Dog food brands

All About Purina Pro Plan Dog Food

All About Purina Pro Plan Dog Food
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Range of products for puppies
  3. Food for adult and senior dogs
  4. Feeding Tips
  5. Review overview

Every pet owner wants his pet to live a long, healthy and happy life. Proper nutrition plays a key role in this. One of the most popular dog foods today is Purina Pro Plan.


Pro Plan dog food is manufactured by Purina, a division of Nestle. The enterprise was registered in the USA, but its production facilities are located not only in America, but also in European countries and on the territory of Russia. In addition to Pro Plan, Purina offers Darling dog products and Gourmet, Friskies and Felix cat food.

The manufacturer positions its product as belonging to the super-premium segment. According to the manufacturer's statements, the feed formulation was developed with the joint participation of leading veterinarians, nutritionists and zootechnologists. The product is 100% balanced, has an appetizing aroma and pleasant taste.

The diet has a positive effect on the immune system and the state of the dog's digestive system.

The freshest, highest quality products are used to make Pro Plan feed. However, experienced breeders question the balance and usefulness of the feed. First of all, it should be noted that Pro Plan, sold on the territory of our country, is produced in the village of Vorsino, Kaluga Region. Moreover, its formula is significantly different from that indicated on the American and European sites. Therefore, when analyzing the composition of the feed, we will proceed from the data indicated on the official Purina Internet resource.

So, ready-made pet food of this brand contains the following ingredients.

  • Meat - it can be meat of turkey, chicken, beef and lamb. Its share is 17%. However, the manufacturer does not specify which part of the carcass is being used. Most likely, a whole piece is taken together with bones, skin and entrails.
  • In some feeds, dry bird protein is indicated in the first position. It is obtained from chicken waste, chemically and thermally processed. In the course of such processing, the lion's share of macro- and micronutrients is lost.
  • Salmon - its share reaches 20%. The product is rich in valuable Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, which improve brain function and strengthen immunity. But it should be borne in mind that this meat is 80% water, in the process of dehydration all moisture leaves, and instead of the declared 20%, in fact, only 5% remains.
  • Cereals - are sources of carbohydrates. Most of the cereals are wheat and corn. These additives increase the volume of the feed, increase its calorie content and contribute to the quick satiety of the animal. And their nutritional value is minimal, they are poorly digested by the dog's body and often cause allergies. It is better to give preference to products in which rice is the source of carbohydrates.
  • Beet pulp - a high-quality component that supplies fiber to the body. Promotes better digestion and the formation of feces. Normalizes the blood glucose of the animal.
  • Alimentary fiber - the manufacturer does not indicate what is hidden behind this definition. However, in fact, this is the most common cellulose obtained as a by-product of woodworking. It is not the most beneficial component for the dog's body. Plant fibers, which are designed to improve peristalsis, are actually too tough and can injure the thin walls of the stomach and intestines.
  • Malt flour - acts as a source of vegetable protein. Allows you to bring the total level of protein in the feed to the normative value, but does not bring any benefit to the pet.
  • Animal fat - the manufacturer does not disclose the origin of this product, therefore it is difficult to determine its quality. This component can hide anything from nutritious poultry fat to slaughterhouse waste.
  • Dry egg powder - a semi-finished product obtained from chicken eggs. The trace element composition of this food additive is identical to that of a raw product.
  • Vitamin and mineral complex, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, probiotics, prebiotics and nutrients - these supplements help to normalize the digestive tract, increase immunity and improve the condition of the dog's skin and coat.
  • Flavor enhancer - one of the most controversial components, it is listed on the packaging as "flavoring feed additive". It is actually regular monosodium glutamate. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that Pro Plan is far from the only pet food that contains attractants and flavor enhancers. Most economy class products contain this component, although it is not indicated on the packaging. According to breeders' reviews, this substance often causes allergies in dogs.

A line of grain-free rations is produced under the Pro Plan brand. They replace wheat, rice and corn with other ingredients.

