredients are included in ProBalance diets.

Animal protein in most foods comes in the form of dehydrated chicken meat. Depending on the purpose of the food, the proportion of protein can vary from 28 to 45%. The maximum proportion of protein is included in diets for large breed animals, the minimum amount of protein is present in diets for older animals. For pets prone to allergies, we offer products made from veal, with lamb or sea fish.As additional sources of proteins, fishmeal, egg powder, and whole milk powder are added to the product.

Three cereal components are responsible for carbohydrates: oats, rice and barley. All of them have a low glycemic index and contain a minimum concentration of gluten, so they do not cause allergic reactions. In addition, cereals supply plant fiber to the body. This improves digestion and the formation of feces. However, in the list of the main ingredients of ready-made feed, cereals hold the first positions. This means that their cumulative share is large, and such a product does not have much benefit for the animal. Most likely, cereals are added only to increase the total weight of the product and reduce its cost.

The feed contains animal fats: fish and chicken, as well as vegetable. They are represented by sunflower oil. Fish oil is rich in Omega-3, chicken contains essential amino acids. These ingredients have the most beneficial effects on pet's health. But their share in comparison with sunflower oil is small, there is much more vegetable fats in the finished product. And they are absorbed by the pet's body much worse.

Among other components in the composition of the ProBalance line of products, the following are distinguished.

  • Flax-seed. It is a rich source of plant-based Omega-3. Its inclusion in the product helps prevent cardiovascular pathologies, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract mucosa and skin diseases.
  • Yeast. They are loaded with B vitamins and beneficial enzymes. They contribute to the improvement of metabolism, normalize the activity of the central nervous system, improve the appearance of the coat and the condition of the skin.

In addition to nutritional supplements, there are some questionable ingredients in the formula. For example, "natural flavoring additive". It is impossible to establish what it is. For a long time, the packages contained information about the presence of antioxidants E320 and E321, which are better known as butylhydroxyanisole and butylhydroxytoluene. Manufacturers of premium feeds have already abandoned their inclusion in their diets. True, representatives of ProBalance said that they changed the composition in favor of raw materials of natural origin. However, only the word "preservatives" appears on the packaging. Their origin remains unknown.

The composition of the feed also includes:

  • beet pulp - to improve peristalsis;
  • lysine - to increase immunity;
  • lecithin - promotes cell regeneration;
  • L-carnitine - increases appetite and improves the digestion of foods in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • yucca Shidigera - responsible for neutralizing the pungent smell of dog excrement;
  • glucosamines - to normalize blood sugar levels;
  • a cocktail of medicinal herbs - to improve the condition of the joint tissue, the digestive system and improve visual acuity.

Thus, ProBalance, like any other mid-price feed, has both pros and cons.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • proteins are represented by dehydrated meat, and not feathers, cartilage, paws, skin and other waste of meat processing;
  • rich vitamin and mineral composition, the presence of components useful for pets;
  • a wide range of flavors for dogs of all sizes, ages and physiological characteristics;
  • Competitive price: ProBalance is much cheaper than other similar formulations.

The disadvantage of the product is its inaccessibility. Products are not presented in every pet store, most often you have to order food via the Internet. Moreover, it is from the official distributor that you can find the most favorable prices. However, the minimum purchase amount in an online store is 1.7 thousand rubles. Therefore, breeders have to buy a package of at least 10 kg. Buying one small pack of 400 g will not work.

Assortment of dry food

A wide variety of ingredients are used in the production of ProBalance brand feed. Accordingly, the manufacturer offers a large assortment portfolio. In the process of creating a ready-made diet, the main components are ground, mixed and moistened, after which they undergo heat treatment. At this stage, all pathogenic bacteria that may be present in raw foods are destroyed.

Then the mixture is re-moistened and fed into a special unit that works like a meat grinder. Under the influence of increased pressure, feed pellets are formed there. At the final stage, they are dried and processed with vitamin and mineral solutions. The result is a complete product for dogs that is packaged and sent on sale.

For puppies

For young puppies from 1 to 3 months old the Starter feed mixture is offered under the ProBalance brand. It can also be used on nursing and pregnant dogs. It has an increased content of glucosamine and chondroitin.

These components have a positive effect on the metabolism in the articular tissues and help to form a healthy musculoskeletal system.

A growing body requires more protein: their share is 30%. Fat in the finished product is 18%, calcium - 1.3%, phosphorus - 0.9%. These micro and macro elements are needed for proper bone development.

