Lagotto Romagnolo: features of the breed and conditions for its maintenance

The Lagotto Romagnolo breed, known as the Italian Water Dog, originated, as the name suggests, in Italy, and has been mentioned since the 16th century. These dogs have been noted in various professions, but they still have no equal in truffle hunting. In addition, they are great companions and friends for the whole family. Dogs are distinguished by their peaceful disposition, friendliness and their irrepressible energy.

As the story goes, in ancient times these dogs were the favorites of sailors. They not only performed security functions, but were also excellent messengers, as they transmitted messages from sailing ships to the shore. Already from the 17th century, dogs began to be attracted to hunting, they were excellent at catching a shot bird from the water. Experts compare this breed with retrievers due to its excellent sense of smell, passion and the ability to quickly bring the necessary items.
Over time, the area where Lagotto Romagnolo lived changed, arable land appeared there, and, accordingly, hunting became less developed. This led to the fact that the need for hunting functions of dogs disappeared, but they quickly found other uses. The main task was to find truffles. Dogs' flair is beyond praise, due to which they are able to find mushrooms at a decent depth, which is up to 60 centimeters.
In Italy, these dogs can often be found in the police service. Americans use them for canistherapy. Dogs are also good companions for athletes, they have no equal in flyball, freestyle and similar activities.In addition, there is no doubt that these are excellent family dogs, very attached to the household.

There are distinctive features that are inherent in this breed.
- Such dogs are of average size and reach 46-48 centimeters in height, and weigh from 14 to 16 kilograms. Males are slightly larger than bitches.
- They are very proportionally built, and the skeleton is quite light. Dog breeders note superficial similarities with such breeds as Wasserhund, Barbet and Spanish Water.
- The Lagotto Romagnolo has a wide muzzle and erect, triangular ears.
- They have well-developed teeth and very strong jaws. The eyes have a brown tint, the saturation of which is influenced by the intensity of the main color.
- The croup has a slight slope. The saber tail does not curl, is wider at the base and tapers towards the tip.
- The breed standard is medium-length wool, very thick and curly, there is a waterproof undercoat, thanks to which the animal tolerates cold temperatures and humidity well. The dog needs to be trimmed regularly, otherwise mats will form.
- The color has a predominantly brown tint, from dark to light tones. There may be a mask or spots on the chest, which is not a difference from the main color scheme.

Character and behavior
Dog breeders note the friendly disposition of these dogs. They are very attached to family members, hate loneliness, require attention and affection. In addition, Lagotto Romagnolo are very active, industrious and highly human-oriented. They do not show aggression, are not cowardly, emotionally stable and sociable.
As for behavior at home, one can note the calmness of these dogs. They do not destroy an apartment or spoil things when they are alone. At the same time, the return of the owner, even after a short absence, becomes a real holiday. Dogs are very curious, they enjoy exploring the territory while walking, they love to play and move. At the same time, they are distrustful of strangers, but they quickly make contact.
If the dog lives in a family, it will distinguish the owner among the household members, but this will not significantly change the behavior. Lagotto Romagnolo treats all members of the family with tenderness and love, and listens well to each of the family. They love children, they are able to spend a long time with them, they play with pleasure with kids and teenagers.
In addition, they react calmly to other pets, do not quarrel with cats, and are loyal to smaller pets.

The hunting instincts have dulled a little over time. At the same time, dogs remain excellent search engines, and they like to bring various items to the owner. The character warehouse and physiology do not allow dogs to become good guards, but they are not bad watchmen.
They react to suspicious moments with loud barking, which allows the owner to warn of possible troubles. Each of the moments has its pros and cons, so the future owner must accept a deliberate decision to purchase such a pet, depending on your needs and the availability of free time.

Education and training
With regard to education and training, this usually does not pose a problem. This is facilitated by the intelligence and ingenuity of the dogs. They are very communicative, they try to please the owner, therefore they quickly and with pleasure execute commands and remember them well.
It should be borne in mind that stiffness and pressure are unacceptable when working with this breed... Dogs need to be raised as gently as possible, over time they begin to perfectly understand and catch not only the tasks, but also the mood of the owner.
Experts recommend these dogs as first pets.

Features of the content
Dogs of this breed can be safely brought in a house or city apartment, they will feel quite comfortable in these conditions.The lagotto romagnolo has almost no molting, in addition, there are no smells either. Puppies do not create problems for the owners, do not spoil things, upbringing does not create difficulties.
It is recommended to keep dogs in the house or apartment.
They are able to withstand adverse weather conditions and be outside in a booth, but this will not leave a pleasant imprint on the psyche. The fact is that they need attention and communication, the animal will begin to get bored and weighed down by loneliness. This does not negate the fact that he needs long walks and active physical activity.

These pets are not called water dogs for nothing. Water is their weakness, they can swim not only in summer, but also in spring and autumn. This factor will also need to be taken into account and provide pets with such an opportunity. Load for the mind is also necessary, search for objects, active games and activities will be an excellent option.

Caring for representatives of this breed is not too difficult. It is enough to cut them in time, wash them, comb them out and carry out basic hygiene procedures.
The peculiarity of Italian water dogs is that molting is naturally present... However, due to the structure of the hair, the fallen hairs remain on the animal, and not on the floor. If combing is carried out in time, this moment does not cause any inconvenience, in addition, a weekly repetition of this procedure will help prevent the formation of tangles. You need to wash your pet once every 2-3 months.
The owner must regularly check the condition of the ears and teeth of the pet, and, if necessary, cut his nails... You may also need to wash your face after eating. A haircut is a must as the coat grows constantly. This makes it easier to care for and eliminates a lot of complications.

On how competently the dog's diet will be thought out, its health and external attractiveness depend. Experts recommend not to skimp on food, regardless of what type of feeding is chosen. The animal can eat both natural products and special feed for medium breeds. Representatives of this breed are not prone to allergies, but they can quickly gain excess weight, especially if their lifestyle is not too mobile.
Owners must ensure that the pet always has clean and fresh water freely available. It is also necessary to pay attention to the calorie content of food, if it is too high, this can cause problems. The main thing is not to indulge your pet unnecessarily.

Health and longevity
Representatives of this breed usually do not have any genetic diseases. On average, with proper care and good conditions they are able to live for about 13-14 years. Lagotto Romagnolo's health problems are not common, they have a fairly strong immune system.
Among hereditary diseases, special attention should be paid to orthopedic problems. Dogs also suffer from juvenile epilepsy and eye diseases. Breeding of the breed is not very common, but still there is a place to be. It is expressed in color changes, problems with bite, non-standard coat type. Dogs need to visit the veterinarian in a timely manner and get the necessary vaccinations. You should also treat parasites to keep your pet healthy and active.

Choosing a puppy
For our country, the Lagotto Romagnolo breed is not common. There are very few breeders dealing with it. Most of these dogs are delivered from the United States and Europe, but even there it is not widely put on stream. This must be taken into account if it was decided to have a pet.
Buying such puppies can take a long time, especially when it comes to selecting a pet that is planned to be displayed. This factor forms the pricing policy. On average, the cost of one baby is 80 thousand rubles.

Next, watch a video about dogs of the Lagotto Romagnolo breed.