Puppy food: types, manufacturers and selection rules

Today, manufacturers of industrial dog food produce a separate line of their products designed for feeding puppies. Such a specialized series allows breeders to provide their animal with all the necessary vitamins and minerals for health and growth. However, the choice of such a feed requires taking into account some nuances.

Types of feed
Industrial food for growing dogs includes the following products:
- dry food;
- frozen meat and fish mince;
- canned food (mashed potatoes, jelly, pates, etc.).
Due to the introduction of modern technologies into the manufacturing process of food for dogs, manufacturers produce a product with a balanced chemical composition. Thus, the owners of young dogs will provide their pet with food, which will take into account the norms of the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, fiber and vitamins in advance.
Exists generally accepted classification of products intended for feeding puppies. Today feeds are divided into the following categories.

The best rated version released today. For the manufacture of feeds of this group, the manufacturer uses exclusively natural ingredients of high quality. The composition of the concentrates is developed with the direct participation of nutritionists, which also has a positive effect on feed.
In addition to natural ingredients, the manufacturer includes fortified supplements, important micronutrients for the development of a growing dog's body... Therefore, in contrast to the usual diet, puppies using commercial food from the holistic group, no need to introduce vitamin complexes.
However, products with such a composition cannot have a low cost; therefore, the high cost of feed determines an extremely low demand for them.

Super premium class
The second class of products that can be fed to puppies are also high-priced products. Feed is made from quality products. As part of there are no preservatives and flavor enhancers, flavors and dyes are also prohibited from inclusiontherefore, breeders can be sure that the puppy receives only tested and safe food.
As a rule, the food is super premium withThey are made from meat products and cereals, they also contain about 15 important vitamins, animal fats, antioxidants, amino acids that have a positive effect on dog digestion.
Premium class
No less good products for feeding dogs, which are much easier to find on the shelves of pet stores, in comparison with expensive food. However, breeders choosing a product in this group should be aware that it may contain various artificial componentsthat do not pose a danger to the health of the animal.

Economy class
A similar product may be called the Grocery and Utilitarian groups. According to the majority of breeders, it is highly undesirable to introduce such feeds into the menu of dogs, since they are usually based on food waste from meat production, soy, various preservatives and other chemicals are necessarily present in the composition. Products in this category will rarely be certified, usually it is sold in spontaneous markets, in non-specialized retail outlets.
In addition to the generally accepted division of food into classes, there are also products for medicinal puppies on sale. Usually, similar feeding products are found from trusted manufacturers with a good reputation.
They are recommended for compiling a menu for dogs with allergies, gastrointestinal problems, obesity, etc.

Manufacturers overview
Today, there are some manufacturers on the market whose products are in well-deserved demand among dog handlers and breeders of dogs of different breeds. So, for puppies they prefer to purchase food of industrial production of the following brands.
Acana Puppy & Junior
The products belong to the universal category, so they can be used for animals of all breeds and sizes. The feed contains the following components:
- cereals;
- meat, offal;
- seafood, including seaweed;
- vegetables;
- berries and fruits;
- vitamins, minerals, antioxidants.
The manufacturer uses oats as a carbohydrate component; there is a minimum amount of sugars. The food is hypoallergenic, however, it is not available in all stores.

Oriental puppy
Low Carb Puppy Food, which is dominated by the meat component - about 75%. The manufacturer offers products from different types of meat, including lamb, rabbit; seafood, legumes, herbs, eggs, vegetables and fruits. According to reviews, the products help to strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on digestion and the condition of the animal's coat. Among the shortcomings, one should highlight the presence of small packs on sale, as well as the high cost of feed from a Canadian manufacturer.

Almo Nature Medium Puppy
The composition of the product contains about 50–53% of the meat component, the rest of the ingredients are cereals, herbal supplements, vitamins and microelements. Products are more affordable, does not cause allergic reactions in animals.
ABBA premium
The production of food for puppies of this brand is carried out in the Netherlands, the predominant ingredient in the products will be cereals, and the manufacturer also uses dried or dehydrated meat. As a rule, it is chicken or lamb.The products of this brand are composed of fats and proteins, as well as basic mineral and vitamin supplements.

Domestic food for puppies, where meat is the predominant ingredient. The product is enriched with Omega-3, the cereal components in such feed are replaced with potatoes or legumes.

