How to choose a nickname for large breed dogs?

A nickname for a dog is the same as a name for a person. Therefore, its choice must be approached thoroughly. This is especially important when a large breed puppy appears in the house. If a diminutive nickname is still in place in childhood, then it may not go at all for an adult dog. The material in this article will help the reader decide on the best options, as well as understand what to base on when choosing a nickname for a large breed dog.

What's the best not to name it?
Looking through the pages of information portals, you can come across rather strange nicknames offered for dogs of various breeds. Moreover, most of these nicknames are, to put it mildly, inappropriate for pets at all. Одни из них откровенно оскорбительные (Придурок, Неуч, Псих, Шельма, Злыдень), другие носят расистский характер (Нигер, Негро, Черномазый), а третьи просто глупы (Пузырь, Хмырь, Поллитра). Other nicknames hint at the limited owners with imagination (Gavka, Shavka, Zhmurik, Chizhik).

Some would-be dog breeders omit the status of a noble dog (Sharik, Polkan, Zhuchka, Zhulka). Given that a dog's nickname is given to a puppy for life, giving a pet such a name is not worth it. For example, you do not need to call a large dog the following names:
- Angel or Demon;
- Paras or Taska;
- Eunuch or Geisha;
- Blizzard or Tsunami;
- Bunny or Chuckie;
- Nyasha or Kasya;
- Ray or Nut;
- Weasel or Fairy Tale.

Do not give large breed dogs nicknames by the name of the stones. (Omethyst, Garnet, Jasper, Theonite, Diamond, Aquamarine) either berries (Watermelon, Blueberry) and sweets. Agree that nicknames in the spirit of Toffee, Snickers, Bonfetti, Chiorio, Kinder, Jumka, Maneuver, Fizz are not consistent as dog names.And also such options as Nasturtium, Gloxinia, Delphinium and other nicknames for the names of flowers sound strange.

Do not give your dog a nickname after a relative or family member. In addition to the fact that such a nickname is inappropriate, it will disorient the dog in cases of addressing a person.
Among other options, it is worth noting the irrelevance of kilometer names consisting of several words. In addition, names that are difficult to pronounce, overloaded with adjacent consonants (for example, Mkrtchyan, Strong) are discordant. If you really want a name to sound good and consist of several words, then you can learn from Koreans, whose names and surnames consist of only three or four, and often two letters (for example, In-San, Pak-Ho).

Not all sounding names are suitable specifically for large breed dogs. For example, Zeus, Ermak, Trump, Obama, Sultan, Strelka, Zlata, Pug, Prism and Pixie will not adequately convey the sound of the name of a big dog. In addition, you should not present your pet with a nickname that sounds too soft, almost like a cat (for example, Lexus, Marcelo, Mars, Fluffy). The name should sound beautiful, because it will be entered into the pedigree.

It should have some meaning, perhaps indicate the color or character trait of the puppy.
Review of popular beautiful names
You can call a large breed dog without any problems, you just have to look around. For example, beautiful and quite euphonious options will be nicknames borrowed from car brands: Porsche, Mazda, Cruiser, Audi, Boomer, Cherry, Daewoo, Ford, Greatwall, Honda, Kia, Landover, Nissan, Opel, Peugeot, Renault, Skoda, Subaru, Suzuki, Volvo. Agree that these names are quite suitable as dog names for pets of large breeds.
They sound powerful, do not have a feline connotation, and stand out from the general list of motley nicknames for dogs. In addition, they meet the requirements of some owners for uniqueness. Rarely does a second animal living nearby have a similar name.

And this means that the dog will be its sole owner, and in the pedigree such names will sound very good.
Among the nicknames formed from names, such popular options can be noted:
- Arnold (eagle power);
- Aslan (mighty lion);
- Joy (joy);
- Karl, Charles (male);
- Cyril, Cyrus (lord, sovereign);
- Kurt (wolf, hardy);
- Mark, Marcus (dedicated to God - Mars);
- Norman (northerner);
- Ralph (wolf);
- Robert (bright, glorious);
- Frederick, Fred (security, peace).

Here are some more examples of nicknames that are quite noteworthy: Tyler, Taylor, Bruno, Gaspar, Zach, Cliff, Mike, Lucas, Oscar, Raymond, Pablo, Richard. Among the names for girls dogs, the following nicknames can be noted:
- Agatha (good attitude);
- Adele (noble);
- Amanda (sweet);
- Bertha (light);
- Brenda (queen);
- Vita (life);
- Grace (grace);
- Jennifer (white shadow);
- Ingrid (generous beauty);
- Nicole (female version by Nicholas);
- Linda (gentle).

