Dog food brands

ROYAL CANIN for neutered and neutered dogs

ROYAL CANIN for neutered and neutered dogs
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Range
  3. Review overview

Sterilized and Neutered Adult from ROYAL CANIN is a premium line of food for dogs that have been sterilized and neutered. These products have a unique, balanced composition that allows the animal to remain healthy and active without the risk of gaining excess weight. The article will discuss what advantages and disadvantages these feeds are characterized by, what products are presented in these lines.

Advantages and disadvantages

ROYAL CANIN is one of the largest international companies producing dry and wet food for cats and dogs, including those that have been surgically deprived of reproductive function.

In the manufacture of products of the Sterilized and Neutered Adult series, the manufacturer uses high quality raw materials and ingredients purchased only from accredited suppliers, whose products have been subjected to rigorous expert analysis.

The benefits of the Sterilized and Neutered Adult lines include a number of factors:

  • balanced composition, developed taking into account all the needs of an animal that has undergone sterilization / castration;
  • gradation of food in accordance with the weight and age of the dog;
  • high content of easily digestible proteins and low fat content in the composition of products;
  • high content of useful additives (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants);
  • economical consumption;
  • Convenient sealed packaging for long shelf life.

ROYAL CANIN's premium quality pet food for spayed and neutered animals gives them a relatively high price compared to similar products from other lesser known brands. At the same time, the results of numerous surveys indicate that The high cost of ROYAL CANIN Sterilized and Neutered Adult foods does not in any way affect their demand and popularity among professional breeders and amateur dog breeders.


There are several products in the Sterilized and Neutered Adult series developed by the manufacturer for neutered and neutered dogs.

  • Neutered adult - dry balanced food, recommended for healthy animals over 1 year old, whose weight varies from 11 to 25 kg. It has a low calorie content, contains all the necessary nutrients and useful nutritional supplements (vitamins E and C, lutein, taurine).

  • Neutered adult small dog - dry dietary product specially designed for adult dogs of decorative breeds, whose weight does not exceed 10 kg. Contains a large amount of easily digestible proteins, fish oil, useful plant extracts.
  • Mini Sterilized - a granular product for adult animals (over 10-12 months) of small breeds weighing up to 10 kg. Enriched with active nutrients, L-carnitine, fiber, plant extracts.
  • X-Small Sterilized - dry food recommended for healthy animals over 10 months old and weighing up to 4 kg. Contains easily digestible proteins, fiber, vegetable and animal fats. Due to the balanced composition of the product, the animal does not overeat, but at the same time receives a maximum of nutrients.
  • Sterilized canin adult - Diet wet food-pate, developed for adult dogs of all breeds, prone to gaining excess weight. In addition to meat and by-products, it contains animal and vegetable fats, fiber, a complex of essential micro- and macroelements.

To diversify the diet of a neutered or neutered animal, the manufacturer recommends alternating dry and wet food in its diet. Regardless of what type of food the dog is eating, it is the owner's responsibility to ensure that he gets enough clean drinking water throughout the day.

Review overview

ROYAL CANIN's Sterilized and Neutered Adult feeds are optimized for sterilized animals due to their balanced composition, according to feedback from professional breeders and amateur dog breeders. A number of users note that with regular use of the products of these lines, the condition of the coat and the appearance of the animal as a whole are significantly improved.

At the same time, some breeders consider the food of these series to be unreasonably expensive. In addition, a number of single reviews contain information that these products can cause allergies in animals in case of individual intolerance to its components.

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