Small breed dog food: types and selection criteria

The organism, including digestion, of decorative dogs is significantly different from the organism of large breed dogs. In this regard, it will be a big mistake to choose the same food for pets of small breeds as for larger ones. Natural food is also not the best option for "pocket" dogs. There is a logical conclusion - you need to learn how to select food for a small breed dog, to understand the nuances of the composition and quality criteria.

Features of the compositions
Small breed dogs require a special approach to the choice of food. This is due to the peculiarities of their structure and nervous system. "Pocket" pets genetically have a more mobile nervous system, easy excitability and a low degree of balance of nervous processes. As a result, small dogs have approximately the same character - they are easily excited, move a lot and love outdoor games that consume a lot of energy. Hence we conclude that such dogs spend an enormous amount of energy, which must be replenished in a timely manner with high-quality nutrition.
With insufficient nutrition, deficiency of certain components, the protective function of the skin and the immune system of the animal also suffer. Small breed dogs develop dryness and itching, dandruff. If you do not immediately take measures to eliminate them, hair loss in this area is possible. In addition, the animal will scratch the itch, which will lead to a violation of the integrity of the skin, the risk of infection.

The skin and coat of decorative dogs are very sensitive to the effects of minerals and vitamins. Any discrepancy is reflected in their condition.Moreover, in many cheap varieties, a standard set of vitamins is used, which may not be combined with each other or not suitable for an animal of a certain age or breed.
Despite being physically active and playful, small dogs are still highly prone to overeating... Moreover, they have rather weak digestion. Obesity, in turn, leads to negative changes in the condition of the skin, heart disease.
Thus, due to the greater mobility of small dogs, for each kilogram of weight they must receive a little more calories to maintain their energy. At the same time, due to the tendency to obesity, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and not increase the calorie content of food due to the excessive content of carbohydrates or fats.

To preserve the energy of the pet, the food must contain high-quality and easily digestible protein - turkey, rabbit meat, beef, lamb are also suitable. But chicken meat often provokes allergies, pork is too fatty, and lamb is too heavy. Acceptable option - cold cuts made from permitted types of meat.
The presence of Omega fatty acids in the composition of the feed is also important - primarily Omega 3 and Omega 6. They are necessary to strengthen vision, immunity, and a good condition of the coat.
For puppies, you should choose special types of food that are more nutritious. For older individuals with less physical activity, feed with a lower content of proteins and carbohydrates is required.

Depending on the characteristics of the composition and nutritional value, all existing types of feed can be divided into the following subgroups.
Today they are considered the best option in terms of composition. Manufacturers use high quality animal protein (meat or fish). There are no flavors, salt, flavor enhancers in the feed. Instead of the grain component - dried vegetables, fruits, herbs. Rice may be present in some lines, usually purchased for underweight dogs.
Thanks to the balanced composition and careful selection of ingredients for the feed, holistic are distinguished high nutritional value, balance, they practically do not cause allergies and indigestion. This is very important, since small breed dogs are more likely than others to be subject to such troubles.
It is logical that a product of this quality has a fairly high cost. Many brands cannot be found on free sale; you have to order from distributors or online stores.

Super premium class
For many, holistics are too high a price, in which case we can recommend the super-premium option. Before the advent of holistic (and this is 2013-2014), it was these varieties that were considered the best. They also differ in quality composition, but at a slightly lower cost. Such feed contains almost no flavorings and preservatives, and if such are found in the composition, then in most cases they are of natural origin.

Premium class
Premium food is considered suitable for unassuming pets, but show and breeding animals are usually not fed such a product. Of course, it's all about the composition.
Premium feeds have an insufficient amount of animal protein, which immediately affects the growth and development of the pet, the beauty of its coat. Deficiency of animal protein is "covered" by protein of plant origin. Moreover, it is used cheap and allergy-provoking raw materials (soybeans, corn).
Protein quality is also poor., because in addition to meat (chicken, turkey, beef, pork), manufacturers often add fat, skin, bone meal. There are hardly any fruits and vegetables in the premium-class feed, and the complex of vitamins is very primitive. Among the advantages - availability, including price, a wide choice.

