Dog food brands

Winner feed overview

Winner feed overview
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Assortment of cat food
  3. Variety of dog food
  4. Review overview

Winner feeds appeared on the Russian market recently, but managed to gain popularity. Dry and wet types of food for animals under this trade mark are produced in Russia by the Miratorg company.

It is an agro-industrial giant with its own factories all over the country. In this case, consumers clearly expect that the composition of the Extra Meat series and other feeds will be natural and of high quality, but the review of customer reviews indicates that their assessments in relation to Winner products are ambiguous.


Food for dogs and cats, produced under the Winner brand, belongs to the premium class, contains a significant proportion of animal protein - over 35%. The manufacturer mainly uses 1 basic ingredient - chicken meat, without specifying whether we are talking about boneless fillets or processed products. The company also uses artificial antioxidants, flavors, but in small quantities.

Winner has food for all ages. Puppies and kittens are offered food based on their breed; adult animals receive a sufficient variety of tastes. Winner was one of the first Russian brands on the market to add natural delicacies to its product line. And the series of frozen meals based on fresh chilled meat was a real revelation for those who have long been looking for the optimal diet for pets with food allergies or poor tolerance to industrially processed foods.

Assortment of cat food

Winner's ability to obtain high-quality raw materials for the production of cat food allowed this brand to offer its customers products that have no direct competitors in the domestic market.

All diets are divided by age, type of meat.The composition can include a mixture of chicken meat with veal or beef, with salmon, made entirely from chicken as a source of basic protein.

The main line is dry food for cats, taking into account their age, level of physical activity, dietary preferences. There are a number of products available.

  • Extra Meat for neutered cats. Special low-energy feed based on easily digestible protein and prebiotic components. Contains chicken, beef and veal, rice and corn, as well as herbal supplements, brewer's yeast, fish oil and L-carnitine for weight control. The food takes into account the peculiarities of metabolic processes after sterilization of a cat, but is not intended for animals with ICD.
  • Extra Meat 1+ Adult for moderately active cats. Feed in packs of 400 g with tender veal flavor and 44% total meat content. The high-protein food completely covers the cat's need for energy reserves. The composition contains additives for the beauty of the skin and wool, to reduce the odor from the tray and feces.
  • Winner Meat Adult 1+. The food in packages of 0.3 and 0.75 and 1.5 kg contains a harmonious combination of chicken and lamb, beef or veal, enriched with valuable fatty acids, zinc to heal the skin. A special urinary health complex helps prevent stone formation in adult cats. The brand also has a mono-protein feed with chicken.
  • Winner for neutered cats with salmon. Dry food in packages of 190, 400 g or 2 kg. A special combination of substances in the composition allows you to prevent the development of ICD, reduce the intensity of odor from the tray, and maintain the health of teeth and gums. In addition to salmon or beef and chicken, they use rice and corn, chicory and calendula extracts, and L-carnitine to control body weight.
  • Winner full-time Adult 1+. For adult cats, you can choose a diet from this series based on beef or chicken.

The brand also has dry food for elderly cats, kittens, and individual products for the prevention of ICD. Home cats with low levels of physical activity are also offered a special diet. Soft food for cats is a favorite treat that can delight even a true gourmet. Winner releases this food in spider format. In this case, in a miniature foil bag weighing 85 g, pieces are placed in sauce or in jelly, 34% pure meat ingredients. Among the flavors there is a variant with Black Angus beef, chicken. Veal Jelly Meals are available for pets with sensitive stomachs.

The big advantage of Winner spiders for adult cats is the presence of supplements for the health of the urinary system. They help prevent the development of kidney stones. Kittens at the age of 1-12 months are offered a light food with veal in jelly. It is also suitable for cats during pregnancy and after childbirth. The share of natural meat in the composition reaches 39%, beet pulp, fish oil, vegetable protein sources are also used here.

Unusual Winner BARF meat food for cats from chilled raw meat. The complex Black Angus beef-based composition can include juicy chicken fillets, hearts and liver. The product with vegetable additives contains parsley, a juicy apple and carrots, which are rich in vitamin A. The food is sold frozen, it is pre-thawed to feed the pet.