  • Puppies maxi - food for puppies of large sizes. Contains lysine as well as chondroitin and glucosamine. Protein accounts for 28%.
  • Puppies Small & Medium - a diet for young animals of medium size. It differs from the previous diet only in the increased proportion of protein, which is 29%.

For adult dogs

For adult pets, several diets have been developed, taking into account their age characteristics, well-being and lifestyle.

  • Delicate Digestion. Food for animals with digestive problems, can be used for all breeds. Made with salmon, rice and flaxseed. The diet is enriched with valuable omega-acids, optimal for dogs prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Proteins account for 25%.
  • Adult Beef. Universal beef product for adult animals. Lysine is introduced as a special component. This supplement strengthens the dog's immunity, helps to maintain activity and vigor. The protein content is 25%.
  • Adult Active. Food for active animals. Suitable for working, hunting and sporting dogs experiencing increased physical activity. A distinctive feature of this product is its high calorie content. The energy value of 100 g of the diet is 394 kcal, the protein content is 30%.
  • Adult Maxi. Diet for pets of large and giant breeds. Contains the amino acid lysine, as well as glucosamine and chondroitin. Protein concentration - 25%.
  • Small & Medium. Product for small and medium-sized pets. The main components are fully consistent with the previous products, the proportion of protein is slightly increased - 26%.
  • Gourmet Diet Beef & Rabbit. Meal with rabbit and beef. Optimal for dogs of various breeds, the protein content is 25%.
  • Adult Grain Free. Grain-free diet for adult dogs. Includes prebiotics that have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Sources of carbohydrates are lentils, peas and potatoes. They also supply plant protein to the body and make the product as balanced as possible. The total content of plant and animal proteins is 26%.
  • Adult Light. Food for dogs living in an apartment without going outside. Such animals are prone to a passive lifestyle. As a result, they often face the problem of being overweight. For them, a special feed has been developed with a fat-burning ingredient - L-carnitine. The protein content is 22%, the share of fats is 10%.

Canned food

The composition of wet canned food is almost identical to dry one. The only difference lies in the form: this product is sold in the form of pates and juicy chunks in a sauce. These feeds are distinguished by a wide ingredient composition based on the highest quality raw materials. They provide the pet with all the amino acids it needs, phosphorus, calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, as well as vitamins A and E.

As a special additive, the Fitocare phytocomposition is used - it is a composition of several medicinal herbs that has a tonic and restorative effect.

ProBalance wet food is free of colorants and GMOs. For their manufacture, minced chicken, meat-containing products and by-products are used. They account for at least 10%. Humidity is 81%. The share of protein accounts for about 8% of the product, the amount of lipids is 5%, the ash content is kept within 2.5%. The fiber content in the total composition does not exceed 0.5%.

The following products are popular.

  • Spiders for adult animals of small and medium breeds. They are a complete premium ready-to-eat food for small animals.
  • "Scoundrel" of canned food with beef. Contains mouth-watering chunks in a jelly gravy. Such food is well absorbed by the pet's body. In addition to beef, the diet includes several other types of meat, and this significantly increases the total protein content.
  • Immuno canned food. A product for animals designed to protect and strengthen the immune system. Made from beef, it has a 100% natural composition.
  • Sensitive canned food. This is a lamb diet. With frequent use, it minimizes the manifestations of food intolerances and allergies.

Review overview

The feedback from professional veterinarians about ProBalance food for dogs is that the formula of this diet meets the main criteria for premium products. At the same time, experts draw the attention of dog owners to the reduced fiber content relative to accepted standards. This can adversely affect the condition of an animal with gastrointestinal problems.

In addition, doctors point out the presence of preservatives that are banned because of their toxicity in many countries. Of course, the manufacturer announced the rejection of such additives. Nevertheless, there is no information on which components are used today on the packaging.

Users are attracted by a pleasant price tag for products. It is largely due to the fact that production is established in our country, therefore, transportation with customs duties is not included in the cost. For this reason, the product is cheaper than many other feeds in this segment.

In addition, such a product is universal: here you can find food for both young puppies and old dogs. Separate lines are created for Chihuahuas, Beagles, Shepherds and even St. Bernards. In a word, you can choose a product for pets of different breeds and sizes, the main thing is to follow the feeding standards. A rich gustatory palette will guarantee that the animal food will not get bored.

However, the composition of the diets has many questionable points. That's why this product can only be recommended to healthy pets. Even so, the food should be combined with natural products to provide the dog with the proteins it needs.

When choosing food for animals that require special treatment, it is advisable to seek the advice of a supervising veterinarian.

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