Docking ears and tails in dogs: purpose, pros and cons

Historically, some varieties of dogs have been docked with ears and tails. At the moment, dog handlers have no consensus on the appropriateness of this procedure.

Traditions of docking dogs go back to the times of Ancient Egypt. During archaeological excavations, frescoes and coins depicting dogs with cropped ears were discovered - these finds date back to the 5th century. BC NS.
Cupping was common in other countries as well. Thus, the famous traveler of that time, Pylos, in his chronicles described the "barbaric custom" of the Romans - to cut off the tails and ears of dogs. The Romans believed that this way you can save pets from rabies.
It is known that in the Middle Ages a tax on domestic dogs was introduced, the amount of which varied depending on the purpose and specialization of the animal. In order to distinguish in what amount the dog is estimated, their ears or tails were cut off, and it could also be tails and ears.
At the end of the 90s of the last century, Europe adopted "Convention on the Rights of Pets", which has established a ban on the conduct of cosmetic operations of the dog in cases where they are not medically necessary.

In Russia, this prohibition does not apply, therefore, in our country, the decision on cupping remains at the discretion of the breeder.
Today there is no consensus among dog handlers about the need for ear and tail cutting - most of them are inclined to the senselessness of this brutal operation... However, a fairly impressive group of experts argue that cropping is part of a long tradition that is designed to improve the appearance of an animal.
Where did the tradition of cutting off the tails and ears of dogs come from? In ancient times, dogs in most cases performed certain duties - they guarded herds, guarded houses, defended their master, or took part in fierce battles.
In the course of performing their functions, animals often found themselves injured, received bleeding lacerations, and it was the ears and tail that suffered more often than the rest of the dog's body.
In order to avoid such injuries, people began to remove the ears and part of the tail. Over the course of several centuries, this has become so much of a habit that many have begun to consider this type of pet the norm.

Nowadays, dogs are mostly turned on as companions, because the docking is carried out at the request of the owner in the event that he believes that in this way his four-legged friend will look more threatening, sharp and powerful.
In addition, there are a number of medical indications in which relief becomes a necessary necessity, these include:
- lacerations and other mechanical damage;
- multiple inflammation and non-healing ulcers;
- necrosis of all types;
- burns;
- frostbite;
- malignant and benign neoplasms.

Like any surgical intervention, cupping has certain contraindications. In particular, circumcision is not performed on sick, weak and recovering dogs. In addition, inappropriate return of the four-legged friend may become the reason for the ban.
Cupping is carried out only in veterinary clinics, since all the requirements for sterility are met in the operating rooms, and the doctor has at his fingertips all the tools necessary in case of unplanned situations.
Intervention at home is allowed in exceptional cases and only by a professional veterinarian.
Keep in mind that the risk of complications after circumcision in a well-equipped hospital, equipped with all the necessary medications, is much lower than after a procedure carried out in a homemade way - it is rather difficult to predict the result of an intervention at home.

Pros and cons
First, we present the arguments that support docking.
- Sanitary and hygienic condition of the animal. According to some veterinarians, as well as amateurs, the ears after the procedure are less susceptible to otitis media, inflammation and the effects of foreign objects. Cropped ears are less likely to suffer from tick bites, mosquitoes and other parasites. Due to the openness of the ear canal and the absence of the main part of the auricle, the dog is much less likely to develop infectious diseases.
- Aesthetics... Dogs, whose main task is to protect their owner and his property, should always look menacing, and cropping has long been considered a sign of powerful and aggressive dogs.
- Functionality... In the old days, ears were always cropped, and although nowadays there is no talk of collision with predatory animals and participation in dog fights, nevertheless, in a fight with other dogs or a person, the enemy can always injure the pet, if enough for the defender's ears.

But there are also arguments against cupping.
- Any trimming of ears and tail – this is, first of all, surgical intervention and, as a result, the suffering of the animal, the deterioration of its mental state under the influence of anesthesia, pain and the operation itself.
- Many veterinarians argue that the sanitary and hygienic importance of the procedure is seriously exaggerated, and the arguments given are not justified.
- Experienced breeders believe that the aesthetics of cropped ears and tails is a controversial and untenable issue.
- Scientists around the world have come to a consensus that some animals docking causes significant harm, since both ears and tails, along with facial expressions, are considered one of the means of communication of dogs. In addition, the tail is one of the main tools for controlling the movement of dogs.
- A pet with cropped ears cannot be entered at competitions in European countries where the procedure is prohibited.

What breeds of dogs are made?
The cropping procedure in Russia is mainly carried out for service dogs, which by nature have long ears, in particular, it is customary to stop dogs of the following breeds:
- Great Danes;
- Rottweilers:
- Cane Corso;
- bull terriers;
- schnauzers;
- boxers;
- Central Asian and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs;
- dobermans;
- staffordshire terriers.

Cosmetic tail cutting for dogs is not considered mandatory and is usually carried out at the discretion of the breeder, most often the procedure is subjected to:
- shorthaired pointer;
- dobermans;
- spaniels of all kinds (Russian, American cocker spaniels and other varieties);
- Giant Schnauzers;
- terriers (Yorkshire, game terriers, welsh terriers and fox terriers);
- poodles;
- miniature schnauzers;
- Cane Corso.

