Dog food brands

All About Hill's Food

All About Hill's Food
  1. general description
  2. Comparison with other brands
  3. Dog food
  4. Assortment of cat food
  5. Review overview

Every dog ​​or cat owner dreams of his beloved pet living a long and happy life. That is why it is very important to find the right diet for them. Hill's food is one of the most popular products - let's dwell on its advantages and disadvantages.

general description

Hill's Pet Nutrition began its history in 1939. It was then that the veterinarian opened a company whose goal was to create a complete diet for pets. As a professional, he has proven that the activity and well-being of pets is directly related to their dietary habits. Initially, the brand produced products only for dogs, but in the late 60s. the production of a diet for cats was established.

For 8 decades of its work, the company has been continuously working to improve the quality of its feed, improve the composition and expand the recipe. Food for dogs and cats of this brand is very popular all over the world. All products are manufactured in America and the Netherlands.

In our country, the company closely cooperates with distribution companies promoting the product on the Russian market.

The manufacturer claims that its food meets the needs of pets 100%. Is this really so? Let's dwell on the composition of Hill's products. According to the information on the package, the food contains the following ingredients.

  • Corn - a rich source of carbohydrates and vegetable protein. It has a low cost, due to which the total cost of production is reduced. However, the product cannot be called useful for pets.It contains a lot of gluten, but it is not fully absorbed by the body of cats and dogs, moreover, it often causes allergies. In addition, an abundance of carbohydrates can provoke the appearance of excess weight and the development of diabetes mellitus.
  • Wheat Is another component popular with animal feed manufacturers, contributing to the overall reduction in the cost of the dry product. It has the same disadvantages as corn, contains gluten and excess carbohydrates. With frequent consumption of wheat-based feeds, animals develop serious gastrointestinal pathologies.
  • Poultry meal - represents dried and milled parts of bird carcasses. It is a supplier of proteins of animal origin, fully absorbed by dogs and cats. However, in the list of main ingredients, the product is only in third place, which indicates its low percentage in the finished product. In addition, the manufacturer does not disclose what kind of raw materials are used - which means that it can be not only meat, but also skin, feathers, beak, bones and other low-grade components.
  • Animal fats - obtained from parts of poultry and animals. Its inclusion in the diet allows you to give the granules a more appetizing aroma and taste for the pet, the product improves the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. However, high quality raw materials are very expensive, cheap ones are often obtained from the carcasses of old and unhealthy animals and are preserved with the help of toxic compounds. Therefore, the usefulness of this component in Hill's feed can be questioned.
  • Protein hydrolyzate - extracted from plant and animal proteins through the action of enzymes and further drying. Possesses good digestibility and exceptional taste characteristics. However, as is the case with other meat-containing components, the manufacturer does not provide any information about its source.
  • Corn gluten flour - the protein obtained after grinding corn grits into starch. In fact, separating ingredients like corn and corn gluten flour is nothing more than a marketing gimmick. In this way, manufacturers deliberately underestimate the concentration of plant components in the product.

In addition to the main ingredients, Hill's also contains complementary foods.

  • Vegetable oil - is a rich supplier of lipids. But since the manufacturer does not indicate the source of raw materials, it is difficult to establish the quality of the product.
  • Vitamin and mineral complex - an additive that is introduced into the feed to support the full growth and development of the pet.
  • Sugar beet pulp - is a natural probiotic. Regular use has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and normalizes the digestive tract. However, this component in the list is indicated in the penultimate place. This indicates an extremely low content of it in the finished food, so it is unlikely that it can have a significant effect on the health of four-legged friends.
  • Flax-seed Is a rich supplier of antioxidants and omega-3s. However, it is healthier when animals get fatty acids from fish oil. In addition, the ingredient is listed last, so you should not expect it to bring at least any benefit to your pet.

The manufacturer claims Hill's is a super premium and holistic food. However, the analysis of the composition shows that it can only be attributed to the premium category.

Comparison with other brands

Compared to many other cheaper feeds, Hill's formulations have quite significant advantages.

  • Using high quality fresh ingredients. The balanced formula includes the main micro and macro elements, which are important for full life.
  • A wide range of foods, including products for the daily diet, a line for pets with special needs and a series of medicated mixtures for animals with pathologies.That is why every owner of a four-legged friend can always choose the right food for a pet.
  • Hill's food is available at all pet food outlets. In addition, it is sold at an affordable price. Thanks to this, the product has gained widespread demand among the majority of cat and dog owners.
  • Long shelf life.

