Dog food brands

Variety of Purina Pro Plan puppy foods

Variety of Purina Pro Plan puppy foods
  1. general description
  2. Dry food overview
  3. Description of wet products
  4. Feeding Tips

Purina Pro Plan is a quality dog ​​food. Premium products are in great demand among domestic dog owners. Products for puppies deserve special attention.

general description

Purina Pro Plan puppy foods have a balanced composition. They contain the following components.

  • Squirrels... The main source of protein for puppies is chicken. Animal protein is perfectly absorbed by the animal's body, so the pet grows strong and healthy.
  • Carbohydrates... Wheat is the primary energy source in Purina Pro Plan. This product is quite cheap, therefore it is used for the production of most feed. It is worth remembering that some dogs are allergic to this component. Therefore, products with wheat in the composition must be introduced into the diet of dogs very carefully. Peas are the source of carbohydrates in grain-free forages.
  • Fats... The products contain animal fats. They are a good source of energy. It should be remembered that the use of animal fats increases the calorie content of feed. Therefore, you should not give puppy food to adult dogs. This can lead to weight gain.

In addition to a good composition, this product has other advantages.

  • Products can be found in most pet stores... In addition, you can even buy it in regular supermarkets.
  • Puppy food is inexpensive... Therefore, feeding them to your pets is quite profitable. If the food suits your pet, you can buy large bags of dry granules. They keep well and do not deteriorate over time.
  • The dry pellets found in the food packs are quite soft, therefore, it is convenient to gnaw them.
  • Pleasant taste. It is very easy to accustom puppies to a new type of food, because such food is very tasty and aromatic. All animals eat them with pleasure.

The disadvantage of Purina Pro Plan products is the fact that food contains flavoring and aromatic additives. But this is the case with many premium products.

Dry food overview

Delicious dry croquettes are used for daily feeding of young puppies. On sale there is food for representatives of large, medium and small breeds.

  • Optiderma. These products are suitable for miniature puppies. It can also be given to animals that have skin problems. The product contains rice and salmon. They help prevent pets from developing allergies. Salmon food tastes good. It can be added to the diet of Pomeranians, Chihuahuas, and other small dogs.
  • Optistart. This food is suitable for Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds and other large breeds. The product contains a lot of meat and offal. Therefore, animals quickly gain muscle mass. Large breed puppy products can also be incorporated into the diet of pregnant and lactating females. It will only do them good.
  • Medium Puppy... This food is designed for medium breed puppies. This delicious chicken product is enriched with vitamins and minerals. The use of such products allows animals to develop rapidly and remain active at any age.
  • Optidigest. Turkey or lamb food is ideal for miniature dogs. Delicious grain-free food is well digestible. Regular consumption of such products helps to get rid of problems with stool. It is also suitable for puppies and adult dogs with sensitive digestion, as these foods do not contain allergens.

The composition of the diets for puppies contains a special component - colostrum. It allows the animals to remain active and strong. In addition, this supplement significantly reduces the risk of developing diseases associated with digestion. Dry foods are usually sold in large packages. The most popular option is 18 kg bags.

Description of wet products

In addition to dry croquettes, you can also find delicious wet canned food on sale. The balanced feed is sold in handy cans with a key. The products are suitable for puppies as well as adult dogs. It helps to get rid of digestive problems.

The diet is based on soy protein. It is also enriched with fatty acids. Therefore, pets that eat such food not only feel good, but also look beautiful. This grain-free food can be fed to all animals.

An open product is stored for no longer than two days. Therefore, it is advisable to feed it to your pet for 1-2 meals.

Feeding Tips

For animals that eat Purina Pro Plan foods to be active and energetic, they need to be properly fed. It is worth remembering that on each package the manufacturer indicates the optimal dosage of the product. Therefore, it is very easy to calculate the amount of food that a puppy should eat. If you do not follow these instructions, the animal can gain excess weight.

It is also worth remembering that as the puppies grow, their diet should change... Small puppies should be given a small amount of pellets. If the pet has previously eaten only breast milk, croquettes can be soaked in warm water. It is not recommended to use milk or broth instead of water. Babies are fed more often than adult dogs. The puppy should receive food 5-6 times a day.

In adult pets, the daily feed intake increases. Growing up dogs can be given a mixture of dry granules and wet canned food. Growing puppies are usually fed 2-3 times a day. The daily rate in this case is divided between the main meals. It is also important for puppies to consume enough drinking water. It should always be freely available. Otherwise, the pet may develop health problems.

Purina Pro Plan Puppy Food is a great choice for a daily diet.By accustoming pets to such food, the animals can then be transferred to food for adult dogs from the same brand.

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