And also in the BARF line there is food with chicken hearts for adult cats. In addition to marbled beef, it contains a set of offal - tongue, spleen, meat from the head, parts of the trachea.

The complex composition provides the feed with excellent taste, saturates the cat's diet with essential amino acids.

Variety of dog food

Winner offers a fairly varied food for dogs, fully meeting the needs of different periods of their lives. All products have convenient packaging - trial or economy, in several weight options, including 10 kg each.

Initially, the brand only had the Meat and Extra Meat series. Later, Winner BARF products were added to them in 0.6 kg packaging, which is a mixture of chilled meat and high-quality by-products, vegetables and fruits.


The main line of dry food of the Winner brand is represented by the Meat series. It includes 2 products at once with different tastes:

  • with chicken or veal for small breeds;
  • with beef for medium and large dogs.

Feed packs start at 0.5 kg. And there are also package options in 1.1, 2.1 and 10 kg. Delicious diets are rich in amino acids, probiotics, vitamins and minerals. Croquettes have a special structure that cleans the enamel of the teeth from plaque and other formations. For small breed puppies Winner offers a high protein formula for active growth and development.

The composition of the diet is rich in special additives - DHA and Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants from natural plants. The mono-protein diet is well absorbed, contributes to the proper formation of the skeleton and the dental system. Winner complete feeds are divided according to the taste and size of the animal. Medium to large breeds will appreciate the mono-protein chicken diet options. Small dogs are also available with beef.

Treats are no less highly valued. At Winner, they are made from natural by-products, do not contain chemical preservatives and other hazardous substances. Among the available goodies:

  • chicken necks;
  • beef ears;
  • cow's esophagus meat;
  • intestines;
  • lung;
  • spleen;
  • trachea;
  • tail;
  • liver.

Almost all the delicacies are made from beef - an easily digestible source of valuable substances. Puppies of large and medium breeds are not disregarded. For them, a complete feed based on easily digestible chicken meat is produced. The nutrition is balanced, provides the growing body with the necessary supply of nutrients.


Delicious canned food in sauce is a great treat for dogs. The Winner brand produces several types of wet food in spiders.

  • Extra Meat Adult 1+ for all breeds. There are 2 flavors in this series - veal in sauce and lamb. The food has the optimal size pieces and contains more than 40% natural meat.
  • Extra Meat Adult 1+ for small dogs. Miniature animals need nutrition that is appropriate for their anatomical characteristics. Beef and chicken together make up 43% of the volume. The size of the pieces allows you to chew food comfortably.
  • Extra Meat Adult 1+ for small breeds with sensitive digestion. This is a complete diet with natural chicken breast fillet in a delicious sauce. Meat ingredients account for 42% of the total. The food is rich in antioxidants, Omega-3 and 6 acids.

BARF products deserve special attention. These Winner diets are made from selected meat, offal, carefully preserved frozen. A complex of healthy vegetables and fresh herbs is added to the meat ingredients.

Review overview

Winner foods are quite popular with pet owners. Since the company has established itself well in the market segment for people, it is also trusted when choosing a diet for pets. Among those who have already appreciated this feed, there is no general opinion about the brand's products. Some buyers praise it for its high proportion of meat content and overall quality performance. Others like the zip-lock packaging, which is easy to re-zip, the normal pellet size - may be small for large cats and dogs, but overall it is rated positively.

Customer reviews affect other points as well. For example, almost everyone notes the natural shade of the granules, their pleasant smell, and the fact that pets willingly eat the proposed treat. At the same time, food may not be suitable for allergy sufferers - it uses ingredients that can provoke negative skin reactions or discharge from the eyes. Yet customers rank Winner higher than most commercial rations in this price range when compared to other commercial rations.There are not too many negative reviews, but they are there. The main dissatisfaction is caused by the difficulty with buying the brand's products - it is not available in all retail chains, there is a small variety of tastes.

When transferring from cheaper rations, pets may refuse food. There are far fewer eye-catching flavors and flavor enhancers.

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