However, if we compare Hills with super-premium products and holistic products, then we can identify some of its disadvantages.

  • The composition of the product raises some doubts. The percentage and source of individual ingredients are not specified. Therefore, it is advisable to seek the recommendation of a veterinarian before switching to Hill's products.
  • Reduced fiber levels in the standard feed range.
  • A high proportion of plant protein that is harmful to pets. Frequent consumption of it can cause obesity and deterioration of the pet's condition.

Conclusion: If we evaluate a product from the point of view of price / quality, then it significantly loses to the rest of the products in its category. For that price, the quality of the ingredients should have been better.

In the absence of a product, you can replace it with other similar feeds without any damage to the health of the pet.

  • Royal canin - differs in availability in any pet stores and chain retail outlets. Has a rich gustatory palette.
  • Eukanuba - super premium group food, sold in any pet store. However, some experts consider its composition to be insufficiently balanced. In addition, the assortment list of tastes is small.
  • Pronature original - only dry food is sold under this brand. The range is narrow. But the product is available for sale, you can find it in every pet supply store.
  • Leonardo - balanced meals offered in a wide range. However, it is sold exclusively to order.
  • 1st Choice - food of the super-premium segment. Possesses high quality and benefits for the animal. But it differs in a small distribution area and is sold mainly on order.
  • GO! Is a holistic product. There are not many flavors to choose from, but the product is available at any pet store.
  • Formulations can be a good alternative. Purina Pro Plan and Happy Cat

Dog food

Hill's sells three major dog product lines - Science Plan, Prescription Diet and VetEssentials. The first two are offered in any veterinary clinic and pet stores. The last group can be purchased exclusively in the direction of the doctor after the results of the examination of the animal. In total, the assortment list contains 22 types of feed. It is sold in packages from 80 g to 12 kg.

For adults

The range of food for dogs from 1 to 6 years old is offered in a wide variety of flavors. All diets taste good and smell good. This diet can be used even for those dogs that do not show an active interest in food or are very picky about food. For adult dogs the following foods are offered:

  • with lamb and rice for animals of large, small and medium breeds - suitable for any animals, from Chihuahuas and Yorkies to St. Bernards and French Bulldogs;
  • with tuna and rice for medium-sized dogs - optimal for pugs, corgi, Dalmatians and others.

Animals over 7 years old require dietary food. During this period, pronounced age-related changes begin, therefore, the feed mixture should contain a reduced proportion of fats and carbohydrates. Such products are more easily absorbed by the body of an aging animal and allow it to maintain its activity and mobility.

Products for old dogs are produced:

  • with lamb and rice for medium-sized old animals;
  • with chicken for older animals of small and medium size.

For adult animals with special needs, soft feed mixtures are offered:

  • Performance - for hunting or working dogs;
  • Senior Vitality - a ruler for maintaining the activity of large, small and medium-sized dogs over 7 years old;
  • Sensitive Stomach & Skin - for pets of small and medium size with skin diseases or problems of the digestive system;
  • Perfect weight - for adult animals of medium size with overweight;
  • Small & Miniature Light - for small dogs prone to obesity.

For puppies

Puppies from 1 month to 1 year old actively and quickly grow, develop and show activity. Therefore, they consume a lot of energy. Products for them are distinguished by a high content of protein, which serves as a building material for the growth of organs, cells and tissues. This diet contains a high concentration of calcium and protein, which is necessary for the proper formation of bones and the musculoskeletal system.

The following products are sold for puppies:

  • chicken feed for puppies of small, medium and large breeds;
  • food with lamb and rice for medium breed puppies.

Assortment of cat food

All products for cats produced under the Hill's brand can be roughly divided into two types:

  • everyday products designed to feed mustachioed pussies every day;
  • a therapeutic diet for pets with special needs during treatment and recovery from serious illnesses.

Products for cats are available in dry and wet form. Dry granules are sold packaged in bags of different sizes. Wet canned food is sold as a mousse in metal cans, meat spiders, or small sachets.

There are three types of food offered for cats.

  • Science Plan - feed mixture for healthy animals. The line includes products that take into account breed sizes, age characteristics, and physiological needs.
  • Nature's Best - a product of improved quality, includes only the most useful products of animal origin. There are no ingredients that could cause an allergic reaction.
  • Ideal Balance - balanced nutrition for cats and cats. Some of the products contain brown rice. Compared to other cereals, this crop is the most natural for cats.

