Dog food brands

Description of Schesir dog food

Description of Schesir dog food
  1. general description
  2. Assortment of dry food
  3. Canned food overview

The description of Schesir dog food allows you to make the right choice and use these products in the most rational way. The brand's assortment includes dry food and canned food for small dogs and other breeds. It is worth emphasizing the availability of food for puppies, which allows you to cover the pet's nutritional needs throughout the entire life cycle.

general description

The official website states that Schesir dog food is either super premium or holistic. The products are completely free of any flavoring agents and substances that improve the taste. Preservatives are also not used. The main production is concentrated in Italy and Thailand.

Original recipes may contain fruit, meat and fish pieces.

And also it should be emphasized:

  • ease of packaging;

  • variety of tastes;

  • beneficial effect on all major organs and systems of the dog.

Assortment of dry food

The Schesir line of feed contains offers:

  • for small breeds;

  • for large varieties;

  • for puppies;

  • for elderly individuals.

Schesir bio - food intended for dogs of small breeds. It is based on poultry meat. The composition of such food is completely balanced. It includes:

  • protein (25%);

  • rice (4%);

  • dehydrated fruits and berries (0.5%);

  • vegetable oil;

  • corn;

  • wheat (not only ground, but also bran).

And also get there:

  • carotene;

  • biotin;

  • manganese;

  • folic acid;

  • ferrous sulfate;

  • zinc sulfate;

  • potassium iodate;

  • sodium selenite;

  • copper sulfate.

There is also food for puppies of medium and large breeds. It is also based on poultry meat and comes in 2.5 kg packs. This is a premium, complete organic food. The proportion of protein is increased to 33%, as in the previous case, 4% of rice is added. Dehydrated fruits have also been introduced - lingonberry, apple, pineapple.

In total, the composition includes:

  • 28% protein;

  • 18% fat;

  • 1.8% fiber;

  • 7% ash;

  • 1.2% calcium;

  • 0.85% phosphorus;

  • humidity 10%.

For medium-sized dogs, dry food with ham can be used. Ham itself accounts for 6%, another 24% - other dehydrated pork. This diet contains 1% chicory pulp and fructo-oligosaccharides. There is still:

  • 0.5% dry yeast;

  • 0.1% yucca;

  • corn;

  • corn gluten;

  • dried beet pulp;

  • salt.

Canned food overview

They may be:

  • with Chiken;

  • with beef;

  • with pork;

  • with tuna;

  • with chicken fillet and a number of other ingredients.

A canned, wet diet based on chicken and ham in jelly is a good option. This food also belongs to the extra-premium class. Fillets are carefully selected and steamed by hand.

The share of chicken in the total composition is at least 61%. Another 4% comes from ham, and there is also vegetable gelatin.

On the basis of chicken, there is also canned food for puppies. It is packaged in 0.4 kg. This is the same complete nutritional option with a balanced composition. It contains carefully selected biocomponents. As with other options, the nutritional formula has been approved by the Italian Department of Veterinary Sciences.

The feed contains 66% chicken. And also 31.6% of chicken broth is added there. Additionally, such canned food is put in:

  • 1% minerals;

  • 0.8% vegetable oil;

  • some amount of fish oil;

  • zinc, manganese, copper sulfates;

  • calcium iodate (anhydrous form).

Nutrient components:

  • proteins - 10.6%;

  • fats - about 4%;

  • ash - about 2.5%

  • fiber - 0.5%;

  • water (moisture index) - 81%.

The Schesir brand also supplies complete canned pork products. They are packed in containers of 85 g. The composition also includes bio-ingredients. Pork itself accounts for 70% of the mass. It also contains about 29% pork broth and 1% minerals, plus flax oil.

Completing the review is appropriate on tuna-based canned food for puppies with aloe supplement. This type of food is packed in containers of 150 g. Jelly is made from vegetable gelatin. It is worth noting the following properties of this feed:

  • steaming;

  • adding 3% rice;

  • adding 1.5% vegetable oil;

  • the presence of manganese sulfate and potassium iodide;

  • introduction of carotene, vitamins D3, E;

  • fiber content - 0.1%;

  • humidity level - 82%.

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