Economy class
Economy-class food is not difficult to find on the shelves of grocery stores and mass markets. However, a loving owner should remember that it is better to purchase pet food in a specialized store. The advantage of economy feed is that they are ubiquitous and have a low cost. On this, perhaps, the advantages of the product end.
The content of animal protein is minimal and is usually represented by chicken meat, various wastes of meat production: offal, skin, bone meal and chopped feathers. To replenish the required amount of feed, they resort to additives in the form of corn, wheat, soy. Stabilizers, dyes and flavorings help to "camouflage" this substance under a decent feed. Vitamins and mineral supplements are usually not available.

The composition of the feed affects not only the health of the pet, but also the degree of its saturation. If you use holistic and super-premium food, then they are balanced, and therefore the animal eats the prescribed portion and is saturated for a long time.
Premium food, and even more so economy class options, cannot be called balanced, they contain a minimum amount of ingredients that will give the animal a feeling of fullness. It is not surprising that the dog remains half-starved or has to be constantly fed. It turns out that in terms of efficiency of feed consumption, more expensive varieties benefit.

Brand overview
Holistic are considered the best food.... Their manufacturers adhere to the principles - to make feed from such raw materials that, if desired, even a person can eat. The following brands are invariably leading the rating of feeds of this class.
Holistic from the UK, considered one of the best in the domestic market. A feature of the product is its hypoallergenicity. - chicken, corn, wheat, soybeans are not used in feed at all. Instead of cereals, they put dried vegetables, fruits, herbs.
However, even such an elite product is not without its drawbacks - the manufacturer does not indicate the percentage of feed ingredients. It is necessary to judge its balance only by the reviews of the breeders - the dogs are healthy, they look attractive, they eat food with pleasure, and they are saturated for a long time.

Belgian food, quite often recommended by specialists for feeding small breeds of dogs, prone to allergic reactions and digestive problems. The food is hypoallergenic, without chicken and wheat in the composition.
The content of meat protein in the composition is approved by the caring owner (60% of the composition), but the amount of fat is slightly higher than the norm. It can be concluded that the food is suitable for active dogs. In older and inactive pets, regular consumption of such food can cause obesity.

Now Natural
A Canadian holistic that boasts a balanced ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates. This makes the food suitable for overweight and sedentary dogs.
The vitamin and mineral composition also inspires respect - the composition contains iodine, folic acid, biotin, Omega3, vitamin D, which are so necessary for the health and beauty of the four-footed friend.
Super premium food is considered a worthy option. As already mentioned, the content of pure meat in them is 20-25%. Consider the popular super premium food.

Food from an American manufacturer. The line includes various product options for dogs of different breeds and ages. Although veterinarians consider the division of food depending on the breed of the dog to be nothing more than a marketing ploy - the composition of such products is almost the same. Also, the manufacturer produces hypoallergenic feed varieties with one type of animal protein in the composition.
A distinctive feature - high-quality cleaning of the dog's teeth from tartar... This becomes possible thanks to the granules of a special shape and sodium hexametaphosphate in the composition.
Overall, Eukanuba demonstrates good quality at an affordable price. However, many experienced breeders note that the quality of the feed deteriorated markedly after the brand changed ownership.

Royal canin
French brand food (also produced at domestic factories). It is characterized by a fairly affordable price, but at the same time it pleases with its high quality. It is fair to say that experts give conflicting reviews of the feed. Some talk about its balance, others note the presence of unwanted wheat, corn and soybeans in the composition.
Nevertheless, experts agree that the medical line of this manufacturer's feed deserves attention... It contains products that are not used by other companies. For example, nutrients needed for anorexia, stress. However, there are also more familiar medicinal mixtures - for the treatment of the genitourinary system, heart failure, obesity.

Czech food, one of the most affordable among super premium products. Despite this, high-quality composition - natural meat and fish, no bone meal and cheap offal. Some flavors have traces of corn, but they are minimal.
The advantage of the formulations is the presence of dried vegetables and herbs instead of cereals. High in lycopene, which is essential for the functioning of the animal's heart. For pets with weak immunity and problems, you can choose a composition with selenium. All types of feed enriched with a vitamin and mineral complex present in the composition in the form of chelates, which ensures their best assimilation.