Important! Grain-free diets are not always well absorbed by the feline and can lead to severe constipation. Despite the widespread belief that such products are optimal for animals, when they are introduced into the diet, you should closely monitor the well-being of your animal.

For pets with special needs, Hill's offers a range of specialized pet foods. They are optimal in cases where the pet is spayed, prone to allergies or has long thick hair.

  • Hill's Young Adult Neutered - a product for neutered cats and neutered cats. After such operations, animals lose their activity and often gain excess weight. To avoid this, they need a diet that is low in lipids and proteins. The product is presented in the form of a mousse with meat pieces and dry granules.
  • If an allergic reaction occurs, doctors advise combining pet treatment with a special diet. To prevent the occurrence of adverse reactions, Hill's offers a special hypoallergenic range of Nature's Best. Allergens of all types are completely excluded from it - corn, wheat, chicken meat.
  • Hill's Science Plan Indoor Cat Adult - these are products for cats permanently living in houses and apartments without walking on the street. Such animals are inactive, do not have access to fresh grass, so they often face weight gain. The food meets the basic needs of their body. Here the concentration of carbohydrates and fats is reduced, herbs and minerals are present, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the urinary system.
  • Hills Science Plan Feline Adult Hairball Control - a product for animals with long hair. When they wash their face, they often swallow dead hairs, they form lumps in the mouth and cause vomiting. The diet for them involves the mandatory inclusion of a complex from plant fiber, it removes hairs from the digestive system in a natural way.
  • For dental care, Hill's Science Plan Adult Oral Care is available. This food has a special consistency - when the cat chews the pieces, they do not crumble. Thanks to this, the canines are effectively cleaned, plaque is removed, and the appearance of tartar is prevented. The proteins and calcium present in the composition prevent pathogenic microflora from entering the oral cavity.
  • Hill's Science Plan Adult Sensitive Stomach - an optimally balanced diet for animals suffering from indigestion. The product supports a healthy intestinal microflora and normalizes peristalsis.
  • Hill's Science Plan Perfect Weight Adult - feed mixture for pets facing obesity. The balanced composition of ingredients allows you to maintain an optimal body weight and eliminate layers of fat. The formula is designed in such a way that the pet reaches satiety even after a small portion. It contains minerals that stimulate metabolism, as well as a large amount of fiber.

A separate line is represented by medicinal feeds, it includes about 10 types of diets. Each of them is introduced into the animal's diet only on the basis of the recommendation of the veterinarian in accordance with the identified disease of the pet. The duration of feeding, norms and dosages are also set by the supervising physician.

In the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, the following feeds are used.

  • SD - required for the treatment and prevention of urinary tract pathologies.
  • CD - is prescribed for the treatment of various types of cystitis.
  • KD - recommended in case of renal failure and some other nephrological diseases.
  • GD - prescribed for pets with chronic renal failure supplemented with heart disease.

In the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, other feeds are used.

  • LD - optimal for various liver pathologies, including liver failure.
  • ID - recommended for digestive disorders.
  • WD is a broad-spectrum diet, prescribed for inflammation of the intestines, colitis, constipation, as well as diabetes.

Obese animals are assigned weight-correcting feeds.

  • MD - specially designed for cats and cats with excess blood glucose.
  • RD - diet food.
  • Metabolic is a product that accelerates metabolism.

Other types of medicated feeds include the following.

  • YD - prescribed for thyroid diseases.
  • JD - improves the condition of the joints, is recommended for arthritis.
  • TD - is prescribed at the stage of treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.
  • ZD is intended for pets prone to allergies.
  • AD - used for the rapid recovery of animals after serious illnesses and operations, as well as in severe malnutrition

Review overview

User reviews of Hill's pet food are overwhelmingly positive. However, many note that the prices are too high. Given the lack of clear information on the composition of the product and the presence of plant proteins, corn and wheat in feed, the product cannot be classified as a super-premium class. Therefore, better quality pet food can be purchased for the same cost. When comparing this feed with other holistic products, the result will not be in favor of the former. High-quality and, at the same time, not always the most expensive feeds always contain clear information about the quantity and source of products.

Producers believe that owners should clearly understand what they are feeding their pet. However, Hill's is a popular manufacturer of cat and dog food. The anti-allergenic and therapeutic series received especially good reviews.

If veterinarians recommend transferring an animal to this product, you should agree. Most often, experts advise mixed diets for sick animals, for example, dry food in the morning and wet in the evening.

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