Dog food brands

Zhyva Sila dog food

Live Power dog food
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Range
  3. Review overview

Food for dogs from the Zhivaya Sila company is unique in its composition. The name speaks for itself. It immediately becomes clear that natural ingredients are included in the food products for four-legged friends. The feed belongs to the Holistic level feed group.


The composition of the feed is balanced... It includes only natural ingredients, the main of which is meat. Competent specialists (veterinarians) took part in the development of the feed, and the opinions of the best breeders and dog handlers were taken into account. The absence of chemical dyes and preservatives and the "live" composition of feed is also indicated by a short shelf life - only six months.

Production is located in Russia. In the Krasnodar Territory, in the immediate vicinity of a large meat processing plant, there is a feed production workshop. This makes it possible to use fresh raw materials in the production of dry food for dogs "Zhivaya Sila". The second production workshop is located in St. Petersburg. All manufactured products are certified and tested in Russian laboratories.

The workshops are equipped with the production line of the German brand. All stages of creating pet food are well thought out. The technological process has been established, it includes 5 stages:

  • preparation and conditioning;
  • pressing and extrusion;
  • drying;
  • glazing;
  • quality control of products and packaging of goods.

The production and quality of Zhivaya Sila dry feed is under the control of the Rosselkhoznadzor.


The question of choosing a particular dog food is easy to understand. The assortment includes 2 product lines, which greatly facilitates this process. One line of food designed for agile and athletic dogs.And the other line is "Be healthy!" - suitable for dogs of different age groups. There is food for puppies, young and adult tetrapods, as well as for "older" pets.

JJ-Sport line

The feed (large or small pellets) is available in packages of 2.5, 10 or 20 kg.

This group includes 6 menu options from various meats.

  • "Fitness" - the main component of the composition is beef, as well as fish (ocean herring). In addition, the composition contains fish oil, wheat bran, corn, herbs, vegetable oils, blueberries, cranberries, apples and rose hips, seaweed and other components. The food is enriched with the vitamin-mineral complex Mealberry (vitamins of group B, vitamins A, E, D3, selenium, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, etc.). The high content of proteins and iron, omega acids, iodine, phosphorus and calcium helps the animal to maintain good physical shape and activity.
  • "Light" Suitable for dogs that walk several hours a day every day and like active outdoor games. The composition includes poultry meat (turkey). The feed is easy to digest. It is medium in calories, high in protein and minerals.
  • Jump... The main ingredients are lamb and beef. It also contains vegetables (pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, zucchini, green peas), cereals (rice, buckwheat), dried fruits and berries. Suitable for dogs with moderate physical activity.

The composition is balanced, it contains vitamins and minerals (chondroitin, collagen, glucosamine), which are necessary to maintain the joints, bones and cartilage of the animal.

  • "Sprint" the quality is the same as the previous one, but it does not contain lamb meat, but only beef.
  • "Marathon". This type of food for dogs with serious physical activity, for real "tailed athletes". A high-calorie product based on fresh veal and salmon. In addition to them, they contain: eggs of birds (guinea fowl), dried plant components, ground cartilage of cattle.
  • "Startik". The food is suitable for pregnant and lactating bitches. It is intended for puppies (for a smooth transition from mother's milk to feeding with dry food). "Startik" is made from tender veal, offal, brown rice, vegetable components. It also contains live prebiotics that will help the tummies of four-legged babies to function properly.

Series "Bless you!"

This line includes foods designed to meet the needs of dogs of different breeds and age groups.

  • "Cabin boy". The basis of the composition is veal, as well as salmon fish (chum salmon, salmon and pink salmon), herring and other types of fish. Additional ingredients include fish oil, eggs, whey, rice, sunflower oil, guinea fowl eggs and their shells. The vitamin and mineral complex is diverse and is suitable for puppies, juveniles and lactating animals.
  • "Leader Beef"... The leading component of a balanced dry feed is beef, 6% is herring. The "Leader" also contains chicken eggs, rice, grape seed extract, dry vegetables and berries, greens. The food is enriched with vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for an adult dog with moderate physical activity.
  • "Leader of the Lamb" the quality is the same as the previous one, but it does not contain beef, instead of it - lamb. In fact, this is the same food, only with a different taste. There is also another variety - with a duck. Specialists recommend food with duck meat and fat in the composition to strengthen the nervous system and immunity of the animal. Such a composition with poultry meat has a positive effect on the thyroid gland and normalizes the production of its hormones.
  • "Master". This product is suitable for aging and senior dogs prone to overweight and neutered pets. The protein content is 20%, and the calorie content of a 100-gram portion is 3000 kcal. It contains a lot of fiber (at least 4.5%), which is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system of an elderly dog.The main component is turkey meat, supplemented by bran of cereals, medicinal herbs, pine flour, fish oil and vitamin-mineral premix.
  • "Ocean" - food specially formulated for dogs allergic to meat products. The food is suitable for lovers of the fish diet. It consists of 9 fish species, the total content of which is 45%, as well as fish oil and anchovy oil, rice, kelp, fruits and fruits. Dry food is enriched with vitamins B, A, D3 and others.

Review overview

The owners of four-legged pets have recently become acquainted with Zhivaya Sila feeds. However, most dog breeders note that their pets are happy to switch to a new diet. Appetite and stool problems have not been reported in dogs. Animals become more active and cheerful, sleep less, frolic more and run for walks. After the introduction of this feed into the diet of pets, many of them experience an improvement in the condition of the coat and the appearance of its shine, and digestion improves.

Many people like the variety of flavors. You can alternate them in the diet so that the food does not become boring.... They also note the natural meat aroma of the products, which is liked not only by dogs, but also by other pets, for example, cats. Some people find the granule size a little unusual. They are more than in the feed of other manufacturers. But dogs are very pleased with the increased size of the granules.

Basically, all breeders and dog breeders who bought Zhivaya Sila dry food were satisfied with the purchase and plan to give it to their pets again.

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