  • Pea starch - obtained from dried grains of peas, is a good source of carbohydrates. However, in the list of products, it is indicated in third place after dry protein from poultry and meat. This means that its volume is high and can lead to obesity and endocrine system pathologies.
  • Tapioca starch - it is obtained from the tubers of a plant similar in characteristics to potatoes. The share of the product is 12%. The only task of such a component is to generally reduce the cost of feed, for the digestive system it acts more like ballast.
  • Pea protein Is another product obtained from dried beans.It is a cheap source of vegetable proteins. In terms of its nutritional value, it cannot replace animal proteins necessary for predators. However, it causes allergies much less frequently than soy.
  • Dried peas - acts as a supplier of proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids and fiber. The glycemic index of this component is lower than that of cereals. In small amounts, it helps to improve the functioning of the pet's digestive system.
  • Hydrolyzate of animal proteins - the product is obtained from animal waste by means of enzymatic processing and subsequent drying. In fact, this is not so much a useful and nutritious component as an ordinary flavoring additive. In addition, the manufacturer does not specify which by-products are used as raw materials.
  • Soy flour - a cheap vegetable filler made from soybeans. Introduced into the recipe to increase the calorie content of the product.

Some Pro Plan products contain beneficial supplements such as L-carnitine, yeast, amino acids and colostrum. However, their percentage is not indicated. Therefore, it is very difficult to say unequivocally that they have a positive effect on the animal's body.

The manufacturer claims the following guaranteed performance:

  • proteins - 25%;
  • lipids - 16%;
  • ash - 8%;
  • fiber - 2%;
  • Omega fatty acids - 1.9%.

The share of carbohydrates is about 40%. This is a fairly high concentration, which once again confirms that Pro Plan dog rations are premium, but not super premium, as the manufacturer claims.

Thus, dog owners highlight both the product's advantages and disadvantages.

The pluses include:

  • a wide assortment line for animals of different sizes, breeds and ages;
  • the presence of a series of dietary, hypoallergenic and therapeutic food;
  • democratic cost;
  • availability at any points of sale;
  • the presence of vitamins and minerals in the composition;
  • the possibility of purchasing dry and solid feed;
  • packing in packs of different sizes.

The most significant disadvantages are:

  • lack of information about the raw materials used (the manufacturer does not indicate whether natural meat or offal is used);
  • the presence of flavors and aromas;
  • high proportion of cereal components;
  • lack of fruits, berries and herbs, as in holistic food;
  • the presence of ballast components used exclusively to reduce the cost of the product.

In addition, despite the variety of flavors on offer, their compositions are similar to each other.

Range of products for puppies

Manufacturers pay special attention to the production of puppy food. In the first months of life, young dogs require a special diet enriched with phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D3. This composition contributes to the full growth and development of the baby's musculoskeletal system.

The manufacturer has included colostrum in the composition - this product is enriched with antibodies of natural origin. It allows the baby to maintain the body's defenses and remain active. And in addition, it greatly facilitates the transition of a young animal from mother's milk to ready-made feed.


The Puppy Series includes the following rations.

  • Optiderma - for young small breeds. The main source of proteins here is salmon, rice is responsible for the carbohydrate component. The food is suitable for babies with skin and coat problems.
  • Optistart - for puppies, which, as they grow up, will turn into large animals with a powerful physique. The share of meat and offal in them is 17%. The product is also recommended for pregnant and lactating dogs.
  • Puppy Original - for medium sized puppies. The food is made from chicken meat with the addition of colostrum. Provides harmonious development of the musculoskeletal system, improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

All products are sold in packs of 300 g, 14 kg, 15 kg and 18 kg.


Wet food is especially beneficial for young dogs as it contains more protein.This is especially true for growing babies who need maximum protein to build muscle. Wet canned food will be a godsend for capricious puppies - unlike dry rations, juicy pieces are eaten even by fussy ones. In addition, a wet diet is indispensable at the stage of rehabilitation of young animals after injuries and illnesses.

The product is juicy chunks in jelly or sauce. The moisture content of such a product reaches 80%, so the dog does not need to drink plentifully. But for all the usefulness, the manufacturer does not recommend completely abandoning dry and hard granules - chewing them cleanses the oral cavity and helps to strengthen the jaws. The optimal solution is a combination of dry and liquid feed.

As far as the puppy line is concerned, it is identical to dry rations. It also offers spiders for small, medium and large breeds. The palate is represented mainly by poultry and lamb.

Food for adult and senior dogs

Purina offers a wide range of adult animal products under the Pro Plan brand.