Purina Pro plan
The line of food for puppies from this manufacturer includes products for animals of different breeds and sizes. The composition of the product is dominated by lean turkey, dry beet pulp as a source of fiber, corn. Some options include an analogue of animal colostrum, which is beneficial for the growth and health of the dog.
However, cornmeal is a strong food allergen, so the products are not suitable for every puppy.

How to choose?
In order to correctly organize the diet of a growing dog, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the animal's body at every stage of its growth. Therefore, when choosing a feed, the following recommendations should be taken into account.
- Protein is very important for the growing body, which is responsible for the growth of muscle tissue. Also, the selected products should contain ingredients that can compensate for the deficiency of calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus. Vitamins C and E will be important for the dog's health.
- In order for the dog to receive energy portions of food, it is worth paying attention to the carbohydrates in the composition of the selected food: it is important that they belong to the group of easily digestible ones.
- Puppies are allowed to alternate between dry and wet food. In addition to diversifying the menu, alternation will satisfy all the needs of the body, normalize the water-salt balance.
- When choosing a feed, the breed of animal will be the determining factor. As a rule, puppy food manufacturers take into account all the characteristics of the animal's body, including its size. Therefore, food for small breeds of dogs is available on the market, consisting of small pieces of food that are more convenient to chew. For medium-sized dogs, it is recommended to purchase foods with a fat content of no more than 18%. For large breeds, feed with a high nutrient content is usually made, which will strengthen the skeletal and muscular system.
- There are universal feeds, which will help to sort them out into classes and age group of animals. Their composition includes the most important vitamins and minerals, so they will be suitable for a puppy of any breed.

Can I feed adult dogs?
Some inexperienced breeders introduce commercial foods to their puppies' diets, intended for feeding adult dogs. However, such a menu can have an extremely negative effect on the pet's health with prolonged or constant consumption of products for four-legged pets of the adult group. There are several reasons why such a product is not suitable for growing dogs:
- as a rule, croquettes for a different age group will be larger in size, as well as harder, which can complicate the feeding process, in some cases make it impossible;
- in terms of its chemical composition (BZHU), the products will differ significantly, which will reduce the benefits from the use of adult feed;
- products for adult dogs also lack the necessary additional supply of vitamins and minerals necessary for a puppy to grow.

Norms and rules of feeding
The amount and frequency of feeding a growing dog will depend on its age. There are also several recommendations that will help you organize your pet's diet properly.
- Food intake should be strictly controlled by the dog breeder. You should not add food to the bowl if there is still some part of the food left in it. After eating, the bowl should be removed, leaving only clean water.
- If the dog's diet consists of industrial food, then after the meal the puppy should not be additionally treated with various delicacies.A mixed diet and overfeeding can cause serious illness in an animal.
- Double serving, even if the pet missed one feeding, is prohibited. This option will cause overeating, and the dog will be completely satisfied with the standard amount of food.
- You should not buy economy class products for your pet, which mostly consist of preservatives.
- After eating, you should not tire the dog with active games.
- By the behavior of the pet, you can roughly determine the amount of food recommended for one meal. If after each feeding the animal diligently licks the plate, then the amount of wet or dry food can be slightly increased.
- It is also important to take into account the recommendations on the norms indicated on the food packaging. As a rule, the manufacturer draws up a detailed table showing the age and amount of feed required for one feeding.
- When making a feeding schedule for the dog, it will be useful to adjust to your daily routine so that the animal receives food strictly at the same time.

The number of feedings per day will depend on the age of the puppy, there are universal recommendations that can be followed by breeders of four-legged pets:
- at the age of one to two months, the animal must be fed about 5-6 times;
- at 2–4 months, you can reduce the frequency of meals by one time;
- by six months the dog will have enough 3-4 feedings per day;
- pets over 6 months and up to 10 months should eat 3 times a day;
- after 10 months, 2 feeds will be enough for the animal.
The training of small dogs to food should be gradual, if problems with wet products should not arise, then with dry croquettes, pets may have difficulties at first. The breeder will first need to soak the food, however, with the appearance of the first milk teeth, this will no longer be necessary. However, the soaked pellets deteriorate very quickly, so food leftovers should not be offered to the dog in the next feed.
You can use warm boiled water or milk as a liquid for soaking croquettes.

For information on what you shouldn't feed your puppy or dog and why, see the next video.