Features of feed "Lucky"

Features of "Lucky" food is very useful for owners of a wide variety of pets to make an informed decision. The range includes dry food for puppies and adult dogs, food for birds and even for rodents. Only by understanding their composition and application features can you achieve success.

general description
The main thing for "Lucky" food is that it is positioned as complete and satisfying all the needs of pets. But this is such a general formulation that it is impossible to assess its adequacy without specific data. It is stated that when drawing up the recipe, the experience of both domestic and foreign manufacturers of similar products was taken into account. It was possible to achieve excellent taste and aroma of the nutritional mixtures. The cost of such food is quite acceptable even for breeders with a rather limited personal budget.

Fodder "Lucky" is perfectly digested and assimilated. This is achieved through a carefully selected balance of protein and dietary fiber. Thanks to specially thought-out packaging, it is possible to guarantee the preservation of the valuable properties of the product for a long time. The company provides thorough laboratory control in production. The quality and content of the main components are quite satisfactory.

Assortment of dog food
Dry doggy feed "Standard Veal" optimized for adult pets. It covers the needs for micronutrients, vitamins and essential nutrients. The composition of the feed includes:
wheat and corn;
fat obtained from animal raw materials;
food salt;
a set of vitamins and minerals;
meat and other animal products.

The proportion of protein is 22%.The fat concentration reaches 10%, and the feed also contains 4% fiber. Ash accounts for 8%, and the moisture level is 10%. And also "Standard Veal" includes:
vitamin D3;
vitamin B6;
vitamin B2;

For puppies of medium and large breeds, another food is intended - "Junior Meat Assorted". It is designed for animals from 2 to 11 months. Glucosamine plays an important role in this diet, helping to promote normal joint development. This feed supplies pets with corn, wheat, rice and animal fats.
There is also a selection of valuable vitamins and minerals (including calcium, phosphorus, carotene, niacin, and vitamin B6).

Description of bird products
Deserves attention feed "Rational nutrition"designed for budgies. The composition of such food includes nuts and sesame seeds. There are also options with vitamins and minerals, with seaweed. In addition to the main components, the following are also used:
sunflower seeds;

The cockatiels like this product. However, it is only suitable for occasional meals. The main audience is still budgerigars. Such food is packaged in packs of 350 g. Product reviews are favorable.
Variety of food for rodents
Deserves attention product "Rational nutrition"designed for hamsters. It contains fruits and vegetables. The useful ingredients are:
sorghum white;
grass granules;
yellow and red millet.

There is also an option for the guinea pig. Basic products "Lucky" for birds and rodents are supplied in compact packages.
Their advantage is economical consumption. Grains, grains and seeds meet the needs of pets to the fullest. This feed contains many useful substances.