In addition to these names, dog nicknames such as Sandra, Greta, Dana, Deborah, Jane, Evelyn, Charlene, Ursula, Tiffany, Stephanie, Miranda, Ruby may be noteworthy options. And also the bitch can be called Kerry, Rachel, Emma.
Often the names of thoroughbred aristocrats waiting for owners in professional nurseries have already been chosen by the breeders. Therefore, a puppy before purchase may have a specific name, for example, Archibald, Barbara, Gertrude. This allows the owner to choose an option in the form of a consonant and shorter nickname for his pet. Let's say that the same Archibald may be called Archie, Gertrude - Gertie.

Choosing nicknames for different breeds
When choosing a nickname, a lot depends on the breed of a particular dog. For example, if a young Tibetan mastiff settled in the house, you should not give him the name Boy or Kid, Junior. And also when choosing a nickname, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the dog, because in general, dog nicknames are not universal.Some of them are better suited for service dogs, others for hunting.
Companion dog names are usually softer in sound. For sled and herding breeds, they may be easier, for fighting breeds they are usually short and sharp. However, whether it is a rescue dog or a companion, the name must be consistent with the status of the animal and its size.
- A guard dog of the Great Dane, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Mastiff, Doberman breed can be presented with the name Rich, Dick, Caesar, Orion. The bitch can be called Irma, Alba, Laura, Era or Saima.
- Pets of the service and guard type, the list of which includes shepherds of all stripes, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands and Rottweilers, can be called proud nicknames in the spirit of Sheriff, Anchar, Zaire, Alba, Ruby, Kiara, Daisy.
- A hunting dog from among the cops, huskies, hounds, and also shorthaired pointers, depending on gender, can be called Ralph, Boy, Zara, Maina, Adele or Nila.
- Sled beauties, which include huskies, Samoyeds and Malamutes, can be bestowed with nicknames like Kai, Nord, Balto, Norman, Hurt, Nora, Utah, Skye, Gina.
- Shepherd dogs, which include collies, akita inu, terriers and welsh corgi, can receive nicknames from their owners such as Jackie, Kairat, Leon, Vesta, Lisa, Shelby, Adele.
- Fighting animals (pit bulls, bulldogs, stafford) need short names. For example, a dog can be called Kuch, Tyson, Porsche, Sean, Bruce, Hank. You can give a bitch the nickname Sarah, Daima, Hannah, Sharon.
- Companion dogs such as Labradors and Retrievers can proudly bear the nicknames Henry, Frank, Bruno, Jess, Martha, Agatha, Margot.

When choosing one or another option, it is worth considering the following: the larger the dog, the more sonorous the name should be. Regardless of the type of breed, the nickname must be suitable for a specific animal, be small and appropriate for the country of origin of the breed. For example, if the nickname Baron is still suitable for the mongrel, then the options Ralph or Frederick are not suitable for her at all. So it is with aristocrats - for example, the nicknames Polkasha, Arkady, Bonya, Mosya, Venya, Ermoshka and similar names are not suitable for the German breed.

When it comes to choosing fun options, the sense of taste and humor should be appropriate for a particular animal. Otherwise, there is a great risk of achieving universal ridicule of your animal and the corresponding attitude towards it. For example, you should not call the dog Gluk, Belyash or Gryzlik, and the bitch Bulka, Vivishka, Zaya, Zyuzey. If you really want the pet's nickname to be cool, you can call the animal Google or Twitty, Schwartz or Madeira, Barista, Leela, Page, Flash, Chrome, Viber, Zorg. Agree, these options are much more euphonious than Pusek, Lush, Button, Zyam, Kefir, Prince.

If you want to choose a Russian nickname for your pet, you should choose the best options. For example, a dog can be given the nickname Baron, Volt, Graf, Klim, Tuman, Amur, Stavr, a bitch - Yula, Nayda, Dara, Lada. However, you should not go to extremes: the variants "Brother Ivanushka", "Ilya Muromets", "Vasilisa the Beautiful" do not even come close to dogs, even if the owners are sure of the opposite.