At what age is it better to have the procedure?
Ear cropping should be carried out at a time when the cartilage and blood vessels are not yet fully formed, but at the same time the puppy is already strong and able to cope with the rehabilitation period. As a rule, ears are cut off in 2-3 months, but until when such an operation is performed is an open question. Traditionally, up to a year, dogs older than 12 months are no longer subjected to cosmetic procedures.
Dogs of small breeds usually develop much faster, therefore they can be docked a little earlier, and large animals, on the contrary, take much longer to form, so they undergo surgery a little later. Only a veterinarian can judge the degree of readiness of a dog for such procedures.
Anyway it is not recommended to remove the ears of dogs until they reach the age of one and a half months, since at this time it is still difficult to predict the shape of the ears and choose the optimal circumcision option, and after a year they are already largely formed and stopping will be associated with strong pain for the pet.
And yet it is better not to delay the procedure - it is noticed that the younger the puppy, the easier it is to endure the operation.

With tails, the situation is slightly different - it is better to cut them off for newborn puppies in the period from 3 to 10 days of the dog's life. In such small dogs, bleeding is minimal, and the wound heals very quickly; in many veterinary clinics, tail docking at an early age is carried out even without the use of anesthesia.
Doctors have no consensus on how painful this procedure is for dogs - some endure circumcision without the slightest squeak, others whine for a long time, showing their discomfort. In any case, both the tail and the ears of the dog have nerve endings that, when injured, send signals to the brain. However, in each case they are individual: in some dogs the pain threshold is low, while in others it is quite high. If you did not have time to trim the tail up to 10 days, then try to carry out the procedure up to a month.
At a later date, the cartilage ossifies, and carrying out this kind of intervention is already fraught with unpleasant consequences for the animal. The operation will be difficult, anesthesia and postoperative sutures will be mandatory.

Types of cupping
A kind of stopping the auricles in many ways depends on the type of dog and features of its appearance... For example, in Caucasian shepherds, ears are usually removed entirely, in breeds such as the Staffordshire Terrier and Pit Bull, only 2⁄3 are trimmed, in Dobermans and Great Danes, even after circumcision, rather large ears remain.
Edges can also be trimmed in different ways - usually the cut is made straight or S-shaped.

The tails are supposed to be docked at certain vertebrae. But the fact is that at such an early age, when the puppies are only a few days old, it is rather difficult to feel the vertebrae, therefore, the tail section is carried out exclusively in accordance with the wishes of the owner of the dog.

How to put the ears?
Some breeders believe that after cropping, the ears stand up on their own - this is a common misconception. In order for the ears to fit correctly, they must be glued, following the recommendations of the breeder or supervising veterinarian.
A common reason that the ears do not rise are creases, therefore before gluing, you need to make sure that they really are... To determine them, it is necessary to squeeze the base of the auricle and probe the entire canvas as accurately as possible, slowly moving upward from the base.
If during the examination you find a small strip of tissue, it should be clamped on both sides, if at this moment the ear takes an upright position - the cause of the problem has been found.

The mechanism for correcting the situation depends on the location of the problem area. If the upper area is affected, then the situation will be corrected by taking special vitamins, if the scar tissue is located at the base or in the middle of the auricle, you need gluing. Usually it is carried out using massive structures. It is advisable to carry out all manipulations under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian., since if the frame is installed incorrectly, in the best case, you are in danger of getting a production that does not meet breed standards, and in the worst case, a violation of the pet's circulation.
In recent years, a special glue-retainer has become very popular, which, during the drying process, holds the ear in the selected position, without requiring the use of additional materials.

Possible complications
Ear cropping most often takes place without any special consequences for the dog's body: young puppies can easily tolerate it, and their tissues heal quite quickly. However, depending on the individual characteristics of the dogs, sometimes problems may arise, and they do not always depend on the quality of the operation - the healing process is more influenced by postoperative care.
Most often, breeders are faced with bleeding - in dogs up to 14 weeks, it occurs much more often than in adult dogs. Not only a fresh postoperative wound can bleed, but also a scar if the integrity of the skin is compromised due to injury.

Veterinarian advice
In order to avoid the adverse effects of docking, the dog needs quality care.
In particular, so that the pet does not damage its own seams, you should use a special device - an Elizabethan collar, it is made of tapered plastic. If the animal suffers too much, then it is allowed to give him a mild pain reliever.
It is very important to monitor the condition of the seams - they must be kept clean and sterile. Typically used for processing:
- brilliant green;
- tincture of calendula or chamomile;
- iodoform, streptocide, xeroform and other antiseptic powders.
Treatment must be carried out every day, in some cases, the doctor may recommend the use of liniment - if healing is too slow or with complications.

Postoperative sutures are removed on day 7-14.
After recovery, it is necessary to constantly strengthen the ear cartilage; for this, pets are given regular massage.
The first time after the operation, dogs may feel confusion, pain and even shock. During this difficult period, it is important to take care of the psychological state of your pet - to support it, distract it and show your love and care in every possible way.
The healing process must be kept under constant control - if you notice any unwanted changes, or you suspect that the healing is not going well, contact your doctor right away.

See the following video for ear cropping in dogs.