Dog food brands

Sirius dog food features and review

Sirius dog food features and review
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Range of food for adult dogs
  3. Products for puppies
  4. Food for different breeds
  5. Review overview

A Russian company is engaged in the production of Sirius feed. Premium products are versatile and suitable for most dogs. The feed of this brand is an excellent analogue of foreign products.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of Sirius feeds are their high quality and good composition. They contain useful components.

  • Squirrels... The basis of branded feed is meat. It is the main source of proteins. Many buyers are confused by the fact that the meat in the feed is dried. But manufacturers claim that in the process of dehydration, it does not lose its beneficial qualities. The protein contained in the product is absorbed very quickly, and also benefits the animal's body.

  • Fats... There are two sources of fat used to create dog food. Both are equally good. The first is light chicken fat. It is obtained as a result of processing chicken meat. Therefore, it is considered to be of high quality and nutritious. This item is perfect for dogs. In addition, salmon fat is present in the Sirius brand products. It is of high quality and has a great effect on the health of the dog, as well as on its appearance. Regular consumption of fat-rich Sirius diets is especially beneficial for dog hair. It becomes smooth and shiny, and the dog looks more well-groomed.

  • Carbohydrates... The main sources of carbohydrates in Sirius foods are wheat, corn and rice. The selected cereals also serve as sources of quality vegetable protein. Due to its high carbohydrate content, the product quickly saturates the pet and makes it energetic.

  • Additives... To make their products more beneficial for animals, manufacturers use only high quality additives. So, their feed contains dried celery and pumpkin. Therefore, Sirius dog food is suitable even for animals that suffer from digestive problems. In addition, dry yeast can be found in the composition of the products. This component helps to strengthen the immunity of the animal, as well as its nervous system.

In addition to the quality composition, Sirius products have other advantages.

  1. The diets of this brand are very diverse.... You can choose the right products for both adult dogs and small puppies.
  2. Sirius dry foods can form the basis of a dog's diet. They are nutritious and healthy. Small granules contain absolutely everything a pet needs for normal development. Therefore, pet owners do not have to buy vitamins or any healthy treats for them.
  3. All dog foods are natural. They contain no artificial colors or flavors. The complete food is suitable even for animals with sensitive digestion.
  4. You can buy branded dog food at most pet stores.... It is inexpensive. In addition, there are packages of different formats on sale. Therefore, dog lovers can choose the best option for themselves.
  5. All products for dogs have a pleasant taste and aroma. Therefore, even the most capricious animals eat it with pleasure.
  6. Sirius branded foods are popular not only among ordinary dog ​​owners, but also among veterinarians. and people who breed purebred animals.

There are also disadvantages to Sirius food. First of all, it should be noted that complete products contain wheat and corn. Therefore, it is not suitable for dogs with a tendency to allergies.

In addition, the product descriptions do not indicate which preservatives are used in the production of branded feed. But this problem is not so significant.

Range of food for adult dogs

Dry food for adult dogs is rich in vitamins and highly nutritious. There are three types of rations commercially available. Each of them has its own characteristics.

  • Lamb with rice... This feed does not contain meat and bone meal. It is enriched with all the vitamins that the animal needs for its vital functions. The dry granules are tasty and satisfying. It is this product that is most popular among dog lovers. His dogs eat with great pleasure.

  • Beef with vegetables... To create this product, quality meat is used, as well as poultry. The product is suitable for both healthy animals and neutered or inactive dogs.

  • Meat diet. This feed is based on meat components and salmon. The product satiates dogs very quickly and makes them energetic and cheerful. The feed is consumed rather slowly. Therefore, a large package lasts for a pet for a long time.

Each feed contains a small amount of vegetables. This makes it not only delicious, but also very healthy. Dry granules are sold in packs of 3, 15 and 20 kg.

As a rule, dog lovers buy a small package only for trial. If the pet likes the selected product, it will be much more profitable for its owner to purchase large bags of dog food.

It is recommended to store dry granules in a warm and dry place. Protect feed stocks from moisture and direct sunlight.

Products for puppies

Special attention should be paid to the food created for young puppies. They did not appear on sale right away. When creating these products, manufacturers tried to take into account all the needs of the baby's body.

The main source of protein in these feeds is tender lamb and chicken. They can be used to feed small puppies as well as dogs up to three years old. They provide the animal with all the necessary vitamins, as well as trace elements. Therefore, the pet does not need any additives. He remains healthy and strong even without it.

Manufacturers recommend serving feed to puppies soaked.

This makes it much easier for them to cope with their portion of food. It is also worth remembering that the animal must always have access to water.

The amount of food is calculated based on the age and weight of the dog. The product should be introduced into the baby's diet carefully and gradually. In this case, he will quickly get used to the new diet and will eat dry granules with great pleasure.

Food for different breeds

Sirius food manufacturers understand that the needs of small and large dogs differ significantly. Therefore, for representatives of different breeds, they release their own food.

For small

Products for dogs of small breeds differ from the usual ones even in their appearance. The bags contain small croquettes that small dogs can easily chew and swallow. The main source of protein in such products is light and dietary turkey meat. Therefore, they are ideal for animals with sensitive digestion. Turkey meat is also a great source of energy. Therefore, food with such a component in the composition ideally saturates fussy and mobile animals.

Products from this line can be fed to all small dogs weighing up to 10 kilograms.

You can enter food into the diet after the puppy reaches 10 months of age.

Feed the animal following the manufacturer's advice on the packaging. In this case, the pet will not overeat.

For large

Dry food bags for large breed dogs contain oversized pellets. The main ingredient in these products is meat. Large animal diets are very nutritious. They have everything you need to keep your animal's bones and hair healthy. The products are suitable for both inactive dogs and mobile dogs that run and walk a lot.

When choosing food for a large Labrador or Shepherd Dog, you need to take into account the taste preferences of your pet. In this case, he will definitely be satisfied with his food.

It is more profitable for owners of large animals to buy large packs of dog food.

Review overview

Most pet owners speak well of Sirius dog food. They note that pets enjoy eating these products. Therefore, it is easy to introduce it into the animal's diet. The dog gets used to the new food very quickly. Regular consumption of such feeds has a positive effect both on the appearance of animals and on the level of their activity.

To summarize, Sirius can be used as the mainstay of the diet for both large and small dogs.

A video review of feed from the Sirius brand is presented in the following video.

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