The name of the animal should be small - this way the dog understands it better, gets used to it faster and does not confuse it with the long commanding tirades of its owner.
Options for different genders
Looking through the list of possible nicknames for puppies of large breeds, it is necessary to take into account that the name of the animal should be suitable not only in status, but also in gender.
For boys
Undoubtedly, each name not only sounds its own way, but also has its own character. It happens that one glance at the pet is enough to understand whether the chosen option suits him. However, if it is difficult to decide, you can take a closer look at the best nicknames, which, according to the breeders, are suitable for toddlers of large breed dogs. These include the following dog nicknames:
- Duncan, Katran, Hugo;
- Jabo, Dafl, Jager;
- Avero, Quest, Haseru;
- Claude, Adar, Borey;
- Nord, Hooper, Bryce;
- Brave, Talento, Tsargo;
- Broit, Ceron, Cold;
- Akira, Allard, Tsendo;
- Cride, Butch, Albert;
- Troy, Anker, Jerome;
- Shayk, Argo; Chase;
- Payt; Sean, Edgar;
- Hector; Wright, Richard;
- Finch, Romulus, Roy;
- Ernest; Ray, Invar;
- Simon, Frank, Fresh.

For girls
The sound of the nickname has a special meaning for female dogs of large breeds. If there is a female puppy in the house, one of the names on the list may suit him:
- Isa, Ira, Afris;
- Amanda, Bayra, Baffey;
- Waida, Gabby; Vesta;
- Jess, Gloria, Elsa;
- Josie, Zalta, Irma;
- Zenna, Kira, Kaira;
- Cora, Christa; Kyara;
- Lacey; Maya; Maidi;
- Nora, Naida, Naomi;
- Nanni, Pandora; Patt;
- Roxy, Runa, Rudy;
- Silva, Stace, Terry;
- Saida, Tara, Umi;
- Frida, Hannah, Hayley;
- Ferzhdi, Chloe, Heidi;
- Chelsea, Cerri, Yumi.

Selection recommendations
It's easy to find a name for a large or even huge dog. However, if the choice seems to be a problem, different selection principles can be followed when choosing one or another option. Considering that at an early stage it is difficult to understand the character traits of an animal, this direction can not be taken as a basis. However, na good idea would be to pick a nickname by the nickname of a character from a cult movie.
The nickname Stark, Tony (from the iron man), Cap (from Captain America), Strange (named after the famous doctor) will sound quite good. The list goes on, and therefore a lot of nicknames can be added (Puma, Blade, Wolverine, Riddick, Hulk, Gamera, Snake, Neo, Croft, Storm, Magnetto, Cable).

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the length and degree of difficulty of pronunciation. It should be easy to pronounce the nickname, and besides, it should be memorable.
It is desirable that the name contains no more than two or three syllables. This is quite enough for a dog to memorize, a short name is more convenient in everyday life, as are the commands given to the pet. Preference (especially when choosing a variant for males) should be given to names starting with a consonant letter. According to experts, dogs understand words beginning with a consonant faster. Hearing the beginning of the word, the animal is immediately alert and listens.
If you do not want the dog to have a too common, but cool name, you need to choose an option from the category of creative (for example, it can be the same Google or Viber, Line or Avatar). A special name will eliminate situations where two namesake dogs react to a person's pronounced name. In addition, when selecting the desired option, you can connect all households to the question.

The more opinions, the wider the list of names. Perhaps it is in such a situation that the best option will appear, which will suit the owner and will suit a particular puppy.
When looking for the best name for a large breed dog, remember that the name is not clothing. You should not change it in the future, because you yourself would not like it if you were called by completely different names from time to time. A dog cannot be Arkasha today, and tomorrow Spiridon, she quickly understands her name, and in teaching this can create certain difficulties. In addition, changing the nickname of an animal can be understood as a change in the rules established in the house. And this means that she can afford to change the framework of behavior.
As for the best option, it should inspire respect for the owner of the dog. For example, if you approach the issue of choice thoroughly, the nickname can have several variations... Let's say Lorkhen means "Larissa" in German. After the pet understands its main name, it can be abbreviated, but the first part will be practically unchanged: Lorkhen, Laura, Lara. Affectionately the dog can be called Lorusik, Lorochka.

An interesting option would be the name obtained from the merger of the names of the puppy's parents. It is often given by professional nursery breeders. This allows you to create nicknames that are unique in their essence. Also interesting is the option in which the name is selected based on the pedigree.In this case, the nickname can begin with the first letter of the name of the mother or father. The maximum number of letters in a pedigree name usually does not exceed 40 characters, the household name is shorter.

For the most popular names for large breed dogs, see the next video.