Dog food brands

Features of ProTail dog food

Features of ProTail dog food
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Range
  3. Review overview

There are a large number of pet food manufacturers nowadays. Such products from Pro Tail are in great demand. Today the brand makes different types of food with different tastes for dogs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dog food of the Pro Tail brand has significant advantages. Let's highlight some of them.

  • Low cost. The food produced by this company belongs to the budget options. But it should be remembered that the low price is due to a significant decrease in the quality of the raw materials used.
  • The presence of vitamins in the composition. Every diet is rich in vitamin E, which is considered an antioxidant used in place of preservatives. And also other complex vitamin components are used in the manufacture.
  • Easy to find... Such food can be easily found in almost any pet store.
  • A lot of carbohydrates. Many diets will be the best option if your pet needs to gain weight.

But these feeds also have significant drawbacks.

  • Lean composition. The diets have a relatively low content of proteins, nutrients for the full development of the animal. In addition, they contain various artificial chemical additives for flavor and aroma.
  • A large number of cereal components... Often they are the ones that cause allergic reactions and various diseases.
  • Not enough information. It is difficult to find detailed information on the composition of feed on the packaging, and there is also no indication of the origin of artificial flavors and aromatic additives.


Today, under the Pro Tail brand, there are only 2 main food options available - these are dry and canned formulations. A total of 10 varieties of food for dogs are proposed.

Food can have different tastes: chicken, salmon with rice grits, beef, assorted with different types of meat. In addition, in the assortment, all compositions are divided into separate categories depending on the activity of the animal. So, there are diets intended for individuals with a high, normal load; formulations for animals with digestive problems are sold separately. And also separate species for puppies are produced, they can also be suitable for pregnant pets.

Dry food is sold in sturdy packages with various weights: 0.5, 2.5, 13, 15, 20 kg.

Food for active dogs is produced in a wide variety of flavor combinations. The vitamin-mineral complex, which is part of their composition, carries an increased energy efficiency.

The main place is occupied by vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant. This constituent element prevents the breakdown of fats. And also it simultaneously plays the role of a preservative, which significantly extends the shelf life of the composition.

Food intended for individuals with normal activity is the simplest option and can be used in most cases. Urban dog diets also have standard formulations, but differ in pellet size.

Foods for small puppies and pregnant dogs are high in vitamins and minerals. All the granules are quite small. Also, these diets contain special probiotics that significantly increase the absorption of food.

Food for dogs with a sensitive digestive system is made on the basis of salmon fillet and rice grits. In addition, rice groats are used instead of the usual corn and millet. These formulations may include smaller granules than standard options so that all foods can be absorbed by the pet.

All assortment compositions contain the following components:

  • meat and meat offal;
  • cereal products, products of plant origin;
  • fish and its offal;
  • flavoring and aromatic additives;
  • oils (vegetable);
  • animal fats.

In addition, the composition contains mineral elements and vitamins necessary for the animal. The source of protein in feed is meat and animal products.

The source of carbohydrates are cereal elements and components of plant origin. Moreover, the former prevail in number. Oil and animal fat are responsible for the fatty acids in the diet. Additional flavors and aromas are used to enhance the taste and smell of food.

In the production of these feeds, special additional antioxidants are also used: E320 and E321. They help protect rations from rapid spoilage.

Both of these components are chemical preservatives.

The special additive Miko Carb is also used in the production of these dog food. It acts as a preservative. But the component is considered absolutely safe for pets. In addition, it prevents the reproduction and development of various fungi, the accumulation of harmful toxins in feed.

Dry food comes in the form of granules that come in a variety of shapes. They also come in various sizes, depending on the particular type of diet.

In canned food of this manufacturer, beef and offal are used as protein. In addition, minced chicken is also more commonly used, it is a source of proteins. Carbohydrates are represented by various herbal products. And also a special supplement with minerals and vitamins is used.

Canned food is most often produced in cans of 415 grams, as well as in spiders with a volume of 85 grams. This meal consists of small granules in a sauce.

All dry food and canned food from the manufacturer can be used for dogs of different breeds. Before purchasing ready-made food for your pet, you should carefully study the age at which the selected composition can be used. This information is indicated on packages and cans with products.

Review overview

Buyers have left a large number of different reviews about Pro Tail dog food. So, many have noticed that most pets quickly get used to these diets. Separately, it was said about the vitamin and mineral supplements that are included in the diet. They contain many of the important nutrients needed to keep your dog healthy. It was noted that all diets have a light and pleasant aroma.

And also some people left positive feedback on the low cost of products with significant volumes. But many buyers spoke negatively about the brand's products. In their opinion, this food for dogs has too "poor" unbalanced composition, does not allow saturating the animal's body with all the necessary components to maintain health. It will not be suitable for daily dog ​​feeding.

And it was also noted that the composition contains a rather high content of various cereal products, and this can be harmful to dogs. The packages in which the formulations are sold are inconvenient to open.

Harmful preservatives, artificial additives for imparting aroma and taste, the origin of which is not indicated by the manufacturer, have also earned negative reviews.

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