Pro Plan
Among premium feeds, the American brand feed has a lot of positive reviews (although production is also carried out in Russia) Pro Plan. Wide product line and affordable cost - these are the obvious advantages of the product. The main ingredient is lamb, beef or salmon, there are lines with turkey and chicken.
The source of carbohydrates can hardly be called high-quality (corn and wheat), “animal fat” is indicated as fat, but it is not deciphered what exactly this component consists of. In general, the composition for the feed of this brand is not bad. According to the owners, pets are happy to eat food, allergic reactions and stool disorders are rare.

Selection rules
When choosing treats for miniature dogs, first of all, you should focus on the composition and indicators of nutritional value. A complete feed should contain at least one third of proteins of animal origin. In the list of ingredients, they should come first, and there must be a specific indication of what type of animal protein is used (for example, rabbit meat, beef).
The next largest in the composition - vegetable component. It is not bad if it is represented by rice, wheat or oat flour, bran. Much worse if it is corn, soy. High-quality food must contain dried vegetables, fruits and berries (for example, cranberries). The presence of dried herbs and ingredients like wheat germ, flaxseed, and alfalfa usually indicates a high quality composition.
Another important ingredient is fat. In a good feed, up to 90% of the fat is of animal origin and only 10% is of vegetable origin. It is good if the product also includes a vitamin and mineral complex. If this is not the case, then you should separately select the right vitamins and minerals for the dog.

A small presence of preservatives in the form of tocopherol or other natural preservatives is acceptable, which can increase the shelf life of the feed. However, a large number of synthetic additives (preservatives, flavor enhancers, flavors) should alert a caring owner. First, they are harmful to the dog's body. Secondly, they are often addictive, which makes it difficult to transfer a pet to another brand of food.
Good food should not contain the following ingredients:
- meat offal in the form of processed bones, skins, beaks, feathers;
- flour and bone meal, which are usually added to feed volume, but they have no nutritional value and often become an allergen;
- fishmeal and offal - often used in economy class products, where fish heads, bones, scales are added;
- dry powder of animal liver is, at first glance, an acceptable product in the diet, however, the manufacturer does not account for the quality and consistency of this ingredient: which animal liver was used, whether the animal had any diseases, which caused it to die.

Manufacturers usually indicate the ratio of ingredients, but if such information is not available, you should focus on the design of the composition. In the first place, the ingredient is indicated, the content of which in the product is maximum. Further, the components are arranged in descending order. If herbal ingredients are listed in the first place, this is a reason to refuse to purchase.
Make sure the feed has not passed the expiration date. The packaging must indicate the manufacturer, its legal address, website address, company phone numbers. It is not advisable to purchase food from a brand that also makes products for humans. It is highly likely that they use food waste to make dog food.

It should be remembered about the peculiarities of the structure of the jaw of dogs. These animals swallow a piece completely or break off a larger piece to swallow it completely. As a rule, dry food pellets for ornamental breeds are smaller. Small granules are primarily required for dogs with a flattened muzzle, as they have their own characteristics of the jaw system.
A paste-like food is required for small puppies and seniors. Sometimes it can be given to adult dogs as a delicacy. Suitable food as a reward for fastidious animals. However, you cannot "put" a pet on it. Due to the peculiarities of the nervous system, as well as for the correct development of the jaws, normal digestion, the dog must gnaw something and eat solid food.

The nuances of feeding
It is important to choose the right food for each stage of your puppy's life. In principle, ready-made food can be introduced from the first complementary food, using special starters (products for puppies 2-3 months old) or food for a lactating female.
It is important to follow the instructions exactly when measuring the feed rate. If we are talking about a product for dogs of a certain age, then you need to find in the appropriate column the age that suits your dog and correlate it with the required amount of food. The feed rate of an adult dog is related to the normal weight of the dog, not the actual weight.
Usually, the required daily allowance is indicated on the package. It needs to be evenly distributed over the number of meals throughout the day. Depending on the age, the dog should be fed from 8 (puppies) to 2 (adults) times a day. It is important to always feed your dog around the same time.

Combination of dry food and natural food in one feeding is unacceptable. It is not recommended to mix products from different manufacturers, since they have a difference in composition and nutritional value.
If the dog has not finished eating, the food should not remain in the bowl all day. After 20 minutes after the dog refuses to eat, the bowl should be removed. Freely available during the day, the dog should have pure water. It is recommended to change it twice a day.
For information on how to choose the right dog food, see the video below.