  • Optiweight - Obese Dog Series, suitable for neutered and neutered animals. These foods contain more protein and less lipids. The product contains additives that prevent the development of urolithiasis. The food is offered in two versions - universal, as well as for small dogs.
  • Optidigest - Designed for pets with sensitive digestive tract. Available in several varieties for adult dogs of different sizes.
  • Optibalance - universal feed, contains a balanced composition of BZHU. Can be used for pets of different breeds and sizes.
  • Optiage is a line of products for older dogs. Allows you to improve the physical and mental endurance of older pets, keeps them active and inhibits age-related changes. For large and medium-sized dogs, it is used after 7 years, for small animals - from 9 years.
  • Optiderma - food contributes to the prevention of skin diseases and maintains the beauty of the coat. It is especially popular with animals before competitions and exhibitions.
  • Optipower is a food for hunting, sporting and working dogs. The balanced composition of macro- and microelements increases the animal's endurance, its ability to regenerate and recover.
  • Duo Délice - a line for the most fastidious pets, the product combines soft bites with crispy croquettes. The balanced composition helps to improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and get rid of dental problems.

Veterinary diets are a separate area of ​​Pro Plan. They are represented by wet canned food:

  • HP - for dogs with liver disease;
  • JM - for pets with sore joints;
  • HA - hypoallergenic product, recommended as part of concomitant diet therapy in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • UR - for animals with kidney and urinary tract diseases;
  • DRM - suitable for pets with coat diseases;
  • EN - used for diseases of the digestive system;
  • OM - intended for the correction of the weight of the animal, suitable for dogs prone to gaining excess weight due to endocrine diseases or after sterilization.

Feeding Tips

Sometimes the owners note that when the pet is transferred to Pro Plan food, the animals become lethargic, their hair dulls. Most often, the problem lies in the wrong feeding option. The diet, both in its composition and in the amount of product consumed, must fully correspond to the breed characteristics of the animal. For example, food for the Labrador, Husky, German Shepherd, French Bulldog and other large dogs contains a large amount of protein that they need to maintain muscle tone.

If you give such a diet to a Spitz or Chihuahua, it can lead to the appearance of urolithiasis.

In order to avoid problems, the manufacturer indicates the purpose of the feed and its dosage on each package. Some foods come with a measuring cup. On average, the norm is (depending on weight):

  • 1-5 kg ​​- 300-100 g / day;
  • 5-10 kg - 100-170 g / day:
  • 10-25 kg - 170-340 g / day;
  • 25-35 kg - 340-440 g / day;
  • 45-60 kg - 440-530 g / day

Young puppies, regardless of their breed, require different dosages of food intake. A growing body needs more micronutrients and macronutrients. Therefore, the need for food in puppies is greater than that of adults:

  • small breed babies need from 200 to 450 g / day;
  • medium-sized puppies - 450-500 g / day;
  • large pets - 600 - 900 g / day.

In this case, it is advisable to divide the daily rate into 5-6 feedings.

When eating dry food, the dog is thirsty. Therefore, it is important to provide her with unhindered access to clean drinking water. During the day, the pet needs about 50 g of liquid per kilogram of weight.

For aging dogs, pets with gastrointestinal tract pathologies and babies with fragile teeth, it is advisable to pre-soak dry food - for this they are diluted in warm water to a state of gruel. Instead of water, you can take skimmed kefir, boiled milk is suitable for puppies up to six months. Leftover product residues must be disposed of immediately.

And, of course, When choosing a feed, it is advisable to enlist the recommendation of a veterinarian. This is especially important when the animal requires a specialized diet. In this case, the age, size of the pet, as well as its taste preferences, should be taken into account. It is recommended to alternate foods with different flavors to prevent pudding.

Review overview

Reviews of Pro Plan dog food are the most controversial. Veterinarians note the balanced composition of the product. But at the same time, they indicate a low proportion of meat proteins in comparison with vegetable proteins. In combination with a high concentration of carbohydrates, this creates a serious burden on the dog's body.

The dog, like any predator, requires animal food. Herbal ingredients are absorbed by the body of pets much worse.

This means that the product can in no way be called complete, therefore it is recommended to use it only together with natural meat food.

In general, if this rule is observed, breeders practically do not notice any negative points. Pets remain active, their fur looks smooth and silky. The product is well absorbed by the body and almost does not cause eating disorders.

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